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first skill cape


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anybody know what the fastest cape to get is? the cheapest? 2nd fastest? 2nd cheapest? any suggestion to what i should get first? (stats in sig) i get a visage a while ago so i can sell some of the stuff i bought for some cash.




thx in advance





Volleyball... THE BEST SPORT EVER!!!

visage drop:22/06/08

signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you if

barrows drops: none!

dragon drops: skirt x3, med x1.

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I would go for cooking, but even I think getting 99 in one of these skills JUST to get a skill cape is kind of sad. I could see if you wanted to trim a decent skill cape. But really the only thing an untrimmed cooking/fire making/fletching cape is going to get you is being looked down on. :|




Though if you really want one, get it. However most people I talk to who spend lots of money and time on one of these 3 skills as a first 99 usually regret it afterwards. My advice is to go for a 99 that will make you lots of money in the process, take fishing for example. :thumbsup:



-Recipient of Lesser Demon Champion Scroll

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4 reasons you may want a 99.




1. Kudos


2. The cape


3. Profit


4. Fun




1. Kudos depends on the cape. All the cheap and easy capes don't give much kudos so if you care about what other people think of you don't waste time on them.




2. If you can't do Fight Caves then the next best cape is a trimmed skill cape. In my opinion there is nothing wrong in getting 2 easy 99's for a trimmed cape. Sure you won't get much kudos, but the stats are the same as the ones which do give that.




3. If you can raise cash training a skill, and can stick it out to 99 then you get a cape! Plenty of people do this, two most common being woodcutting and fishing.




4. Runescape is a game, you play it to have fun. If you enjoy a skill and enjoy it enough to get it to 99, then the cape is a nice reward.




So to answer your questions:




The 3 easy capes are cooking, fletching and firemaking. Cooking is cheap, fast and semi afkable. Fletching can make you a profit, is fast and only slightly less afkable than cooking. Firemaking is cheap, medium speed but requires constant attention.




I get bored easily so I went for dropping firemaking and go for fletching, followed by cooking. I used the MTK minigame to get maples and profit, although switched to yews when I could. Carry on the MTK as the logs will be there for firemaking should you choose it, and the nests, seeds will get you cash. Once you have 99 fletch you should have the funds for 99 cooking.




I don't advise making a harder 99 your first 99, as as soon as you get a second 99 it becomes trimmed anyway.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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Cooking, fletching, and firemaking have a reputation as the easiest skillcapes. This is not necessarily correct; however, while not perhaps the top three, they all can be obtained with relatively low difficulty compared to other skills.




I disagree with their placement at the top, though. Cooking I understand--it can be pretty fast and pretty cheap and not very demanding if you use sharks. However, I would put thieving next to it. It's faster than the commonly-used methods of fletching and firemaking (the ones that got them their reputations as easy skills) and it costs less money.




Thieving is the skillcape I recommend you go for. First off, it has some sweet colors. Purple and black > purple and red, any day. Second, people don't think of it as a n00b cape despite the relative ease with which it can be obtained, so you won't be looked down upon for it the way some n00bs might look down on you for getting 99 cooking or fletching. And thirdly, it's really fast. Over 200k exp/hr, and free. (You even make money.) The biggest real downside is that the emote is crap, but that's honestly not a big deal most of the time.

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Most people don't think of quest cape as a skill cape, but I had so much fun getting it. If you are looking for a fun cape to get, quest cape is the way to go. Not only does it open up the entire game to you, you get all kinds of skill boots from the rewards. Also, its is not near as repetetive as a skill. Skill capes are great too, but just suggesting something I had fun with.



Drops/Clue Finds:

Shield left half: 1,Dragon plateskirt: 1, Warrior's Helm: 1, Obsidian Cape: 1, Robin Hood Hat: 1, Dragon Platelegs: 1, Dragon Boots: 4, Amulet of Ranging: 1

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Once again i completely agree with cat666.




Now, if you plan on going for a cape in a decent delay (1.5-2 monthes on healthy mode) and if you are completely poor, i doubt you'll be able to start cooking of firemaking since you'll have to loose a little cash. So i'd go for an extraction skill to gather some goods you be able to use or sell.


And there is a skill that is good to start with, also a decent cash maker on 80% of the road : hunting.




You'll have to go for 64 as soon as possible through every possible preys. Don't forget you can set multiple traps along your training. Since those levels are fast to get, do what you enjoy the most and not only what people tell you it's the fastest. I remember leaving salamenders due to the fact i was loosing my items. Once you reach 64, red chins all the way to the cape (45k).


That loooong road will learn you how a cape is not that easy to get... not due to the skilling itself, but because of you and your hability to stick to it for weeks. Moreover, this will be a strong challenge for you to face the other players to keep your spot.


Now, if you look at the reward, simply do some maths with a small price (625) : 45k*625 = 28,125 kgp


That ammount should let you think on what could be the next one : cooking of firemaking to get a trimmed...




And don't trust there is noob capes. Some are easier to obtain, that's a fact, but everyone need some work.

Oh baby light the dark side...

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thanks for the input everybody i think i might try thieving as troacctid suggested because there are not as many of those as there are of cooking, fletching and firemaking. ::' but first i gotta convince my parents to let me get a membership -.-





Volleyball... THE BEST SPORT EVER!!!

visage drop:22/06/08

signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you if

barrows drops: none!

dragon drops: skirt x3, med x1.

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You could do it the secret way and buy a pre-paid card from a store, or pay-by-SMS (expensive, but secret).










Also, theiving would be a good 99 to start with, as you will get used to the repetitiveness that will set in for the other 99's.


The first one is in some ways, the hardest. \'

Retired Crew Member | Retired RuneScape Player
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I'd say, do the skill you like. Dont go for a 99 just for the sake of having it. It will be very boring.


If you dont like any skills (or get bored quickly, like me), at least do skill that brings in some money. I'm talking about hunting, fishing, woodcutting, runecrafting, slayer, combat, ranged (if you dont chin), ... .


Like toracctid suggested, thieving is a quick, cheap, yet respected 99.

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King_Mirthas that's a good idea with the card but there's one problem... i have a bother(he is a :ugeek: ), and he would see me training thieving and say WTF YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A MEMBER!!!! MOM!!!! and then it goes on, i get in trouble and get grounded off the computer for at least the remainder of the subscription -.-





Volleyball... THE BEST SPORT EVER!!!

visage drop:22/06/08

signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you if

barrows drops: none!

dragon drops: skirt x3, med x1.

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