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New PIX0L siG and some other sig


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u have a pretty big house :shock:








and the sig is really good, wut r the shoulder pad things though? the ones that r glowin








suppose to be torags hammers. but my house isn't that big. only one story, but its long. but we rent out the other house by it.

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I dont like the green outline around the whip, it doesn't clash with the green on ur armor....








It's very nice tho, that's my only cc..








10/10 :D

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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i like the way youve portrayed runescape duelling, does that really happen :o ?








I can tell a lot of detail went into it so I give a 7/10, you cant really trust anyone on rs these days can ya? those two guys behind the one laughing look reeally dodgy, i bet ya theyre up to something :twisted: .








And that dead guy in the back, I dont see why no one's stolen that whip heh..








Dont know how to rate the second one but I suppose it look good, 5/10 fair? the two people in the sig look dark and in the way.. If im wrong ignore me :oops: ..








atb ~ Ter

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i like the way youve portrayed runescape duelling, does that really happen :o ?








I can tell a lot of detail went into it so I give a 7/10, you cant really trust anyone on rs these days can ya? those two guys behind the one laughing look reeally dodgy, i bet ya theyre up to something :twisted: .








And that dead guy in the back, I dont see why no one's stolen that whip heh..








Dont know how to rate the second one but I suppose it look good, 5/10 fair? the two people in the sig look dark and in the way.. If im wrong ignore me :oops: ..








atb ~ Ter








the two people are on the cover of "wish you were here"








and lp you can use it, but i'm not taking i'll still be using it. :P

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