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I train Crafting at the end of floors as well. Maybe that's why I'm still doing 30+ minute C6 smalls. :P


Honestly, I'd stick with RuneSpan for a bit. The nodes are spawning better now, but I have a feeling that they're going to "tweak" (read: nerf) them again before long. Better to get as much xp from them as you can now.


Oh, and congrats on 65 RC! :thumbsup:


Same here. I'm usually around 20-25 minutes per floor.

And yes, I see your point. Thanks!


Well I went and did a couple of floors, but with no level.

Now I'm back in the Runespan, training some Runecrafting, and hopefully getting some more levels.

I'm already very close to level 66 Runecrafting, so I for sure should get that tonight. Possibly 67? Who knows...





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My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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Cast gatestone huh... :-k


In any event, congrats on the lvls. RC has gotteen really AFK-able. But sometimes I forget and end up getting logged out. But yeah, I'd stay RCing now too. I feel the nerf coming in the winds...


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Cast gatestone huh... :-k


In any event, congrats on the lvls. RC has gotteen really AFK-able. But sometimes I forget and end up getting logged out. But yeah, I'd stay RCing now too. I feel the nerf coming in the winds...


Yea! I was just training some more Runecrafting!


I just read through my entire blog... and.. well... It has been a good couple of years :)


so.. much... nostalgia...

I guess Runescape has been good to me. Not to the point of addiction where I need to play, and also not to the point where I loath trying to play.

I've had plenty of 2-3 month long breaks, but overall, I think that has helped my love for the game.

I don't usually play too much at any given time, and I always try to do something I either enjoy or something that I'm working towards as a goal.


Oh, all the good times I've had.


Sorry about that little rant/sob story/flashback/whatever that really was...


So yea, for Runescape now, I've been training Runecrafting some more. Thanks for the advice guys!

I'm not sure how long I'll stay. At least until level 70 Runecrafting, but maybe if everything is going well, I'll go ahead and stay til level 75. :)

We shall see.





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My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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Cast gatestone huh... :-k


In any event, congrats on the lvls. RC has gotteen really AFK-able. But sometimes I forget and end up getting logged out. But yeah, I'd stay RCing now too. I feel the nerf coming in the winds...


Yea! I was just training some more Runecrafting!


I just read through my entire blog... and.. well... It has been a good couple of years :)


so.. much... nostalgia...

I guess Runescape has been good to me. Not to the point of addiction where I need to play, and also not to the point where I loath trying to play.

I've had plenty of 2-3 month long breaks, but overall, I think that has helped my love for the game.

I don't usually play too much at any given time, and I always try to do something I either enjoy or something that I'm working towards as a goal.


Oh, all the good times I've had.


Sorry about that little rant/sob story/flashback/whatever that really was...


So yea, for Runescape now, I've been training Runecrafting some more. Thanks for the advice guys!

I'm not sure how long I'll stay. At least until level 70 Runecrafting, but maybe if everything is going well, I'll go ahead and stay til level 75. :)

We shall see.





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The days of yelling "Selling Steel longswords!" in Lumby are over. We gettin' old. The game crashed on yesterday and my roommate said "Maybe it's a sign that you should let it go." Maybe it is roommate, maybe it is...


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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The days of yelling "Selling Steel longswords!" in Lumby are over. We gettin' old. The game crashed on yesterday and my roommate said "Maybe it's a sign that you should let it go." Maybe it is roommate, maybe it is...

It is nice to go back and be nostalgic about how things were (Saradomin knows I go back and read how things were in my own blog from time to time) but things change and progress, it's the natural order. Personally, I certainly don't miss trying to hawk my wares in the Lumby courtyard. :P


You just came back. Give it a chance before you give up on it again. :)



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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The days of yelling "Selling Steel longswords!" in Lumby are over. We gettin' old. The game crashed on yesterday and my roommate said "Maybe it's a sign that you should let it go." Maybe it is roommate, maybe it is...

It is nice to go back and be nostalgic about how things were (Saradomin knows I go back and read how things were in my own blog from time to time) but things change and progress, it's the natural order. Personally, I certainly don't miss trying to hawk my wares in the Lumby courtyard. :P


You just came back. Give it a chance before you give up on it again. :)


I will. But if another lvl 61 calls me a nasty name because they lost a FOG again... :evil:


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Nice to see you doing some runecrafting. I wish you the best of luck with this great skill :)

Thank you!

The days of yelling "Selling Steel longswords!" in Lumby are over. We gettin' old. The game crashed on yesterday and my roommate said "Maybe it's a sign that you should let it go." Maybe it is roommate, maybe it is...

It is nice to go back and be nostalgic about how things were (Saradomin knows I go back and read how things were in my own blog from time to time) but things change and progress, it's the natural order. Personally, I certainly don't miss trying to hawk my wares in the Lumby courtyard. :P


You just came back. Give it a chance before you give up on it again. :)


I will. But if another lvl 61 calls me a nasty name because they lost a FOG again... :evil:


Oh yes, the good old days, when I was a giant noob. I still do most of the things the same though haha :)

Polar, you an't stop now! and I'm glad you went to FOG to get some magic. Plus it can be fun. Maybe you need better luck with your opponents? Maybe the less immature ones would work better :)


The past couple of days have been great. Especially today though.


Level 66 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!

no pic...


Level 67 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!

no pic...


Level 68 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!




Level 69 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!

no pic...


Level 70 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!




During an hour period where I tracked my exp I gained roughly 46k exp. That was from using the body esshound, the earth essling, and any nodes water and above that showed up in my little area. It was also with minimal attention, but enough to not be wasting too much time. I think it is definitely possible to get much higher than that in F2P, but for me, that's pretty dang good!

I suppose I'll stop for now. I'm getting a little bit bored of it anyway. If they end up nerfing it, then I've been able to get what used to be my lowest skill (even behind 55 Agility in terms of exp) to one of my 70+ skills. :thumbsup: That's got to be worth something!

I'll most likely come back and train it casually to 75 and above whenever I'm bored or busy and want something easy and AFK to do.


I guess it's time to get on with 60 Dungeoneering. And 70 Crafting will come with that, I'm sure of it.

After I achieve those goals, I was thinking of getting my Ranged up to level 80. Any thoughts on that? If that goes well then possibly level 85. Now that would be quite impressive for me!


That's enough for today....





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My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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Looking good. Looking good. By the way, that little tracker in the upper right, where did that come from?


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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It's the xp tracker. It shows up, and disappears, when you left click on the "XP" in the circle. If you right click on it and select setup you can track up to 3 skills. Most people leave the first tracker on overall (which is the default) and use the other two.



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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It's the xp tracker. It shows up, and disappears, when you left click on the "XP" in the circle. If you right click on it and select setup you can track up to 3 skills. Most people leave the first tracker on overall (which is the default) and use the other two.


OMG! I am a noob again! NOOOOOOOO!

But thanks for telling me. That's pretty cool.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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It's the xp tracker. It shows up, and disappears, when you left click on the "XP" in the circle. If you right click on it and select setup you can track up to 3 skills. Most people leave the first tracker on overall (which is the default) and use the other two.


OMG! I am a noob again! NOOOOOOOO!

But thanks for telling me. That's pretty cool.


It's ok. I just found out a few days ago that I could change the counter to more than just overall exp. And even add more counters! The things non-noobs who are really noobs at heart learn...



My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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not too much going on...

Well my sister was getting an award today, so I had to go to that ceremony thing.

That took up most of the day because after the roughly 2 hour ceremony, my family and I went out for an early dinner and then I didn't get back home til 8.

Then came the school work. I had a second draft of a paper due tomorrow, so I was working on that all night.


So far for Runescape, I did one floor at Dungeoneering yesterday. It was almost unbearable. My fps was hovering around 20-25 for part of the time and then it would plummet to 2-4 for what seemed like minutes at a time.

I got ~3k out of the floor, but I gave up on that for yesterday and then just got off for the day.

While working on my paper, I decided to geet a little bit of AFK Runespan training for Runecrafting. That resulted in....


Level 71 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!

no pic... I'm sorry, but I was training AFK for a reason...


So if I actually get on tomorrow to train, I might try some Dungeoneering again. If that doesn't work out then perhaps I'll go back to Runespan and knock out level 72 Runecrafting? I'm sure I'll have some type of homework to do as well.





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My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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Well, my schooling is close to being over! Only 13 more days!

Other than that, here is some Runescape stuff...

While training Runecrafting, I got this nice little number...




and then shortly after came...


Level 72 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!




I'm currently 42k exp from level 73 Runecrafting!

I might be able to get that tonight or tomorrow night, but I'm not entirely sure... If not then, than maybe on Saturday night.

Friday is my prom, so hopefully that will be fun :)


I just need to do a little bit more school work for tonight, and then I can focus on Runecrafting!





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My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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Congratulations! :thumbup: It's always cool when you hit numbers exactly like that.


I'm sure you'll enjoy your prom, what I can remember of mine was lots of fun. Of course, that was years ago when dinosaurs still roamed the earth but I'm sure the premise is still the same. :P



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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I'm still working on level 75 Runecrafting.

Hopefully I will get a level tonight. Once I get finished with Runecrafting, I will be checking out the Firemaking update!


So far, bonfires look cool. I haven't actually checked them out yet, but I am anticipating a good change of pace from what it used to be.

It looks like my maple logs that were waiting to be slowly used for 80 Firemaking might actually get out of my bank very soon!


The sooner I finish Runecrafting, the sooner I get to Firemaking. Let's do this!





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My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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Well, I'm done with Runecrafting for now...


Level 73 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!

no pic...


Level 74 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!

no pic...


Level 75 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!




It's time for me to try out the bonfires. Apparently there is a cooking boost too, so I might try that out and get my 85 Cooking along with my 80 Firemaking.

I have all of my supplies, so it's really just a matter of time and energy to actually complete it.


Maybe I'll have updates for later today!





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My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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Congrats on 75 RC! :thumbsup:


There are boosts to xp for Firemaking when you add logs to a bonfire, and to xp for cooking when done on a bonfire. Nothing game breaking, but even small amounts add up over 13M xp. :thumbup:



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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The firemaking update is a win. Been using it for Combat training, FOG, and Dungeoneering.


So much better than before!


Congrats on 75 RC! :thumbsup:


There are boosts to xp for Firemaking when you add logs to a bonfire, and to xp for cooking when done on a bonfire. Nothing game breaking, but even small amounts add up over 13M xp. :thumbup:




So I sure did get a lot done today...


Level 76 Firemaking!!!!! W00t!!!!!




Level 61 Prayer!!!!! W00t!!!!!

no pic... I got it from a random exp lamp, so I wasn't ready to level!


Level 77 Firemaking!!!!! W00t!!!!!




Level 78 Firemaking!!!!! W00t!!!!!

no pic...


Level 79 Firemaking!!!!! W00t!!!!!

no pic...


Level 80 Firemaking!!!!! W00t!!!!!




I got over 780k exp in Firemaking today! That may be a single skill high for me.

It is so very easy to train now. I can see myself getting level 85, but I don't want to spend the money on supplies. Also, I may train Woodcutting in conjunction with it. And it might take me awhile. This was a rare day for me.


So now I for sure feel obligated to finish up 60 Dungeoneering.

I'm going to try to do that within the next week. I will not leave until it is done!





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My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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ok... well last update for today!


Level 70 Crafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!




Level 58 Dungeoneering!!!!! W00t!!!!!

no pic...


It is time for bed now; it has been a very long day...





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My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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You had a very busy day, indeed. Well done on all the level ups. :thumbsup:



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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You had a very busy day, indeed. Well done on all the level ups. :thumbsup:


Thanks! Hopefully more are to come.


Well, my new laptop came in the mail today! I'm currently typing from it right now!

From what I can tell, Runescape runs fine on it, so that's good news!

But, my mouse and keyboard have yet to come in the mail to help me with Runescape a little better.


While I'm studying for one of my AP tests that I have tomorrow, I think I'll get in some cooking on other people's bonfires.





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My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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ok... well last update for today!


Level 70 Crafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!




Level 58 Dungeoneering!!!!! W00t!!!!!

no pic...


It is time for bed now; it has been a very long day...





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I keep looking at your stats and I keep getting jealous. the only thing I best you in is mining. But congrats. You give me hope to keep going. Thou I'm not sure how I will do getting 80 defense.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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I keep looking at your stats and I keep getting jealous. the only thing I best you in is mining. But congrats. You give me hope to keep going. Thou I'm not sure how I will do getting 80 defense.


You can do it! Trust me haha :)


So, I've been thinking about trying for some 99's...

And really the two easiest ones that I could achieve are 99 Cooking and 99 Firemaking.

I went ahead and bought all of the supplies for roughly 90 in each skill. I figure that I might as well get both of them that high anyways. I should just start now.

If I can manage 100k exp in each skill each day then I would be able to get to 13m exp in about 110 days. If I can get more than 100k exp in each skill per day than maybe it would be about 95-100 days. If I can't get on everyday, than maybe up to 130-140 days.


So basically, if I stick to this goal, and have enough money for supplies, I could have two 99's on my account in 95-140 days. This is actually kind of exciting!


Let me know what you think. If I get some positive feedback, I think the 99's will be very achievable. If not, then I can always stop at 90.





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Cooking and Firemaking are both at 2.2m/13m exp



My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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