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What do you think this year is the year of?


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is this the year of Summoning?




the first grandmaster quest?


the minigames? (fog, SC)


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Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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The year of Runescape HD.




It's technically like releasing Runescape 3. Probably the biggest difference between Classic and "2" was the graphics. But I guess they were nice this time, and only changed the graphics, not changing absolutely everything. I doubt they'll ever make it Runescape "3", because there's way too much to change entierely. It's surprising that they could even graphically update the majority of the graphics.




Summoning would come in second. It shows we can have much to look forward too, due to programming advancements. It seems that Jagex is stuck at a point with programming. Sometimes they say "Sorry, we can't fix that with the current game engine." Then, guess what? They upgrade the game engine! Jagex is a team of programming geniuses, and they have limitless possiblities as to what they can add in Runescape, or any new games, in the future.







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