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IP addresses and their effects in runescape


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In runescape, if the fourth number of your IP address is low then you seem to have presidence over certain actions. For example, if the fourth number of player 1's ip address was 10 and the fourth number of player 2's ip address was 250 and player 2 tried to walk through a door that player 1 kept shutting, he would not be successful. For some reason it seems that a lower fourth number in your ip allows the game to respond to your click faster than it responds to someone with a higher fourth number. This may sound very unlikely, I did not believe it for quite a while, but it has been tried and tested and is found to be true.




My question is, can anybody explain why this is? Why does a low fourth number in your IP address (which should surely have nothing to do with any interaction with a game since it is a randomly assigned number...) have this effect? This question has been put to 'experts' on specialist websites about IP adresses but these 'experts' simply said that what I said in the first paragraph was incorrect and because it was to do with runescape, the person asking the question must be a child and therefore is not a reliable source of information. At least the people using this forum (probably) have an opportunity to test this out for themselves before saying that my claims are entirely false.




All input is welcome but please do not simply say that I am wrong because I'm not :P

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Where on earth did you read this? :lol:




I'm afraid to say you are wrong; despite your claims of 'tried and tested', it's quite clearly a load of bunk. Having a lower number on the fourth part of your IP does not make the game respond to your click faster. Your IP has nothing to do with priorities in game.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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IMO, you're wrong.




Your IP is a randomly assigned number that identifies each internet-connected router or modem. It has nothing to do with the way you browse the internet, or how your computer interacts with servers, other computers, and games.




Give me "proof". It's probably wrong as well. I'm open though, if you do find something. ::'


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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Dracion that response was unhelpful, it is not 'quite clearly' anything as I am sure you have not taken the time to investigate my claims but have simply repeated what you learned from a textbook at some point. Please do not post if you are not even open to further explanation or demonstration.




George, I would happily show you 'proof' (although a demonstration would just be evidence rather than proof) but it could only work if you have a dynamic IP address. I would show you the demonstration like I did in my first post with the door but this would only work if you could change your IP address so that you could compare the difference when your fourth number was lower than or higher than my fourth number. Feel free to PM me either on these forums or on runescape if you want me to show you.




To others reading this thread, I am not a child repeating something that he has heard. I am a physics undergraduate and as such I do not like to make a fool of myself by making a thread claiming something I know nothing about. When I play runescape I play castlewars and it has been found that the person who gets the flag when it is dropped depends upon the fourth number of the IP address (and partly on the third but that isn't as important as it is even harder to demonstrate). I have played castlewars for about 2-3 hours per day for the last 6 months and my IP address at home is dynamic so I can see how certain fourth numbers affect my success at getting the flag.




I realize the main definition of an IP address and why it exists but is there anything that anyone knows of that is affected by IP and could therefore affect the game's response to your click?




Thanks in advance for any constructive replies :)

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You don't get it do you. It's like the so called Xbox 360 towel trick. The theory behind that is if you put a towel round a 360 with a red ring, it will supposedly overheat and remelt the solder. This isn't the case, as a physics undergraduate you probably know that solder generally melts at temperatures of 180oC or higher which you can't get just by wrapping the towel round the console.




This is the same. It's a 'myth' as such. The effect you described is either just down to chance, or varying internet speeds. Why would JaGex insert any code in the game at all to produce this effect? They need your money after all to maintain a profitable business. Why would they want to do this if they knew it would put some people off playing the game? What about IPv6?




I'd like to see some source to back this up please. Has this been posted anywhere else, or did you just rip it straight off the Rsof? What research have you done? What so called 'experts' are you on about here? I'm sorry, but I doubt you'll get very far on these forums if you just come in here making claims like this.




EDIT: Quick find code: 25-26-674-58121060 - Page 4.




To the matter in hand, this idea about I.P's determining who gets the flag is a rather strange theory that as far as I am aware is completely wrong.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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In answer to your first paragraph, if Jagex coding was the cause of this effect then there is no reason why they would not be able to mainitain a profitable business. It does not put anyone off the game as it does not affect the vast majority of players and those who do know about it can normally just change their IP address if they desire. I don't know what IPv6 is so i can't comment.




Next, as I have mentioned already, I did not rip this off the RSOF, I have known of the effects for a while now and it has puzzled me because it makes so little sense. The 'research' that I have done, though i wouldn't put it so formally, has been observing the effects of my IP address changing (at home where i have a dynamic address) on the success of my clicking. The 'experts' that I were talking about were moderators on a forum on a website called whatismyipaddress.com (or something similar) but from your tone i judge that you misread what I said, these people disagreed with my claims.




I came onto these forums to ask this question because the majority of people that participate in the forums have a runescape account that they can test my theory on if they really dont believe me (which I believe George has done).




http://z10.invisionfree.com/Cwcommunity ... c=657&st=0




The above is a link to a thread on a castlewars fansite with discussion about IP addresses and how they affect clicking. Although alot of the posts are spam, and it seems that all the 'official' sources of information disagree with what I'm saying, but the important thing is that the people who actually play the game and feel the effects of IP on a day to day basis are in agreement with me.




Thankyou for your comment as it was alot more constructive than your first. I do realise that my claims sound stupid but when you actually test it, you find that what I'm saying is correct.

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In answer to your first paragraph, if Jagex coding was the cause of this effect then there is no reason why they would not be able to mainitain a profitable business. It does not put anyone off the game as it does not affect the vast majority of players and those who do know about it can normally just change their IP address if they desire.




That still doesn't give any reason for them to do it. Why go to the effort of inserting the code in if it's only going to make the game worse for a small minority of people and not affect anyone else?




I don't know what IPv6 is so i can't comment.




You're a physics undergraduate and yet you can't be bothered to look it up on Google?




Next, as I have mentioned already, I did not rip this off the RSOF, I have known of the effects for a while now and it has puzzled me because it makes so little sense. The 'research' that I have done, though i wouldn't put it so formally, has been observing the effects of my IP address changing (at home where i have a dynamic address) on the success of my clicking. The 'experts' that I were talking about were moderators on a forum on a website called whatismyipaddress.com (or something similar) but from your tone i judge that you misread what I said, these people disagreed with my claims.




I came onto these forums to ask this question because the majority of people that participate in the forums have a runescape account that they can test my theory on if they really dont believe me (which I believe George has done).




So, moderating a forum makes someone an expert on the subject on whatever the forum is about? And also, one result isn't really enough to support this. Yes other people are complaing about this too, but have you compared other things whilst trialling it out? Have you tested connection speed? Are you always running exactly the same internet-using programs each time? Sure people can test it out, but how can we tell if the results are reliable or not? Especially when the theory says that it should have no effect what so ever.








The above is a link to a thread on a castlewars fansite with discussion about IP addresses and how they affect clicking. Although alot of the posts are spam, and it seems that all the 'official' sources of information disagree with what I'm saying, but the important thing is that the people who actually play the game and feel the effects of IP on a day to day basis are in agreement with me.




Posting a link to the forum of what could be a photo-shopped image with a lot of people saying 'lol' does not support your point in the slightest.




Thankyou for your comment as it was alot more constructive than your first. I do realise that my claims sound stupid but when you actually test it, you find that what I'm saying is correct.




My first comment was perfectly reasonable. Like I said, common sense and 'the theory' states that there should be no effect as I pointed out.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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Basically, I didn't make this thread so I could debate whether or not the effect that I have described is real or not. I have explained how it can be tested on runescape if you want to see for yourself.




All I want to know is if anyone can tell me why your IP address affects who's click is successful.




Thanks :)

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This question has been put to 'experts' on specialist websites about IP adresses but these 'experts' simply said that what I said in the first paragraph was incorrect and because it was to do with runescape, the person asking the question must be a child and therefore is not a reliable source of information.


Gee, I wonder why...




All I want to know is if anyone can tell me why your IP address affects who's click is successful.


It's not. The last octet of your IP has nothing to do with who "gets the flag."





EDIT: Quick find code: 25-26-674-58121060 - Page 4.




To the matter in hand, this idea about I.P's determining who gets the flag is a rather strange theory that as far as I am aware is completely wrong.
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Errdoth, if you don't believe what I'm saying then you're more than welcome to try it out using the method I described above but again that is not the point. Please don't post to tell me I'm wrong because you haven't tested it yourself and your post is not answering my question. From now onwards, please do not post if you disagree with what I'm saying because I don't care about people's opinions on whether what I'm saying is truth or not. If, however you can think of a reason why IP would affect who's click is successful then I would dearly love to hear it :)

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Errdoth, if you don't believe what I'm saying then you're more than welcome to try it out using the method I described above but again that is not the point. Please don't post to tell me I'm wrong because you haven't tested it yourself and your post is not answering my question. From now onwards, please do not post if you disagree with what I'm saying because I don't care about people's opinions on whether what I'm saying is truth or not. If, however you can think of a reason why IP would affect who's click is successful then I would dearly love to hear it :)


There is no damned reason. Someone else has a faster connection to the server than you or they clicked before you, that's all there is to it.

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Errdoth, if you don't believe what I'm saying then you're more than welcome to try it out using the method I described above but again that is not the point. Please don't post to tell me I'm wrong because you haven't tested it yourself and your post is not answering my question. From now onwards, please do not post if you disagree with what I'm saying because I don't care about people's opinions on whether what I'm saying is truth or not. If, however you can think of a reason why IP would affect who's click is successful then I would dearly love to hear it :)


There is no damned reason. Someone else has a faster connection to the server than you or they clicked before you, that's all there is to it.

I have to second that, It's all about latency and this is one of the lamest discussions (Subject) I've ever seen on Tip.it.
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Errdoth, if you don't believe what I'm saying then you're more than welcome to try it out using the method I described above but again that is not the point. Please don't post to tell me I'm wrong because you haven't tested it yourself and your post is not answering my question. From now onwards, please do not post if you disagree with what I'm saying because I don't care about people's opinions on whether what I'm saying is truth or not. If, however you can think of a reason why IP would affect who's click is successful then I would dearly love to hear it :)


There is no damned reason. Someone else has a faster connection to the server than you or they clicked before you, that's all there is to it.

I have to second that, It's all about latency and this is one of the lamest discussions (Subject) I've ever seen on Tip.it.


I third that...And any "proof" or "evidence" isn't reliable. How do you know that the other people aren't clicking after you and/or have a slower internet.


Please don't get angry when people come and tell you that your theory is incorrect when they know more about the subject.

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I tried it with a friend online who has a variable adress as well. It didn't make any difference (I usually won :P )




The reason? Faster internet speed, and lower ping and latency. Not some supposed code inside Runescape. Sorry.




Th3 1n73rw3b2 4r3 4 d4ng3r0u2 pl4c3. D0n't b3l1v3 wut u h34r. :ugeek: [/random]


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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IP address have nothing to do with your action presidence.




You might be thinking of pid. Which was used primarily in rsc as a way judge how easily you could catch someone while pking. In rs2 it isn't really needed. pid was given to a player upon connection to a server. you needed a hacked client to even find out what your pid was. People would use bots to repeatedly log in and out until there pid was low. those same people usually used autocatchers to make pking easier for them but lame for everyone else. Your IP address was in no way used to determine what your pid would be. The difference in connections was so slight that latency has a much bigger impact on action order.

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