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Corruption destroys Violent Resolution


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Corruption massed up for our planned PK trip this Saturday, we had all intentions to go out and hit either DF or VR. After we amazingly pulled 300opts at High Altar, we hopped over to the worlds we had on DF. Eventually we caught a small group of them northwest of Spiders, dropped them and went looking for the rest. Heard they were on W32 and by the time we went to hop, got information that Titans had hit them. So we left them be.




Shortly after that I got a PM from Evizu saying do we want to fight. I told him sure and after ~30minutes VR came out with 280opts and around 105 in teamspeak I think. Fight began at Members gate and Corruption got off to a sweet start.




Dominated the entire fight from Start > End, anybody who denies that one needs a reality check. Our snipers ruined VR's hybrids and fall-in leaders, while our main fall-in constantly hit there re-groups, wherever it be. Within the first hour we had VR really low, the last ~2 hours was just running from spiders > gds hunting and kill VR. We had transitions all over the place, killed around 4-5 people to their 1, every time. Had 10-15 man streaks of transitions at times, pure domination and so much fun.




Surprised VR lasted as long as they did, their gear dropped to low standards as usual, while their fall-in leaders were returning in range and avoiding any possible confrontation.




Corruption Starting: 303options


Violent Resolution Starting: 280ish options (more in ts) - peaked at 116 people before swiftly falling






Corruption Ending: 330 options


Violent Resolution Ending: 0 on battlefield






Just past the 2.5 hour mark VR called it, logging out and walking to single. Corruption stood strong with 200-250opts during the fight, and ended with an impressive 110 people.




Considering we only have 140 members + fa's, and we pulled 110 of those - I wouldn't say that's bad? Maybe that's the definition of a slumping clan these days.




Good fight VR, excellent job Corruption. Destroyed.




Only 3 hours VR?; http://i42.tinypic.com/1zob8yh.png


Err...Yeah OK VR?;









One of our best performances in a while. Proved that at even opts, Vr simply can't compete and their last 2 wins were simply flukes.


14 kills, 2 deaths, binded the whole fight.


Only thing worse than Vr's performance was their gear - they were returning without rune items, or 3/4 iteming and refusing to skull. Even their warlords were ranging in defence ammies with mithril arrows and addy helms. I suggest they stick to something they're good at like hacking/scamming rather than pkris. :lol:



Proud Leader of the Corruption Clan. PM me to set up a fight or for any queries relating to my clan.

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Good job Corruption.


They're all talk hackers and filth (You can see who i'm siding with huh)




The NH returning in welfare is a joke. You would think they had pride in their clan after all the big talk and defensive talk.




Great win. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Cmon, Corr, let's see maxed ops :D Grats.


max opts requires 133 people... we have 135 members :lol:


soon though, soon ;)



Proud Leader of the Corruption Clan. PM me to set up a fight or for any queries relating to my clan.

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