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A cook-all selection on ranges


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We already have "Smith X Ore" for furnaces, so it's only logical that we have the same idea on ranges. Of course, it wouldn't be all at once but would take the same amount of time to cook an inventory of lobsters but with just one click. What do you think?








EDIT: Err, I think I posted this on the wrong board. Sorry, please move.



I swear some of you people would think it was a fair update if we had a lever you could pull which gave you 99 all stats and any item you liked. ----- Paul Gower; Runescape Senior Content Designer

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although cooking is easy, jagex is trying to develope a way to reduce the ammount of clicking in runescape. IMO the range idea is one of the best ways to reduce it.








ive suggested this before, and im sure thousands of other ppl have, but i dont see why jagex is to stuborn to introduce it

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I haven't thought about this before but... i think it'd be reeeeeally easier to put 'Cook X'... But it's been some time and Jagex doesn't seem to be adding it so... Either they have a good reason, or they're being lazy.








It would be great if they added this though.

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No, cooking is easy enough and fast enough as it is, as for the comparison with smelting you have to remember that smelting an iron ore (the one that smelt x is most useful for) gives 1/10th of the exp of cooking a lobster.

there are no stupid questions

just way too many inquisitive idiots

balance is scary to people who like things easy for them


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Cooking is one of the easiest skills in Runescape, just look at the amount of xp you get...You already get 30xp just from cooking chickens which is a lot if you think about it in comparison to the other skills. A cook all option would make it easier than it already is, no particular need for this I think.

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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I always wanted to start a similar topic, but I keep forgetting.








The idea is fine if it means less clicking, but not less time. That way, nobody levels up any faster, yet your mouse will last a couple of months longer :)








I realize cooking isn't that hard as it is, I don't see any reason why this change shouldn't happen.









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