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What's the fastest way to get 99 range as f2p from 64 range?



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K, I have like 6m 40 def and 64 range and 55 hp, where should I train my range at? I'm only talking for f2p, I tried other guides, but they seem soooooooo slow. I'm a tank 2h (str will be developed soon) so how do I get my range up fast to 99? Thanks, for your help.





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lessers slow.. ankou slow... fleshies slow because you either have to 'tank' them and even with rune legs+helm you get hit a 'decent' amount, and having to run a screen over to re aggravate also slows the xp down, they also have 25 hp so you end up over killing a bit too much.




I would go with either red spiders in Varrok sewer nice little mushroom formation, and if you are alone there is a never ending series of spiders, it is multi so if someone tried to steal you just keep on attacking. You are also not tempted with drops like the other spots.


or hobgob peninsula.




In both places you will not pick up your arrows, makes the xp come a little faster, but both are click training, so you kinda have to pay attention.

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You're about my level and the best xp that I have found so far are the level 30 zombies in the second floor of SOS. Once you hit 70-75 you'd probably get better results at ankous (plus they have better drops), since they have much higher hp. Stick with the ankous till 99. Considering the amount of time it'll take I'd use mith instead of the regular iron/steel; the ankous' drops should pay for it.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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