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What would you do? (A friend lies)


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Well by legend I thought you meant someone famous or who's a great individual, that's why I was really confused... Oh and the pack of wolves thing is just something I came up with randomly. I was just saying that unless he did something special like that I wouldnt see him as (my "version" of) a legend. And I do understand how you feel about him getting beat up. Re-reading my first post I see I didnt really word it out that great and/or didnt understand everything as I do now. Anyway I'm sorry for the minor misunderstanding. I wasnt doubting your thinking, it's just that I didnt really understand everything but it's all clear now. :wink:




Heh, I didn't know what an emo kid or bling was for ages ;) I had a basic idea but never a full definition ;)

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Thats not a friends thats a Pedo








Slamming his head into the wall a number of times (about 150 will do) should sort the problem out.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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  • 5 years later...

Here is an update for anyone who cares. Matt (the 15 year old) was beaten pretty badly (cracked jaw) by some year 8 (just gone 14 years old lmao) who was also after my sister, Matt is currently unable to eat. I personally think this is great, even though it sounds a little mean. Sadly the year 8 now has no chance with my sister, which is bad because he is a legend and deserves anyone that he wants ;)

just sit back and observe what happens him getting the snot beat out of him was a sighn from god that the relationship was not meant to be or the dude has really bad carma.

but i think dating a twelve year old is fine i dated one when i was fifteen and nothing bad happend we just one day decided we were best off being friends and by we i meen me.

but you should pray about it to whatever religous figurew you believe in and hope for the best that is the only reasonable and unrash thing i can think of at the moment.

just watch them pray and hope for the best?

also if you believe that aliens created humans and therefor there is no god do you still pray?

way off topic but a valid question.

about him lying he was probably worried that you'd think what a couple of the people that responded were.

that he was eh trying to get layed and figured a twelve year old was easy pray.

or like me he could like her right now and dislike her in a month or two but the thing is you need to let them figure it out offer some advice but try not to seem against the idea support her decisions and try to help her as best you can without involving yourself to much in her relationships.

and remembber relationships change as people do.

so i'm sorry if all of this is basicly useless.

i tend to spew useless garbage but maybe you'll see what i'm trying to say.

i mean i have seven sisters so i feel you bro. but i have to advize aagainst any rash or sudden attempts to sabatoge or convince them there wrong.

my reasoning being that sometimes when people tell you no it makes you want it more.

well thats all i've got to say on the topic and i am sorry for the extrodinarily long post.


i thought you should hear all this from someone who has had the same problem as you.

i'm not going to tell you exactly how i dealt with it but i let them go and everything turned outt alright.

so have patience stay calm and level headed and keep an open mind to her thoughts and ideas about her relationship it will help.

(try and trust me pleas.) because she will inadvertently come to talk with you so you will need to not seem one sided when she does.

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Lionheart not knowing how to spell experience? Can't be new...JESUS. how did a 6-year old thread survive the roll backs?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Don't bump old threads.


@Giordano: Backups were made of the database - thus the only posts/topics lost in the rollback were those that occurred after the last backup. Since this thread was so old it had existed long before the back up and was therefore restored. I believe there was about a three month window in 2008 that was lost only.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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