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Biscit's Blog; Quit DROP PARTY NOW

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Just read some of the earlier posts, I have PSN too, but we can talk about that ingame ;)




Did you not screenshot your levels yesterday? I need to see those rough f2p conditions :P




Watch your back.. there might be a noob begging for free stuff ! :lol:










And oh yeah thanks for reminding me, I'll only put the 1 decent level up :




P.S I got membs thanx


null and void

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So yeah


I got members and sold stuff and I have 12m worth of items, and got 11m in cash for my highest ever cash pile :)


Bought some stuff to welfare barrows but stayed above 10m <3:




Got a Karils Coif on my 2nd run, didn't screeny, meh 45k


Got a loop half of key on run 4


then on run 7...




5.1m pls




Next run...




Nice one me!


All that in 10 runs:




6m, really not bad for about 3 hours work :)


Nice first day of members


had to stop before I got addicted and i was running out of deaths




the coins pretty much cover the cost of food used


3 sup str + sup atts, 1 prayer pot (used as an emergency in the run where i got helm :)) and a few house tabs comes to 30k max




so yeah, just under 6m which means I can buy my whip and a few other bits, and remain above 10m cash!


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Well it kinda balances my luck out really seeing as I've never had a dragon drop, my best monster drop being a rune chain from a black demon lol #-o so barrows is where all my luck lies, and I'm happy with that!


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No way. "I'll get a dh helm for you"...








Bad clue from Kurask, ill post it later


Rune long + rune Baxe + MLB + sharks :(


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A few things today,


Checked MTK, not bad




Finished clue, utter rubbish.




Got 78 Defence




Finished Kurask task and made 250k <3:


Reorganising bank, will upload when Its done :)


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Am at my dads this weekend so won't be playing 'til sunday, P.S if anyone can make me a banner I would be very appreciative :)




To do:




Penguins and get 60 Agility


Do Tearsof Guthix and get Farming up a wee bit


Get 80 Defence via slayer tasks


Get 80 Attack via slayer tasks


Complete all current goals, starting with Rc and make some more moneys <3:


Farm herbs for herblore and trees for quick farming exp (Need 65 for WGS)


If i get up to 20m, I'll buy a SS :D


Get stats for all quests


Do all quests


Have fun!


null and void

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Im changing back to Sumona -.-




Kurasks (weren't bad)


Jungle Horrors -.-


Cave Crawlers -.-


Fever Spiders -.-


Jungle Horrors -.-




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stay persistent with your goals is what i've learned from runescape. so good luck with that. btw just a tip for your blog. try to get it all on the first page, and just update that first page a lot. then visitors to your blog like me can acutally see whats going on, and we dont have to scroll through pages and pages of endless level pictures.

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stay persistent with your goals is what i've learned from runescape. so good luck with that. btw just a tip for your blog. try to get it all on the first page, and just update that first page a lot. then visitors to your blog like me can acutally see whats going on, and we dont have to scroll through pages and pages of endless level pictures.




It would take so much room on the first page and I get bored scrolling through level pictures on peoples front pages. I just put the mnost recent ones toward the end, and my blog is fairly old so its easier to just read the last 2/3 pages to see my recent levels/ drops because the other stuff will be irrelevant.


Thats for the post and encouragement though :)


I'll have 60 agility shortly once I finish penguins, I owned 2 revs yesterday in my slayer gear... why do people say they're hard to kill?


Just pray mage and melee their [wagon].


but i nearly died against a green drag so i teled lol.


1/10 penguins found this week.


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60 Agility!




I love penguins :)




Just bought stuff for 60 rc




I'll have 14.5m and 26 glorys when I'm done, btw I'm doing Laws 'cos they're faster and more money <3:




Hunter will be next


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Gave up on Rc


Sold all the stuff and had 13m


Bought stuff for Dks so back down to 8m, just waiting for Ben to come online and teach me to be pro :)


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Anyone whos internet is provided by Sky has been banned from IRC because of something about child porn -.-


So i have to settle with FSM CC which is all good :)


Questing again, going to do all the ones im capable of, then get skills for the other 4 or so.


Yes I am going to do MEP2 with 60 agility + pots, idc what you say i cbf to train agility


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I took a hell of a lot of screenshots yesterday so I'll upload them and check what they are lol, I got 3 quests done yesterday but i screenied 1 of them i think, I have 8 left to do, 5 of which I have the levels required so I'll attempt those today before getting the levels for the other 3 (WGS, Rocking Out + Curse of Arrav)








Took that when I was a penguin :)




Sailing ?!?!








Got this for:




Naise, I got to end of jade vien the first time and forgot spade -.-, but that got me:


wlrrl5.png (7 more to go for WGS + Garden pie -.-)






Yesterday I also did Hunt for the Red Raktubar? (Penguin 1)


And Missing my Mummy, which was quite good :)




Starting Legacy of Seergaze asap.


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