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G.E. Database


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Hello, I think this is a very simple suggestion, but you know when you click the link to the GE database, you see %s of a variety of items? Well, wouldn't it be a smart idea so that you can change what items you want to see each time you go into the database? Like if you are keeping a cloase watch on let's say... a Z spear. (been rising alot lately) whenever you go to the database, you can see how much it rose today, along with a list of other custom items you could add. Simple idea, think it would work great. What do you think? :thumbsup:

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i think that you should be able to choose what goes along the scroll bar at the top which just says random things...

1100 total achieved 03/02/09 880thousandth to reach it :P

1200 total achieved 29/09/11 1.23millionth to reach it :P


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The scroll bar is more of a decoration than anything, but it would be nice if it only showed items which are traded frequently.




I'd really like to be able to make a custom graph of multiple items I want to follow the price of, which I can check quickly. Throw in a logarithmic scale so it's easy to use with items of contrasting value and then I'll be happy.




Come to think about it, that's probably something we could do with the Microhelper... :-k

~ W ~



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The scroll bar is more of a decoration than anything, but it would be nice if it only showed items which are traded frequently.




I'd really like to be able to make a custom graph of multiple items I want to follow the price of, which I can check quickly. Throw in a logarithmic scale so it's easy to use with items of contrasting value and then I'll be happy.




Come to think about it, that's probably something we could do with the Microhelper... :-k


That is a good idea for the Microhelper :thumbsup:

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I'd like a way to access the database programmatically, like the high scores. That wouldn't be difficult at all for Jagex. Everybody wins - less work for Jagex; instead, other people will make web sites that can track prices more easily.




Who knows, this might happen when the darn thing gets out of BETA.


Gmail's been in beta for five years.



Thanks Draynor.net!

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I'd like a way to access the database programmatically, like the high scores. That wouldn't be difficult at all for Jagex. Everybody wins - less work for Jagex; instead, other people will make web sites that can track prices more easily.




Who knows, this might happen when the darn thing gets out of BETA.


Gmail's been in beta for five years.




I'm amazed that no one has asked Mod MMG what the plans are for moving the GE out of beta. The database has been in beta for what, a year and a half or so?




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I'd like a way to access the database programmatically, like the high scores. That wouldn't be difficult at all for Jagex. Everybody wins - less work for Jagex; instead, other people will make web sites that can track prices more easily.




Who knows, this might happen when the darn thing gets out of BETA.


Gmail's been in beta for five years.




I'm amazed that no one has asked Mod MMG what the plans are for moving the GE out of beta. The database has been in beta for what, a year and a half or so?


That's a really good idea. :thumbup:

~ W ~



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  • 2 weeks later...

On a similar but almost unrelated note, i've used Gmail for all of the 5 years, even when it was a closed beta you had to get an invitation to.

Calling fishing a money-making skill would be an exaggeration.


Not exactly funny, but a good quote, no doubt. Also, he probably doesn't know I stole this from him.

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