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Rejecting Censorship


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I think the censor just needs a little more work on it, but shouldnt be removed altogether. They need to work on some things, much like censoring the 'q' in my name ingame, Dan*azmlp is rather annoying.




Removing it, or even having it optional would just encourage people to swea, or try to swear more. At the moment people won't swear or try to swear much ingame because it is censored, but if they could turn it off there would be swearing everywere, even if it was censored for me, i would still have to put up with people ******!'ing at me all the time, because now THEY can swear. It makes the whole place a whole lot more unpleasent, and brings the game way down.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Leave censorship in the free worlds, but take it out for us Members!!!!


Because all members are completely sensible and mature -.-


Yep. And it only costs 6 dollars a month. Talking about cheap maturity huh? Why grow up when you can just be P2P?

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Leave censorship in the free worlds, but take it out for us Members!!!!


Because all members are completely sensible and mature -.-


Yep. And it only costs 6 dollars a month. Talking about cheap maturity huh? Why grow up when you can just be P2P?


lol i like your logic :D

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I think the censor just needs a little more work on it, but shouldnt be removed altogether. They need to work on some things, much like censoring the 'q' in my name ingame, Dan*azmlp is rather annoying.





Yes, the censor IS annoying. And it hinders communication. That is my contention.




Removing it, or even having it optional would just encourage people to swea, or try to swear more. At the moment people won't swear or try to swear much ingame because it is censored,




This made me Lol :lol:




Like people don't bypass the censor 5,000,000 times a day...




Actually, they get a feeling of "Ooh, I'm so clever" from it.




but if they could turn it off there would be swearing everywere, even if it was censored for me, i would still have to put up with people ******!'ing at me all the time, because now THEY can swear. It makes the whole place a whole lot more unpleasent, and brings the game way down.




Report them. Rule 1 is still in effect.




If all else fails, you can keep your censor off.

You will earn my gratitude if you pick one thing about my post above which you would like me to change and send it to me in a private message.

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The second they implemented such a function as to turn the censor on and off; All the little kiddies would make accounts with the birthdays over the age of 13, running around abusing the fact that they can now swear as much as they want to whomever they want. Jagex would then get a bunch of emails from very unhappy parents saying that their kid just dropped the F Bomb at the dinner table and said they learned it over their game and wonders why Jagex isn't protecting their children. Because parents today rely too much on other's to keep an eye on their children instead of raising them their selves with better morals. That is only my opinion though.




I think they should lighten the censor just a bit, but not make it optional to turn on and off.



Art in my avatar was drawn for me by the love of my life. <3

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I think the censor just needs a little more work on it, but shouldnt be removed altogether. They need to work on some things, much like censoring the 'q' in my name ingame, Dan*azmlp is rather annoying.





Yes, the censor IS annoying. And it hinders communication. That is my contention.




Removing it, or even having it optional would just encourage people to swea, or try to swear more. At the moment people won't swear or try to swear much ingame because it is censored,




This made me Lol :lol:




Like people don't bypass the censor 5,000,000 times a day...




Actually, they get a feeling of "Ooh, I'm so clever" from it.




but if they could turn it off there would be swearing everywere, even if it was censored for me, i would still have to put up with people ******!'ing at me all the time, because now THEY can swear. It makes the whole place a whole lot more unpleasent, and brings the game way down.




Report them. Rule 1 is still in effect.




If all else fails, you can keep your censor off.




whats the point in turning it off if you can't swear still? It's like saying 'here have a free whip, but if you take it your banned'. The annoyance from the censor is minimal at most, especially since the re-work a short while ago.




And on the topic of people bypassing the censor, you really overestimate this game. Without a censor, this game would be absolutely flooded with little kids/young-teenagers who have absolutely no regard for others and would go around swearing, i would bet on f2p worlds you would rarely see a line without *'s if you had it turned off, if the censor was optional. At the moment its easy to have a civilised conversation without having to put up with immaturity.




You have to think outside of the actual change, the effect it will have on people, if the censor was optional, i would find it hard to have a civilised conversation with people because my chat would be filled with *'s from other people running around swearing, and i can guarentee people would do that, much much much more than it would be possible to report and ban them.




Which also leads to Jagex customer support or whoever deals with reports, I doubt they want to handle an extra few million reports everyday through people swearing without the censor.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Jagex should allowed players to toggle the censor on and off just like you can in WoW. Maybe it's just an overall maturity level, but I never find anyone abusing cuss words just because there's no censor.


Maybe because the average RS'er still thinks its cool to swear. And if you act like a [developmentally delayed] on WoW you pretty much have no one to play with, and if your an a-hole, they won't invite you back to a party.

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Jagex should allowed players to toggle the censor on and off just like you can in WoW. Maybe it's just an overall maturity level, but I never find anyone abusing cuss words just because there's no censor.






I hate to say it, but thats because the maturity level is rs is waaaaaaaaaay lower. Ever been to a rs riot and seen people spamming *****'s? Thats what it would be like everywhere for somebody with censorship on if you could toggle it. People would be swearing just for the hell of swearing thinking they are cool, and it would be impossible to ban them all.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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And if you act like a [developmentally delayed] on WoW you pretty much have no one to play with, and if your an a-hole, they won't invite you back to a party.




No, that's called barrens chat. That's where you first start the game and the kiddies get filtered out :lol: .




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And if you act like a [developmentally delayed] on WoW you pretty much have no one to play with, and if your an a-hole, they won't invite you back to a party.




No, that's called barrens chat. That's where you first start the game and the kiddies get filtered out :lol: .


No one gives a flying fluck about barrens chat tho lol :P Once you reach level 80 and if you act like a tard, you'll have trouble finding people who want to play with you.


I'll bet 9 out of 10 runescapers who never played WoW would need on every roll as well. As most RS'ers tend to believe they deserve the world and all thats in it. (because they are paying $5 wowowow!!!) and you can see this, because most seem to believe the rock they are mining is "theirs".


The monsters they are fighting are "theirs".


The items they are merchanting are sacred


and "how the hell can somebody alter the prices of MY ITEM?".

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