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Controlling the camera angle with the mouse

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I am R Kray I, a high levelled player and Computer Science university student. This is my idea for a gameplay update.




The main input device for Runescape is the mouse, controlling our avatar's interaction with the runescape world. The keyboard provides extra functionality such as chat, changing viewing angle and hotkeys to access different interfaces (F4 brings up the Inventory interface, for example).




I propose that the mouse be further implemented into the game by allowing us to change the viewing angle with it; a right-click and drag function would be perfect. This would be in addition to the current system of using the arrow keys. To give an example, right clicking and draging to the right would have the same effect as holding down the right arrow key, dragging up and to the left would be the same as holding the up and left keys down.




I imagine that the system would not be a massive update, but would enhance general gameplay. Only after such a system had been implemented would it become apparent how annoying it is to use the arrow keys to change the viewing angle.




The use of the right mouse button causes a problem for mac users. A possible solution would be the replacement of the right click and drag with a double click and drag, when the one-button mode is selected.

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You have to keep your left (or right ;)) hand on the arrow keys all the time.




To be honest, the idea came to me while pking. I like to keep my fingers on the F1, F4 and F6 buttons to be able to switch weapons, prayers and use special attacks easily. It's very annoying to have to jump to the arrow keys if your target decides to run off your screen.






Also, I said nothing about mouse keys. The mouse would only control the camera angle if you right clicked and dragged across the screen. If you've ever played WoW then you'll understand exactly what I mean.

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they are support jagex should do what other games do hold right click and turn for camera movement



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Actually, that would work quite well. Although a right click brings up the object interface menu, right click and drag would mean we could move the camera without interfering with other stuff.




I like it.

~ W ~



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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't see why Jagex didn't implement this since most other MMORPGs already have such a function in place. It eases the overall gaming process and- like you said- the main input device for Runescape is the mouse, no reason why it couldn't be used in changing the viewing angles too.




However, you should also consider Will's observation,


Actually, that would work quite well. Although a right click brings up the object interface menu, right click and drag would mean we could move the camera without interfering with other stuff.




I like it.


Sure, a right click and drag would mean we could move the camera without interfering with other stuff, but before actually dragging, the popping up of the menu may prove to be bothersome and may sprout some frustration.




I believe that in WoW, you can't do things like examine benches...




p/s: I like it too.


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