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Mario's Guide to Iron Dragons


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Alright I just got back from vacation and will be updating this soon hopefully.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Okay, I tested the non-prayer melee method. I bought full torags and a DFS. The method is less profitable than the prayer method, EVEN if you are 99 defense. I even asked several friends and asked around in forsakenmage for people's opinions. The majority of them have said the prayer method is much better.




Using the non-prayer method does not help you kill the dragons faster than the prayer method, yet it is less profitable. I won't be including it in the guide for this reason. If someone can prove me wrong I'd happily add it in though.




Evilfish1 - I'll add a note about the black mask.




squareroot2 - Godswording them is very expensive. Although its a creative method, I'm not going to include it in the guide. I think people are more interested in profit when going to iron dragons on a non-slayer mission.




mrpadre - That is interesting I've never heard of that. I'll have to investigate.




Sman25000 - They are weak to stab, but not that much. I suspected that a stab weapon would be better against them, and tested it vs. whip in terms of kills per hour. The whip is still better, its just a much better weapon than the spear.




Wachtwoord - Normally I would emphasize offensive power more, yes, but with the HUGE cost of prayer potions nowadays prayer bonus is more valuable now. Thanks for the transparent banner. I'll use it. =)




adam12055 - I'll include the picture in the guide. =)


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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