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Everything posted by adam12055

  1. Hmm...Final Fantasy XIII and... Final Fantasy XIII, oh and did I mention Final Fantasy XIII?
  2. Must've taken forever. You must really like hunter, huh?
  3. I get like that during love scenes in movies, especially when my family is around. Emotional poetry is hell to listen to. Bothers me to no end. <_<
  4. For your first confession, I used to have the same problem. I never really liked girls to begin with. Part of the reason I'm (Confession) a gay guy now. I am also intimidated by my peers to be honest. I just like older, more mature people who can deal with my life choice and accept me for it. I'm not flamboyant about my sexuality, but if I had the choice to be with teens who insult each other with "gay" and "[bleep]g*t," or mature, responsible adults, I'd be with the adults. Probably not your case, but the language and speaking habits offend me.
  5. [hide]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/hide] Ouch.
  6. Yes I did. Naturally bald and tan to boot. Did you know that pennies cost 1.3 "cents" to produce?
  7. He fell out from the ground-floor? Got it again. I'll think of some more on my way to work. See you later.
  8. Alright. A man falls out of the Empire State Building, New York's tallest building, being 1,400 feet from base to spire. He lands on solid concrete, but lives. How?
  9. You die by the lack of creativity in this post.
  10. Was the easiest one I could think of. Not very good to start the thread off with a crusher, right?
  11. It's his mother. Next one: A most-wanted man is captured by the french in 1789, and he is told his last rights permit that he may choose the formation of his firing squad. After the squad arranges in the position, the general decides to abandon the the request, and let the man go, for the safety of his squad, who were not the best shooters. What position did he put them in?
  12. Add me "Toxicity02." I need some good people to help me get 4th prestige by tonight, level 63 atm. Just send me an invite, we play demolition mostly.:thumbsup:
  13. adam12055


    Suicide is so pointless. Things can only get better (Besides some extreme situations), so why anyone would put the stress on their family and friends is beyond me.
  14. Ring of slaying is worth it, it's a free teleport to Canifis, pretty much. Takes a gold bar and slayer gem (1gp) to make.
  15. Never happens over here. I find it disgusting and immature.
  16. Quit RuneScape - add me on Xbox Live (Toxicity02)

  17. Courts are corrupt, dear. You honestly believe that Judicial Officials are humble and honorable? Fat chance. Post at the top of page 2 proves it. Whoever sentenced him is a traitor to the USA and a traitor to mankind.
  18. Fish lack a neocortex, the part of the brain that interprets pain. It's a mechanical animal by nature. Birth, development, reproduction, death. Nothing else to it.
  19. 5 Posts of pure OT-ness, huh? :shock: This isn't a "regret" but it is a secret and somewhat of a confession. I'm gay irl and no one knows. Best to keep it that way I suppose. People in my old town knew it, and I was accepted, but I'm in California now and most of the kids are ignorant. Rumors are rampant, and the strive to be populous and well known is widespread.
  20. [hide] Q1:What is something you write down to remember? A: Phone Number Q2:What is something you hear on the radio besides music? A: Sports Q3:Why might a taxi driver say he had a bad day? A: No fares Q4:What is something you're likely to forget in your car? A: Wallet Q5:Name an item you would find in a 3-day survival kit. A: Water Q6:What is something you may find on top of a mountain? A: Snow Q7:What is something you would hate to find in the food your eating? A: Hair [/hide] Good luck!
  21. Santas: 60m Pick: 13m Vestas: 4m DFS: 29m Items dropped at party room: 6m-ish Miscellania: 1.25m I also lost 7m from pking in pvp armor. Got 7 junk kills with it, and finally died.
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