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Everything posted by adam12055

  1. Corrupt statius warhammer PK, ftw (Uploading soon) Before the +1 update I never used to Pvp. Now I do so because there is no chance of my prayer dropping and me losing whip. Here's some of my kills, I use a lot of weapons, from AGS to scim/claws. If I ever get a non-corrupt melee weapon I'm going to use it, not sell it. I only fight rangers with claws and I only fight zerker pures with AGS. Sometimes D boots in target fights. ^^Became good friends with this guy, Bengalsfan88. He ran out of food when I had 7 tuna potatoes left. Still kept fighting. ^^ Lame guy, tried running, hit his dds spec with my venge and he dropped. =D ^^Zerker pure. The usual; venged his ags spec and hit a flat 24 with my whip. ^^DDS Dm, he brought pots I guess. ^^Clawer, lost my venge by using it when I though he would claw, he didn't. I don't remember how it ended. ^^No idea how the fight ended.... Real idiot. Had AGS and 99 mage. Though she was safe with pro melee on, D bower killed her after the "DM" and I got loot. ^^Dunno if warrior ring was from pile. It was in my invo. Jumped when I saw pvp armor and brawlers in the pile, not very good loot though. This was fun. His stats were 99 defense, 99 ranged, 97 hitpoints, 94 mage, and 99 stupidity. He called me a b*tch ( ), So I went to bank, told him I was DMing, and clawed him went he pulled out javelins. He was re-potting, golden opportunity for an AGS spec.
  2. You've essentially got untrimmed hitpoints locked up, at 95 slayer, nice.
  3. I drank a Dr. Pepper today. Nothing much else. Okay, I drank 3.
  4. You wouldn't know an intellectable if it came up and bit you in the buttocks. ;) I'm an intellectable. 10/10 for mining 3x slower than you should have. Not sure if you realized this, but that was intentional. Yes, I did. It's kind of a coarse mistake to make. You would have to screw up 10 letters to get that wrong. Show us a bank pic of the coal please?
  5. You wouldn't know an intellectable if it came up and bit you in the buttocks. ;) I'm an intellectable. 10/10 for mining 3x slower than you should have.
  6. No, I was edgeville lever pking and you attacked me in single, I ran around some buildings after the kill and logged.
  7. Your team couldn't even kill me when I was teleblocked, I had claws and after I 36-18-9-9 killed your ranger and got Arma totem (Protects over claws), you still didnt kill me when I was on brews. Nonetheless, gratz on 99 ranged. No hard feelings. ;)
  8. 5/10 for chinning, and being a terrible team pker. Seriously.
  9. Yah I got 500k smith xp today before the mishap. Thanks for the messages everyone and I must say having 99 farm and going after this bigger goal has really renewed my interest in the game At least you can wear the best cape in the game whilst you train, 10/10.
  10. Now that's exactly where not to use a meme. Better than using "rofl" in real life conversations. I fully agree. Or lol or Pwnd. I don't spend much of my time on the net, so you'll have to excuse me for generally not fitting in.
  11. Now that's exactly where not to use a meme. Better than using "rofl" in real life conversations.
  12. There are a lot of memes out there, hell I'd say there are OVER 9000 of them.
  13. Get the levels, Bandos is crap armor from experience, SGS is decent, but terrible if you don't have a fury/good armor.
  14. Torso disappears when you die, doesn't it?
  15. Umm, I could post mine I guess. 1 sec EDIT: Here you go, look on the minimap for locations.
  16. I have something I'd like to share. Zamorak Chick, on the ground. I tried to grow another one but by the time the system update came again, it didn't hatch. Squirrel, I just lol'd at this one. Gecko...kind of a nubby pet, still funny. 2 of each KITTEN, not cat.
  17. Then how come U2 is selling concert tickets for $300 per person? To make up some of their losses from pirating, that's why. I used to be indifferent regarding pirating, but $300 to see Muse (opening for U2) is just plain ridiculous. Risk going to jail for stealing U2 songs? At least make it worth stealing.. :roll:
  18. I just did 3 runs in under 8 minutes, thanks for this guide, it's very easy money for non-combat people like me.
  19. 1. Invincibility. 2. Ability to turn semi-transparent and move through walls, like a ghost. 3. Teleportation. Can i haz thr33 weeshes now?
  20. 6/10 for having even numbers of pots. Looks unnatural. I like the loook of that untrimmed attack cape though..
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