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If I come back here tonight, stalk me and kill me. Night guys


Oh, so I can't if you don't?


I popped a zit on my back. It wasn't a very good zit. Now my back hurts, but it's like in my spine. I'm not sure if the two things are related


You're growing a tree in your abdomen.


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[hide="Not sure if any of you watched Tiger & Bunny. If you did, I think this is pretty cool]


Sky High Interview:


Q: What is one aspect that you will definitely not lose to any other heroes?


A: I wont lose to anyone during training time. Not anyone.


Q: Who are you friendliest with most, out of all the heroes?


A: Im friendly with everyone. Without bias, I am friends with them.


Q: What is something that youre really into right now?


A: Playing frisbee with my dog John. Its super fun!


Q: Please tell me your favourite food, and your least favourite.


A: I guess its curry? And, I can eat it in the morning. As for food I dont likeno comments there. Ill be upsetting the farmers who plant celery.


Q: Please tell me your type, and people who arent your type.


A: I like ladies with whom I can spend a lazy day in the parksomeone with whom I can do things like reading with, I suppose. I dont have any types I dislike.


Q: What kind of person was your first love? And was that first love successful?


A: That was during the summer of my second year in junior high. I fell in love at first sight with a gal from high school whom I brushed past. I called out to her, but she didnt notice me. So I guess this is what they call unsuccessful? But I wanted to talk about it, so thank you for giving me this opportunity, and again, thwhat? Were moving onto the next question?


Q: What do you wear to sleep?


A: Sweatpants on the bottom, sweatshirt on the top. Its really standard. Really.


Q: When did you start keeping John? Also, what is John to you?


A: Johnabout three years? Our eyes met as I passed a pet shop while jogging one day. Since then, hes been my soulmate.


Q: Do you think youre goofy/campy?


A: Ms Agnes (the kanji he used to address her is reserved for very highly respected, very intelligent women) also said that. But Im not very conscious of it. Truthfully, I dont even know what campy means. But recently Blue Rose told me that its actually a bit of a bad thing, so Im hoping to fix it one day.


Q: What sort of fetish do you have?


A: FeFETISHISM?! I guessthe voice? Answering such a question is so embarrassing, its really embarrassing!





Barnaby's interview:


>Has anything about Wild Tiger changed since you have teamed together?

>Not really. But then, that is one of his good points.


>If you were to compare Wild Tiger to an animal, which would it be?

>A bold question, that. Very well then, I shall answer in kind. A parrot.


>Why are calling him "Kotetsu-san" and not "ojisan"?

>How do you-!? For one, he is older than me, so adding "-san" seems appropriate. Anyway, next question.


>Please tell us about your preferences when it comes to clothing.

>I tend to wear my favourite clothes for years, but since you are asking about preferences... I have been wearing my red leather jacket for five years already. I also wear the same belt for a long time and like clothes with many buttons.


>Do you use a cologne?

>Yes, ocean scent.


>Could you tell us about what types do you prefer?

>I do not really have any. I have slight trouble getting along with pushy people though.


>When was your first crush a what kind of person was it? Has anything come out of it?

>Shortly after I entered the Hero Academy, there was one woman that I was aware of. A neat and wonderful person, but since I knew it was thoroughly one-sided, I left it at that and said nothing.


>What do you wear when you go to bed?

>I cannot say I like the question, but I sleep wearing nothing but underwear.


>Is there one particular episode that makes you g lad that you have teamed up with Wild Tiger?

>Nothing comes to mind straight away, but I can say that ultimately, I am glad we have.


>If you were to team up with some Hero who isn't Wild Tiger, who would it be?

>Sky High. Generally speaking, it would be correct to team up with somebody fully dedicated to his work.


>What was your first impression of Wild Tiger?

>Old. His style was so outdated I could not help but think that.


>Is there anything you think other Heroes can't match you in?

>I generally intend to remain unmatched, but I can say I am fairly confident when it comes to my style, arrests and private life.


>Which Hero do you get along the best?

>If I were to push it... Wild Tiger-san. But you see, we spend a lot of time together as a duo.


>What are you into currently?

>Incenses, I suppose. I find them very good for relaxation. Until recently, I used to be fussy over indirect lighting.


>Please tell us your likes and dislikes when it comes to food.

>I like beef stroganoff and cabbage rolls. There is nothing I dislike, I will gladly eat anything.


>Is there something about yourself that you think you could improve?

>Too much, I believe. I intend to gradually learn from the other Heroes as much as possible.


>We know you wear glasses, but how bad is your vision actually?

>Quite bad, I suppose. I am extremely near-sighted and the vision acuity is 0.03. I have not had a check-up for some time though, so it might be even worse now.


>If you were to have a one-week holiday, what would you do?

>Hm, let me think. Travelling abroad could be interesting, but I believe I would just use the time to train.


>Why did you pick up Tiger's scorched sash in episode 8? Do you still have it?

>You seem to be informed about extremely delicate things, aren't you. ...I took it with me because otherwise it would have become a piece of trash. That is all. I now keep it in my company's locker room. It is a talisman.


>If you were to change your occupation, what would you like to become?

>I believe I am fated to work as a Hero. I admire mechanics though. My parents were robot engineers, and seeing Saitou-san's work on the suit maintenance is also very cool.




Kotetsu's interview:


>Is there anything you think other Heroes can't match you in?

>I wonder... Career, I guess.


>Which Hero do you get along the best?

>Rock Bison, maybe. Since I have known him the longest.


>What are you into currently?

>Ironing. It feels totally awesome when you finally smooth out the wrinkles.


>Please tell us your likes and dislikes when it comes to food.

>I like fried rice, hot dogs, Legend Cola and pizza; basically stuff that doesn't need much preparation. Dislikes... Sorry, there's nothing.


>Could you tell us about what types do you prefer?

>I like a woman who will scold me when I'm slacking and provide kindness when the times are tough. I don't have any types that I dislike, there's something good about everyone, right?


>When was your first crush a what kind of person was it? Has anything come out of it?

>Hehe, my first crush was actually successful. It was my wife. We met in high-school and I was taken with her at the first glance.


>What do you wear when you go to bed?

>I do own pajamas, but I kinda tend to fall asleep in whatever I'm wearing at the time.


>Is there one particular episode that makes you glad that you have teamed up with Barnaby?

>Well, I like when Bunny teaches me the details about the way our suits work. I'm totally hopeless when it comes to this detailed stuff. But Bunny always scolds me "You could have read the instructions for yourself, you know."...


>If you were to team up with some Hero who isn't Barnaby, who would it be?

>I don't care, I would just push through my own justice... Hey, I sounded kinda cool just now, didn't I?


>What was your first impression of Barnaby?

>Awful. Truly the child of the modern era, "young people these days", you know what I mean. I understood right away just how capable he is, but still, awful.


>Has anything about Barnaby changed since you have teamed together?

>It sure has, and how. He is a great deal more well-rounded now. Compared to the beginning, he even seems to talk with the other heroes out of his own will.


>If you were to compare Barnaby to an animal, which would it be?

>Just look at him, he's a bunny! I mean, the rabbit kind. Wait, what's the difference between bunnies and rabbits?


>What do you do when you are feeling down?

>I stuff my stomach, take a bath and then go to sleep. That's the best method, I guess.


>Where did you eat your dinner yesterday, and with whom?

>Umm... Wait a sec, I have to think. Err, yesterday I had hod dogs for lunch... Umm... Yesterday? Eh?


>Currently you are living on the Bronze Stage, do you want to move to the Gold Stage someday?

>Nah, everywhere's fine if... Oh, I just remembered! Yesterday me and Rock Bison ate gyuudon for dinner!


>What food do you think you can prepare particularly well?

>Fried rice! The great thing about it is that it can be made with whatever's in the refrigerator.


>If Kade-chan will get herself a boyfriend in the future, what will you do?

> ... I've never thought about it. I wonder if my kid would even tell me about that. That's the first thing that I'm worried about.


>Your beard has a rather unique shape. Could you share some grooming tips?

>Buy some scissors from a store and go wild.


>Do you get along well with your brother Muramasa? Has anything about your relationship changed since you were children?

>Can't say we're getting along, but he's managing pretty much everything back home, so I can't grumble too much. I don't think anything's changed. But eh, going for a drink with him can be fairly enjoyable.


>If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?

>World peace... Hey, I just said something pretty cool now.







>Is there anything you think other Heroes can't match you in?

>My body, I guess. Just look how tough it is! Wanna try hitting me? Come on, it's okay!


>Which Hero do you get along the best?

>Tiger, but I don't know what he thinks about me.


>What are you into currently?

>Sewing, I guess. I have been making purses... I may not look it, but I have pretty nimble fingers.


>Please tell us your likes and dislikes when it comes to food.

>I like meat. And while I can't say I hate them, I don't like sweet things very much.


>Could you tell us about what types do you prefer?

>Are we talking about women? I don't really like this sort of talk... I prefer logical women. And the type that I dislike? Oh, enough already.


>When was your first crush a what kind of person was it? Has anything come out of it?

>I said I don't want to talk about this stuff. In elementary school there was a woman (!?) who sat next to me, but really, I'm not answering anything more.


>What do you wear when you go to bed?

>A man must be silent and wear one pair of underpants.


>Beef, pork or chicken, which do you prefer?

>I'm an athlete, so chicken meat, which is rich in protein and has few calories is ideal. But I guess I like beef, but all meat is fine. I love meat in general.


>Has Kotetsu changed compared to when you were in school?

>He's the same as always, isn't he? I'm not the type to remember things that happened in the past, though.


>What do you think is your "charm point"?

>Hmmm, how about my pecs? Wanna try hitting them? Come on, it's okay!


Trans. note:

Yes, he really says "woman" (not "girl") when talking about the person who was sitting next to him in elementary school. What is that supposed to mean I have no idea.







>Is there anything you think other Heroes can't match you in?

>Nobody has more energy than I do!


>Which Hero do you get along the best?

>Fire Emblem and Blue Rose! We get along VERY well!


>What are you into currently?

>Collecting hairpins is my current hobby, I guess.


>Please tell us your likes and dislikes when it comes to food.

>I love gyoza! And as for the things I hate, sweet-and-sour pork and pizza with pineapple topping. I want to eat pineapples by themselves, thanks.


>Could you tell us about what types do you prefer?

>It would be nice if the person was willing to exercise with me. And as for the type that I dislike, idle people.


>When was your first crush a what kind of person was it? Has anything come out of it?

>Crush? ....I don't really know yet....


>What do you wear when you go to bed?

>My mother sent me pajamas, so I have been wearing that lately. It has frills, so it's kinda embarrassing, but since nobody can see me I suppose I can live with it.


>When have you started referring to yourself as "boku"?

>I'm "boku". Always have, always will be.


>Do you have any special martial arts skill?

>Fist of Justice Thrust! The most basic of all basic techniques, but there's a lot of depth or something....


>Aside from being a Hero, is there anything you would like to become?

>I love physical exercises, so an athlete! A soccer or a basketball player would be nice, I guess.







>Is there anything you think other Heroes can't match you in?

>Nobody can beat me in sexiness, you know. Hmph...


>Which Hero do you get along the best?

>Blue Rose-chan, I suppose. I approach her and Dragon Kid quite often. Women just get along the best.


>What are you into currently?

>Hula hoops. They're great for shaping up the waist, so how about you try it as well?


>Please tell us your likes and dislikes when it comes to food.

>I will eat anything. No matter what is offered to me, I will eat it.


>Could you tell us about what types do you prefer?

>I will eat anything. No matter what is offered to me, I will eat it.


>When was your first crush a what kind of person was it? Has anything come out of it?

>Back when I was in elementary school, there was this tutor... Kya, enough already!


>What do you wear when you go to bed?

>It. Is. A. Secret.


>Is it difficult to work both as a Hero and a company owner?

>Of course it is. But then, every job is difficult in some way.


>You are very busy, so how do you relax?

>I watch martial arts tournaments. Boxing and professional wrestling. Watching naked boys fires me right up.


>If you were to be honest, what do you think about Rock Bison's buttocks?

>Good enough? I like that type of ass, but not the face.







>Is there anything you think other Heroes can't match you in?

>Prudence. I'm confident in my ability to think things through.


>Which Hero do you get along the best?

>Dragon Kid-dono, I guess. We converse quite often.


>What are you into currently?

>Japanese archery. The most beautiful contest there is.


>Please tell us your likes and dislikes when it comes to food.

>I like miso soup. Ans as for the dislikes, raw foods are kind of...


>Could you tell us about what types do you prefer?

>A lady who has deep knowledge of foreign cultures and is willing to share it would be nice. Personally, I don't like people who are easy to anger very much.


>When was your first crush a what kind of person was it? Has anything come out of it?

>I had a foreign penfriend. And... nothing came out of it! Shu-shu!


>What do you wear when you go to bed?

>A yukata.


>What do you think is so mesmerizing about ninjas?

>Their appearance. Also, they don't show their face, much like Heroes.


>Which type of underwear do you prefer? (It's not fundoshi, right?)

>Boxers. I... do own fundoshi, but I don't wear it.


>People used to flame you on your blog, is the situation better now? What kind of things people write there?

>It's alright now. Most of my readers seem supportive and I get messages from people who noticed me photobombing on TV. For them, I swear to valiantly photobomb with all my might! Shu-shu!


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Eating a potato and listening to Dubstep.


The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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Wow. A happy ending. Kinda saw the Endou screwing them over with the contract, but it was still happy.



>Akagi Hotel

>Akagi psoters on the wall

>Kurosawa in the OP





Aannd I'm going to bed.

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No. I'm going to bed.


RIP Michaelangelopolous

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

This is by FAR my favorite song:


I love N_odie and would never edit his posts! I love Rainy_Day too <3 And also Cowman_133. <33 Oh, and Laikrob is a going to hunt me down and kill me like a pest kangaroo if I reveal how awesome she is. I owe tripsis skittles. DarkDude feels like he's missing out. This is my siggy! - n_odie Rainy_Day MINE! - n_odie Rainy_Day And meol shouldn't feel left out. Oh, and Y_Guy is a noob awesome


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