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So this girl from my HS who also goes to this same college/university (for those who care about the difference) is like, gone. She used to constantly be on facebook but now she's hardly ever on and sometimes I forget she exists but I just caught up on her life on twitter and it seems that she's been home a ton just smoking weed and hanging out with her friends there


Anyway I'm going to bed so I have 5ish hours of sleep before I go to sit in speech class for 50 minutes. I'll get up at 8:15, get back to my room by 10, and probably sleep till noon at least again LOL night

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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I don't like steak. I prefer chicken.

Your opinion is wrong.



I just heard a sound that seemed to be very similar to gunshots. All the people who were talking outside got quieter.


Was it really gunshots?



To: Knoxville-area UT Students, Faculty, and Staff

From: UT Police Department

Subject: Shooting Near Campus this Evening


The Knoxville Police Department is investigating a shooting incident that occurred at approximately 6:06 p.m. this evening at 1725 Grand Avenue in Fort Sanders. Two males were shot in the incident. Three suspects fled the scene in a green SUV.


Anyone with information concerning this incident should contact the Knoxville Police Department at (865) 215-7450.


One victim is a former student and another is a current student.


The first suspect is described as an African-American male with a heavyset build, approximately 5'9" in height, with cornrows in his hair. He has tattoos on his arms and chest and was wearing a white T-shirt.


The second suspect is described as an African-American male with a heavyset build. He was wearing a ball cap and glasses.


The third suspect is described as an African-American male with a shaved head.


Federal law requires the university to notify the campus community of criminal activity, specifically crimes against persons, on or near campus. This and other e-mail notifications are intended to raise awareness about such criminal activity in areas frequented by students, faculty, and staff.


Anyone with information concerning this incident should contact the Knoxville Police Department at (865) 215-7450.


UT Police urge students, faculty, and staff to avoid walking alone at night and to contact them any time they need assistance or notice anything suspicious. Do not open doors or unlock doors for strangers. More than 100 blue light phones are located around campus. The "T" bus system offers several routes at night on campus and in Fort Sanders. For more information, go to http://www.ridethet.com/.




Goddammit Monk, stop being so full of win.

I am Monk's [bleep]


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Must not have been gunshots, didn't hear anything about it. That'd be a great way to kick off homecoming weekend too. Ohwell.


I don't even feel like going back to sleep, it's stupid. The prof didn't take attendance even though like half the class was gone, but I timed speeches so that can get me extra credit. Hmm

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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I've noticed, that during like all of the descriptions of the suspects, it's usually the same.


Black male, 5'9"-6'0", heavy set, white shirts, black pants.



Goddammit Monk, stop being so full of win.

I am Monk's [bleep]


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Really, I'm just a pathetic 18 year old girl going home from college homecoming weekend because I have few friends and my two closest friends will be 4+ hours away with their boyfriends and their boyfriends' families and my mom has to work all weekend so I don't know what I'm going to do

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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Really, I'm just a pathetic 18 year old girl going home from college homecoming weekend because I have no friends and my two closest friends will be 4+ hours away with their boyfriends and their boyfriends' families and my mom has to work all weekend so I don't know what I'm going to do

I'm going home this weekend since I'm out of snacks. <_<

Also gonna go watch this week's stomping at a friend's house.


Anyway, made my schedule for next year. Doesn't seem too bad.





Goddammit Monk, stop being so full of win.

I am Monk's [bleep]


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Sociology specifically isn't required, but it's from a list of human or social sciences or whatever that I need to have 2 of. Already got credit for psychology, and the other choices weren't that appealing.



Goddammit Monk, stop being so full of win.

I am Monk's [bleep]


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