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Zoe, nothing's stopping you from hanging out with your friends + their boyfriends. Throw a party and invite everyone.

I can only hang out with Jessie and Seth together. Cyndi and Jerad have a retarded relationship, I've complained about their history so much. Why would the guy who thought I was ruining his relationship with his girlfriend want to let her hang out with both of us at once? For that matter, why would he hang out with any of her friends when he has control of her? He doesn't like any of her friends really, whether he actually doesn't like them or he doesn't like that Cyndi actually cares about anyone other than him. But ehh, I guess she'll probably tell me Sunday if he's actually coming home or not, or Monday. Whenever she talks to me next.


I hung out with the neighbor guys tonight. Went for a random drive, subwoofer back massage, plans to go for a drive tomorrow night too. I haven't really been talking to them or seeing them when I've come home other times, but really, I grew up with them around. They moved in when I was 6 I believe. It's funny how they're still getting along so well (brothers); this past summer they started growing closer as soon as their cousin moved in because they both hated him so much.


Also, back to Cyndi and Jerad, we talked about them (me and the neighbor guys and their dad) and how it's really disappointing that Cyndi, being a strong-willed person, will go under someone else's control and let someone else screw relationships up for her. Girl speaks her mind, but when it comes to him, he's some kind of god and it's both annoying and sad.


I was gonna go to bed at midnight, but now 45 minutes later I'm still up on the laptop since I just finally caught up on TIF and Facebook for the day

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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It's kind of hard to do that, Zoe.


Anyways, good night.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I don't think I'm in a good place right now. Also, after I'm home this weekend and next, I feel like I'll want to come home every weekend.


If the kid is coming home next weekend, I don't even know what I'll say. Probably just "oh." because I don't know what else to say without sounding like I'm upset. She already knows I'm upset that she has to work all weekend. She'll know. Gah, she only has a few close people too but ranks him separately and above all the others. She's cut so many people out of her life. It doesn't make sense, she used to be the type to not be close with anyone and have a million friends and somehow she became the one to only have a few people she can talk to, but she doesn't carry the personality for that. I don't know. I'm not happy. I'll have Jessie and Seth to hang out with, but I see them all the time. At least my mom won't be working like she is this weekend so I'll be able to see her.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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Zoe, nothing's stopping you from hanging out with your friends + their boyfriends. Throw a party and invite everyone.

I can only hang out with Jessie and Seth together. Cyndi and Jerad have a retarded relationship, I've complained about their history so much. Why would the guy who thought I was ruining his relationship with his girlfriend want to let her hang out with both of us at once? For that matter, why would he hang out with any of her friends when he has control of her? He doesn't like any of her friends really, whether he actually doesn't like them or he doesn't like that Cyndi actually cares about anyone other than him. But ehh, I guess she'll probably tell me Sunday if he's actually coming home or not, or Monday. Whenever she talks to me next.


I hung out with the neighbor guys tonight. Went for a random drive, subwoofer back massage, plans to go for a drive tomorrow night too. I haven't really been talking to them or seeing them when I've come home other times, but really, I grew up with them around. They moved in when I was 6 I believe. It's funny how they're still getting along so well (brothers); this past summer they started growing closer as soon as their cousin moved in because they both hated him so much.


Also, back to Cyndi and Jerad, we talked about them (me and the neighbor guys and their dad) and how it's really disappointing that Cyndi, being a strong-willed person, will go under someone else's control and let someone else screw relationships up for her. Girl speaks her mind, but when it comes to him, he's some kind of god and it's both annoying and sad.


I was gonna go to bed at midnight, but now 45 minutes later I'm still up on the laptop since I just finally caught up on TIF and Facebook for the day


How exactly is her boyfriend controlling?


Sometimes I wish I could show people how they make me feel without having to act like a douche.


Just talk to her frankly as an adult. Don't act like a victim, just state the facts - why you feel the way you feel and all that

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