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God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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So I think for my next duty station, if I can, Ill go to Bahrain. Definitely somewhere overseas. I hear Japan is nice. Ive also been told that anybody in uniform can get laid in Aussie-stralia.



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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Stop lurking this instant you wholigans.



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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To your long post some pages back Zoe, at least you got it out. But you really should stop loving her unconditionally.


my face when i realize literally everyone here except seany pepsi and halo to some extent are social lepers

I prefer the term "introverted".





If I drove, I could do seasonal retail. But I don't drive. So my winter break Dec. 9 through Jan. 9 I just have to entertain myself. Mom said all she expects me to do is relax. Woooo

Really?.. My mom expects me to get a job and everything. It might work since it'll be near the xmas shopping rush, but still.


No. We're using this basically brand new Texas Instruments calculator that came out in July. It's the TI-nspire cx CAS. It's got a cool screen.

cx CAS? Regular CAS son.



Goddammit Monk, stop being so full of win.

I am Monk's [bleep]


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My crack:



I might go run down to the store and get some.

I like that too, but haven't had any recently


I just ran a virus scan a few days ago. I noticed my computer was running pretty slow, so I ran another one. I'm 29% right now and it's already found 4 more viruses. I don't know where I keep getting them from.

Could be false positives


Don't open the hide tags if you don't want to hear about my life! THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR! And, if for some odd reason you have some sort of reply, hide it!


Anyway... Hi


[hide][hide=Long text]E: Why do you delete everything I post on your facebook?

C: Cuz it doesn't need to be on there why do you make a big deal of everything?

E: I'm not it was just a question, you don't delete anyone else's

C: Cuz everyone else matters to me. Dont get me wrong were friends but your obsessed with me. And ive known jerad was coming home for a week.

E: When were you gonna tell me?

C: Friday. But you make a big deal of everything! Are you kidding you didnt go home sunday cuz I told you jerad was coming home. Yes im spending the weekend at there house! Sunday im taking him to the cities. And next year im planning on moving up there with him. Does any one know... no cuz we r waiting and making sure... so there you happy you know my life story?

E: Actually, I stayed home because I had a mental breakdown Sunday when mom got home because I didn'twant to leave home. I have hardly any friends and all their lives are pretty solid and I don't know how to change mine. I spend a ton of time alone. I don't know what I want, and I don't know if I'll ever know hot to get it. Yeah, every time I find something to look forward to I cling to it and lately everything keeps falling through for me. Half the time when people try to comfort me they're being hypocritical. I'm a burden to everyone. I don't tell anyone how I feel because I don't want them to feel sorry for me, but then nobody understands. I don't feel like myself. I'm getting help wednesday because that's what mom and I decided would be best to try. I know you don't care, but that's why.

E: Also, in case you wonder, I worry about you sometimes. You're isolating yourself too.

C: I care but i wanna spend time with him em! I want him to stay in my life forever. He is a lot further way then you are. I cant just decide wednesday to come spend one night with him. I hate having him gone so much I went out and got a promise ring for him even though he wont wear it. I dont want him to leave and i dont do the stuff i do to please or make ppl happy or anything i do it so i can be on my own in my own life my own fiance my own family. You dont know how much it hurts to hear you say so your gonnabe with him and keep it when your with your bf and dont do something stupid! Thats why i tell you when hes coming home or i go there or something! I didnt even know he was coming home till one of the girls i went to school with ruined the surprise! So now im hurt cuz i would have had the surprise then know ahead of time.

C: No im making myself my own person my own life

E: I completely understand you need your time with him, I'm just going through a lot lately and I'm sorry for taking it out on everyone. Sometimes I just feel like all I'm doing every day is trying not to cry in front of anyone else. I was just upset this time because I thought I was going to see you. I know what's important to you, and I know you still care about me too, just in your spare time. I just worry about you because you've changed so fast and if anything happens you're so connected to him that I don't know what you'll do. And I don't have hardly anyone, you and jessie both have super important relationships and I'm just stupid and invasive.

C: Yeah

E: And jessie's the same way, both of you only have a select few people who you can talk to, but while you're both in good places I feel like such a baby

C: If something happens to me and him okay I tell him idk what i will do and he believes ill be strong so idc im not worried bout something happening im looking at the future and how it will be

E: Yeah. It's not like I worry about anything happening. I just worry about it something does happen. You're strong, but it'll be a test, especially since your whole life is tied to him already this fast. Which is scary at such a young age.

C: Im 18 and can make my own choice! And he is my whole life becuz i want it that way and we have been together for almost 10 months! Dont tell me im to young to make this decision! This is my turn im not living at home all my life im growing up and living my life.

E: I'm not arguing with your decision, I'm just telling you why I worry. You don't need to get so defensive about it, especially with how confident you are

C: Well this is my life and im living it. And over christmas break idk how much ill see you cuz im doing christmas eve with him and he is coming to christmas with my family

E: Yeah. I know it's your life. I just hope to stay in it in the long run, at least a little bit.

C: Yeah we will see jerads not ur biggest fan

E: That shouldn't matter if you make your own decisions.

C: Well no matter what he comes first to me. Him and trayten

E: Yeah. But what I meant was even tom said ginger hates some of his friends but she doesn't prevent him from being friends with them

C: Idc

E: Just don't let him control you

C: He doesnt but i understand him and he understands me. How bout you dont control me

E: Clearly I don't control you. if he understands you, he should know you need people to act silly around occasionally and make glittery signs for neighbors and whatever else we do that you and him don't do

C: I have fun with him our rleationship is not sex and that its fun and living and being together

E: Yeah I know I didn't say that, I just mean you and I do different thinks like getting nails done and coloring and things he doesn't care for

C: He cares he just doesnt always like to go.

E: Yeah, that's what I mean. You don't both have all the same exact interests

C: No just 95

E: Right. But everyone you know has friends, whether they're in relationships or not

C: Yeah and he is not only my bf hes my friend and not only my friend my best friend

-- long delay, I had class --

E: Yeahh I have a couple best friends and a few close friends, but that's all hard to define.

C: Yup

E: it's cold

C: Yeah

-- long delay, I didn't feel like replying --

C: I think I'm handing in my two weeks tomorrow [at her job not at his family's restaurant, at Gander Mtn]

E: Oh why?

C: 12 to 8 tuesday thru saturday

E: Oh. Gander's gonna cry right before holidays lol

C: Lol ik

E: You work there tonight right?

C: yupp tonight and thursday and sat morning then wednes friday sat at bbp&c [restaurant]

E: Yee better make sure nobody needs anything from gander for xmas lol

C: I dont think so

E: Yeahh

C: K

E: Welllll suppose you'll be going in soon so have a good shift[/hide]

Yeah, I should have been mean. I should have told her there's no way in hell she'll be able to move up there with him next year because she spends her money like an idiot. I should have told her the way she talks about her relationship reminds me of a 13 year old. I should have told her quitting her job at Gander Mountain is a stupid decision. I should have told her to stop flattering herself. I should have told her that yes, I did stay home because jerad was coming home, because when she insensitively told me that over text I cried and remembered all the other things that have disappointed me lately and how all my personal issues are preventing me from finding other things to look forward to and that's what triggered my mental breakdown. I should have told her that I don't worry about something happening to them because I hope and pray something does happen to them. She's so stupid and she's not going to grow up with him. I should have told her that losing all her friends because he doesn't like them is the stupidest thing she could do because of a high school relationship. I should have told her that if he won't wear the stupid promise ring, he obviously doesn't want to show that. I should have reminded her that her parents' marriage lasted one year, my dad got married and had a kid around 18 and divorced quickly, and the divorce rate is high in those young relationships like that. I should have asked her how long the couples at the last two weddings had been together for before they got married, because both those couples had been together over 6 years. I should have asked her what ever happened to wanting to look into graphic design, because she won't be able to get into her boyfriend's college. I should have asked her how she expects to get a job in a college town. I should have told her that if I controlled her, I'd have gotten her to dump Jerad and look at how stupid she's been acting before getting back with him if she still somehow thought that was right. I should have told her that her brother Trayten, who is one of her top priorities, told the neighborhood that he thought her dress at her aunt's wedding was [bleep]ty. I should have asked her, if I don't matter to her, why does she fill me in on all her life's details? Why does she tell me what's going on around the house? Why does she send me random pictures of interesting things to make me smile? If I don't mean anything, why does it matter what I say? If she doesn't care what I think, why doesn't she tell me the truth? And if she does care, why can't she say it without qualifying it with something about how she cares about jerad most? She's an idiot.


And yet somehow, I still care. I have few enough people in my life that I'm holding onto everyone. We hadn't gone at it like that since August, and it wasn't as intense then. Of course, the core cause of that argument was that jerad thought I was interfering with their relationship. Well looky there, who's interfering with whose relationship? You can't get "friendship" licenses, and you don't have "best friendship" relationship statuses. Just because a friendship is technically hard to define doesn't mean it doesn't matter! Sorry it's not socially normal for us to buy each other jewelry on a random date each year. Sorry I didn't take note of the day your family moved to my neighborhood. Sorry my parents can't overpay you for a job and give a job to your brother's girlfriend. But you know what I can do? I can color 50 pictures for your wall to give your room character. I can go get my nails done with you. I can sing obnoxiously loud in your car. I can babysit your little brother and hang out with your family without you around. I can eat Taco Bell with you because your picky whiny boyfriend doesn't like TACOS (sure fire sign he's secretly gay). I can give you a TAMPON. And you know what I can and may have to do that he'll never do? I can listen to you cry about him, help you find a new job outside of his family's restaurant, burn all the pictures of you two together, and agree with you about how STUPID you've been acting throughout this relationship. Because who else will be there? You've burned enough bridges. And what if you two make it? Well, I can say that before him, you probably pictured me in your wedding. I don't know if that stands. But there's no way he can be the groom AND the maid of honor. You may have found it necessary to prom dress shop with him (WTF), but you can't do that with a wedding dress. So.


She doesn't know what she wants. I'm the most obvious example of that. She'll tell me I don't matter, then say she cares, then say our friendship won't last if her relationship does, then tell me about her employment status and what's going on in her life. Girl please, I thought I didn't know what I want. It's gotta be even harder to figure out what you want when you're high off happiness thinking you do know what you want when that's only part of the picture.[/hide]

Wow, I'm sorry that she was so hurtful. It kinda sounds like she fully intends to spend time with you, but the past few weeks ahve just been the perfect storm of bad timing. Is that possible, or is she making excuses?


I have personal issues with confidence, etc. so I'm seeking help by my mother's orders tomorrow. I gotta like myself more before I can get anyone else to like me

I like you!


I haven't been forced into a situation where I've had to make friends since 6th grade, so I forgot how


Mfw the viruses were default Windows games

Called it.


Is Fallout 3 really that good? I might get it.

Its pretty fun but an enormous time sink... beware.


Oh god dat BF3 single player.



So good.

Best be trollin



Pet Cemetary


Ebaums world still exists?

Unfortunately, yes


If I drove, I could do seasonal retail. But I don't drive. So my winter break Dec. 9 through Jan. 9 I just have to entertain myself. Mom said all she expects me to do is relax. Woooo

That's nice. It'd do you some good.


No. We're using this basically brand new Texas Instruments calculator that came out in July. It's the TI-nspire cx CAS. It's got a cool screen.

I think my sister has one of those. Its like a computer. I couldn't figure out how to use it.


what is it with the crowd here and the word "nerd"


nerd lololol neeerrrrds


shut the [bleep] up, you dont know how stupid you look when you say "nerd".


pet peeve


Don't start posting cat pictures again. It's annoying.

Ignore Zack. Post cats.


I already started posting cat pictures, you saw.


I'll stop though.


Oh guess who just texted me? "You don't matter to me" my butt


@ABC nope

I'm assuming Cyndi? Or your dad.

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Don't open the hide tags if you don't want to hear about my life! THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR! And, if for some odd reason you have some sort of reply, hide it!


Anyway... Hi


[hide][hide=Long text]E: Why do you delete everything I post on your facebook?

C: Cuz it doesn't need to be on there why do you make a big deal of everything?

deleting posts on fb is bad

E: I'm not it was just a question, you don't delete anyone else's

C: Cuz everyone else matters to me. Dont get me wrong were friends but your obsessed with me. And ive known jerad was coming home for a week.

lolwut? she seriously said something this hurtful to my fluffy? she wants me to punch her right? :angry:

E: When were you gonna tell me?

C: Friday. But you make a big deal of everything! Are you kidding you didnt go home sunday cuz I told you jerad was coming home. Yes im spending the weekend at there house! Sunday im taking him to the cities. And next year im planning on moving up there with him. Does any one know... no cuz we r waiting and making sure... so there you happy you know my life story?

you are entitled to know her life story because you are friends with her.. if she doenst tell you shit.. then you can't be friends with her. i can tell she;s interested in sexy time.

E: Actually, I stayed home because I had a mental breakdown Sunday when mom got home because I didn'twant to leave home. I have hardly any friends and all their lives are pretty solid and I don't know how to change mine. I spend a ton of time alone. I don't know what I want, and I don't know if I'll ever know hot to get it. Yeah, every time I find something to look forward to I cling to it and lately everything keeps falling through for me. Half the time when people try to comfort me they're being hypocritical. I'm a burden to everyone. I don't tell anyone how I feel because I don't want them to feel sorry for me, but then nobody understands. I don't feel like myself. I'm getting help wednesday because that's what mom and I decided would be best to try. I know you don't care, but that's why.

that would be painful for me to admit to anyone if it was me. you're being very courageous.

E: Also, in case you wonder, I worry about you sometimes. You're isolating yourself too.

she's pushing away her female friends for a little something something with a rooster.

C: I care but i wanna spend time with him em! I want him to stay in my life forever. He is a lot further way then you are. I cant just decide wednesday to come spend one night with him. I hate having him gone so much I went out and got a promise ring for him even though he wont wear it. I dont want him to leave and i dont do the stuff i do to please or make ppl happy or anything i do it so i can be on my own in my own life my own fiance my own family. You dont know how much it hurts to hear you say so your gonnabe with him and keep it when your with your bf and dont do something stupid! Thats why i tell you when hes coming home or i go there or something! I didnt even know he was coming home till one of the girls i went to school with ruined the surprise! So now im hurt cuz i would have had the surprise then know ahead of time.

just because he is farther away than you doesnt mean she can treat you like shit and expect you to stay away when she wants, and jump when she says jump and come running when she wants. you have your own life too fluffy... well.. pretend you have one ok?

C: No im making myself my own person my own life

E: I completely understand you need your time with him, I'm just going through a lot lately and I'm sorry for taking it out on everyone. Sometimes I just feel like all I'm doing every day is trying not to cry in front of anyone else. I was just upset this time because I thought I was going to see you. I know what's important to you, and I know you still care about me too, just in your spare time. I just worry about you because you've changed so fast and if anything happens you're so connected to him that I don't know what you'll do. And I don't have hardly anyone, you and jessie both have super important relationships and I'm just stupid and invasive.

-channels her inner seany-

when dealing with wimmin, don't admit weakness. don't admit to being stupid.


you're smart and attractive and fun. yes i'm from the internet.. but this is true~!!!

C: Yeah

E: And jessie's the same way, both of you only have a select few people who you can talk to, but while you're both in good places I feel like such a baby

C: If something happens to me and him okay I tell him idk what i will do and he believes ill be strong so idc im not worried bout something happening im looking at the future and how it will be

he believes she;ll be strong if they break up? well that's life.. but seems to me that he doesnt think she loves him.. lolololol

E: Yeah. It's not like I worry about anything happening. I just worry about it something does happen. You're strong, but it'll be a test, especially since your whole life is tied to him already this fast. Which is scary at such a young age.

i was walking home from the bus stop near a middle school. the school park is dark.. no lights and lots of trees. three white young teenagers are talking to each other. i walk past.. and debate whether or not to tell them anything.

in the end.. i walk back and advise them to go to a more lighted area. i make the mistake of asking them if their parents are fine with them being there.


i get yelled at because they ARE OF AGE and yada yada ya.

C: Im 18 and can make my own choice! And he is my whole life becuz i want it that way and we have been together for almost 10 months! Dont tell me im to young to make this decision! This is my turn im not living at home all my life im growing up and living my life.

life would be so much easier if sexual activity was condoned for girls to do at a young age of eighteen... cause that's all she wants.

E: I'm not arguing with your decision, I'm just telling you why I worry. You don't need to get so defensive about it, especially with how confident you are

C: Well this is my life and im living it. And over christmas break idk how much ill see you cuz im doing christmas eve with him and he is coming to christmas with my family

christmas should be spent with loved ones.

congrats.. she doesn't love you enough to want you in her life anymore.

E: Yeah. I know it's your life. I just hope to stay in it in the long run, at least a little bit.

C: Yeah we will see jerads not ur biggest fan

if this guy has any say in her keeping you as a friend.. and you get defriended.. i will never forgive you if you become friends with her again after he dumps her and she begs you to be her friend again NEVER N EVER NEVER!~!!!!

(also im being honest.. i thought you'd appreciate it... >_> )

E: That shouldn't matter if you make your own decisions.

C: Well no matter what he comes first to me. Him and trayten

who is trayten? also.. good luck trying to get her to keep you as a friend.. when THE BOYFRIEND is way more important than you will ever be to her.


guys have a saying in some folds of society.

"bros before [garden tools]"

i just have to say.. i agree with that sentiment mostly.

if i can get a guy who is my best friend.. i will put him on the same level as my SISTERS...

however.. if not.. i consider him a LOOSE MAN who will sleep with anything and is not worth the tears or stress that i should go through... especially if he starts insisting on who i pick as MY FRIENDS.


cyndi clearly has no XP in this matter.. she probably hasn't read tons of books or read tons of books or watched movies or read tons of books about this same scenario.


E: Yeah. But what I meant was even tom said ginger hates some of his friends but she doesn't prevent him from being friends with them

exactly! BROS BEFORE [garden tools]~!!!!

C: Idc

yep she's an idiot

E: Just don't let him control you

C: He doesnt but i understand him and he understands me. How bout you dont control me

I'll be honest. i like controlling people. and i do think that you are trying to control her. control her so that she won't let anyone control her and make decisions she might regret.

however i also think that this boyfriend is trying to control her way more than you or me could ever hope to control a female.


im guessing he's not letting her achieve the big O unless she's mean to you or something...

i think i'd be mean to you in that same circumstance.. but only infront of him ;)


E: Clearly I don't control you. if he understands you, he should know you need people to act silly around occasionally and make glittery signs for neighbors and whatever else we do that you and him don't do

this be the same guy that didn't like her spending monies on you.. but saw nothing wrong with her spending HER money on HIM because... he considered it HIS MONIES? or am i remembering it wrong?

C: I have fun with him our rleationship is not sex and that its fun and living and being together

ie sex

E: Yeah I know I didn't say that, I just mean you and I do different thinks like getting nails done and coloring and things he doesn't care for

C: He cares he just doesnt always like to go.

since i am controlling and manipulative... i just have to say...

now she's feeling defensive.. because since he clearly loves her.. he should be willing to go to shit like this.. and get his nails done and do things he considers boring just to be with her.

however.. he clearly doesnt like being bored.

and she refuses to accept it.

E: Yeah, that's what I mean. You don't both have all the same exact interests

again.. she's gonna get defensive.

C: No just 95

E: Right. But everyone you know has friends, whether they're in relationships or not

C: Yeah and he is not only my bf hes my friend and not only my friend my best friend

she;s too far gone.. seriously.. at this point i'd set him up so that she finds him kissing some other girl...

if i had enough of her shit.. i'd have her walk in on him kissing me etc.


i know.. major [bleep]yness.. but.. seriously.. at this point in a friendship.. especially with a girl that i really like and she wants to break off our friendship because the boyfriend doesn't approve.. i;d resort to terrible measures because i just don't give a [bleep] anymore about keeping my friendship with her.


it's usually at this point where i stop being friends with people.. usually before.

the boyfriend wants me out of their lives.. fine. i will stay out...

-- long delay, I had class --

E: Yeahh I have a couple best friends and a few close friends, but that's all hard to define.

C: Yup

E: it's cold

C: Yeah

-- long delay, I didn't feel like replying --

C: I think I'm handing in my two weeks tomorrow [at her job not at his family's restaurant, at Gander Mtn]

E: Oh why?

C: 12 to 8 tuesday thru saturday

E: Oh. Gander's gonna cry right before holidays lol

C: Lol ik

E: You work there tonight right?

C: yupp tonight and thursday and sat morning then wednes friday sat at bbp&c [restaurant]

E: Yee better make sure nobody needs anything from gander for xmas lol

C: I dont think so

E: Yeahh

C: K

E: Welllll suppose you'll be going in soon so have a good shift[/hide]


Yeah, I should have been mean. I should have told her there's no way in hell she'll be able to move up there with him next year because she spends her money like an idiot. I should have told her the way she talks about her relationship reminds me of a 13 year old. I should have told her quitting her job at Gander Mountain is a stupid decision. I should have told her to stop flattering herself. I should have told her that yes, I did stay home because jerad was coming home, because when she insensitively told me that over text I cried and remembered all the other things that have disappointed me lately and how all my personal issues are preventing me from finding other things to look forward to and that's what triggered my mental breakdown. I should have told her that I don't worry about something happening to them because I hope and pray something does happen to them. She's so stupid and she's not going to grow up with him. I should have told her that losing all her friends because he doesn't like them is the stupidest thing she could do because of a high school relationship. I should have told her that if he won't wear the stupid promise ring, he obviously doesn't want to show that. I should have reminded her that her parents' marriage lasted one year, my dad got married and had a kid around 18 and divorced quickly, and the divorce rate is high in those young relationships like that. I should have asked her how long the couples at the last two weddings had been together for before they got married, because both those couples had been together over 6 years. I should have asked her what ever happened to wanting to look into graphic design, because she won't be able to get into her boyfriend's college. I should have asked her how she expects to get a job in a college town. I should have told her that if I controlled her, I'd have gotten her to dump Jerad and look at how stupid she's been acting before getting back with him if she still somehow thought that was right. I should have told her that her brother Trayten, who is one of her top priorities, told the neighborhood that he thought her dress at her aunt's wedding was [bleep]ty. I should have asked her, if I don't matter to her, why does she fill me in on all her life's details? Why does she tell me what's going on around the house? Why does she send me random pictures of interesting things to make me smile? If I don't mean anything, why does it matter what I say? If she doesn't care what I think, why doesn't she tell me the truth? And if she does care, why can't she say it without qualifying it with something about how she cares about jerad most? She's an idiot.

you didn't tell her because you love her and you didn't want to hurt her.

And yet somehow, I still care. I have few enough people in my life that I'm holding onto everyone. We hadn't gone at it like that since August, and it wasn't as intense then. Of course, the core cause of that argument was that jerad thought I was interfering with their relationship. Well looky there, who's interfering with whose relationship? You can't get "friendship" licenses, and you don't have "best friendship" relationship statuses. Just because a friendship is technically hard to define doesn't mean it doesn't matter! Sorry it's not socially normal for us to buy each other jewelry on a random date each year. Sorry I didn't take note of the day your family moved to my neighborhood. Sorry my parents can't overpay you for a job and give a job to your brother's girlfriend. But you know what I can do? I can color 50 pictures for your wall to give your room character. I can go get my nails done with you. I can sing obnoxiously loud in your car. I can babysit your little brother and hang out with your family without you around. I can eat Taco Bell with you because your picky whiny boyfriend doesn't like TACOS (sure fire sign he's secretly gay). I can give you a TAMPON. And you know what I can and may have to do that he'll never do? I can listen to you cry about him, help you find a new job outside of his family's restaurant, burn all the pictures of you two together, and agree with you about how STUPID you've been acting throughout this relationship. Because who else will be there? You've burned enough bridges. And what if you two make it? Well, I can say that before him, you probably pictured me in your wedding. I don't know if that stands. But there's no way he can be the groom AND the maid of honor. You may have found it necessary to prom dress shop with him (WTF), but you can't do that with a wedding dress. So.

i wtfd too!!! lol

She doesn't know what she wants. I'm the most obvious example of that. She'll tell me I don't matter, then say she cares, then say our friendship won't last if her relationship does, then tell me about her employment status and what's going on in her life. Girl please, I thought I didn't know what I want. It's gotta be even harder to figure out what you want when you're high off happiness thinking you do know what you want when that's only part of the picture.

you know what i'd do in this situation fluff. what are YOU gonna do.


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Also I thought girls were supposed to go prom dress shopping with their mom or their female friends.... that's what my sister did. My mom's money and her friends' companionship.


i have no idea.. i didnt go to prom cause i hate dress shopping.

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Also I thought girls were supposed to go prom dress shopping with their mom or their female friends.... that's what my sister did. My mom's money and her friends' companionship.
i have no idea.. i didnt go to prom cause i hate dress shopping.

Yeah, it's the societal norm for girls to shop for prom with each other.



Goddammit Monk, stop being so full of win.

I am Monk's [bleep]


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Also I thought girls were supposed to go prom dress shopping with their mom or their female friends.... that's what my sister did. My mom's money and her friends' companionship.
i have no idea.. i didnt go to prom cause i hate dress shopping.

Yeah, it's the societal norm for girls to shop for prom with each other.


i wouldn't mind having my bf shop for me and get the clothes... i hate shopping that much. <_<

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E: Why do you delete everything I post on your facebook?

C: Cuz it doesn't need to be on there why do you make a big deal of everything?

deleting posts on fb is bad

Only when they don't contain ponies




E: I'm not it was just a question, you don't delete anyone else's

C: Cuz everyone else matters to me. Dont get me wrong were friends but your obsessed with me. And ive known jerad was coming home for a week.

lolwut? she seriously said something this hurtful to my fluffy? she wants me to punch her right? :angry:

she said "were"... unforgivable!




E: When were you gonna tell me?

C: Friday. But you make a big deal of everything! Are you kidding you didnt go home sunday cuz I told you jerad was coming home. Yes im spending the weekend at there house! Sunday im taking him to the cities. And next year im planning on moving up there with him. Does any one know... no cuz we r waiting and making sure... so there you happy you know my life story?

you are entitled to know her life story because you are friends with her.. if she doenst tell you shit.. then you can't be friends with her. i can tell she;s interested in sexy time.

yeah, what's up with this? like telling you her life story is some big inconvenience




E: Actually, I stayed home because I had a mental breakdown Sunday when mom got home because I didn'twant to leave home. I have hardly any friends and all their lives are pretty solid and I don't know how to change mine. I spend a ton of time alone. I don't know what I want, and I don't know if I'll ever know hot to get it. Yeah, every time I find something to look forward to I cling to it and lately everything keeps falling through for me. Half the time when people try to comfort me they're being hypocritical. I'm a burden to everyone. I don't tell anyone how I feel because I don't want them to feel sorry for me, but then nobody understands. I don't feel like myself. I'm getting help wednesday because that's what mom and I decided would be best to try. I know you don't care, but that's why.

that would be painful for me to admit to anyone if it was me. you're being very courageous.

agreed. you got some balls woman




E: Also, in case you wonder, I worry about you sometimes. You're isolating yourself too.

she's pushing away her female friends for a little something something with a rooster.

the shitty part is she doesn't even need to... there's no reason for her to do this!




C: I care but i wanna spend time with him em! I want him to stay in my life forever. He is a lot further way then you are. I cant just decide wednesday to come spend one night with him. I hate having him gone so much I went out and got a promise ring for him even though he wont wear it. I dont want him to leave and i dont do the stuff i do to please or make ppl happy or anything i do it so i can be on my own in my own life my own fiance my own family. You dont know how much it hurts to hear you say so your gonnabe with him and keep it when your with your bf and dont do something stupid! Thats why i tell you when hes coming home or i go there or something! I didnt even know he was coming home till one of the girls i went to school with ruined the surprise! So now im hurt cuz i would have had the surprise then know ahead of time.

just because he is farther away than you doesnt mean she can treat you like shit and expect you to stay away when she wants, and jump when she says jump and come running when she wants. you have your own life too fluffy... well.. pretend you have one ok?

I think she's just making excuses to avoid admitting she's actually been terribly mean




C: No im making myself my own person my own life

E: I completely understand you need your time with him, I'm just going through a lot lately and I'm sorry for taking it out on everyone. Sometimes I just feel like all I'm doing every day is trying not to cry in front of anyone else. I was just upset this time because I thought I was going to see you. I know what's important to you, and I know you still care about me too, just in your spare time. I just worry about you because you've changed so fast and if anything happens you're so connected to him that I don't know what you'll do. And I don't have hardly anyone, you and jessie both have super important relationships and I'm just stupid and invasive.

-channels her inner seany-

when dealing with wimmin, don't admit weakness. don't admit to being stupid.


you're smart and attractive and fun. yes i'm from the internet.. but this is true~!!!

You'd do seany proud with that




C: Yeah

E: And jessie's the same way, both of you only have a select few people who you can talk to, but while you're both in good places I feel like such a baby

C: If something happens to me and him okay I tell him idk what i will do and he believes ill be strong so idc im not worried bout something happening im looking at the future and how it will be

he believes she;ll be strong if they break up? well that's life.. but seems to me that he doesnt think she loves him.. lolololol

that's pretty strange. Is he hinting at something with that comment




E: Yeah. It's not like I worry about anything happening. I just worry about it something does happen. You're strong, but it'll be a test, especially since your whole life is tied to him already this fast. Which is scary at such a young age.

i was walking home from the bus stop near a middle school. the school park is dark.. no lights and lots of trees. three white young teenagers are talking to each other. i walk past.. and debate whether or not to tell them anything.

in the end.. i walk back and advise them to go to a more lighted area. i make the mistake of asking them if their parents are fine with them being there.


i get yelled at because they ARE OF AGE and yada yada ya.

If she were mature enough for you to not worry about, she'd be touched by your concern, not angry at it




C: Im 18 and can make my own choice! And he is my whole life becuz i want it that way and we have been together for almost 10 months! Dont tell me im to young to make this decision! This is my turn im not living at home all my life im growing up and living my life.

life would be so much easier if sexual activity was condoned for girls to do at a young age of eighteen... cause that's all she wants.

>implying she's independent at 18




E: I'm not arguing with your decision, I'm just telling you why I worry. You don't need to get so defensive about it, especially with how confident you are

C: Well this is my life and im living it. And over christmas break idk how much ill see you cuz im doing christmas eve with him and he is coming to christmas with my family

christmas should be spent with loved ones.

congrats.. she doesn't love you enough to want you in her life anymore.

I felt like this was the meanest thing she said during the entire conversation




E: Yeah. I know it's your life. I just hope to stay in it in the long run, at least a little bit.

C: Yeah we will see jerads not ur biggest fan

if this guy has any say in her keeping you as a friend.. and you get defriended.. i will never forgive you if you become friends with her again after he dumps her and she begs you to be her friend again NEVER N EVER NEVER!~!!!!

(also im being honest.. i thought you'd appreciate it... >_> )

Now silva... people make mistakes and should be forgiven... not easily of course... but eventually




E: That shouldn't matter if you make your own decisions.

C: Well no matter what he comes first to me. Him and trayten

who is trayten? also.. good luck trying to get her to keep you as a friend.. when THE BOYFRIEND is way more important than you will ever be to her.


guys have a saying in some folds of society.

"bros before [garden tools]"

i just have to say.. i agree with that sentiment mostly.

if i can get a guy who is my best friend.. i will put him on the same level as my SISTERS...

however.. if not.. i consider him a LOOSE MAN who will sleep with anything and is not worth the tears or stress that i should go through... especially if he starts insisting on who i pick as MY FRIENDS.


cyndi clearly has no XP in this matter.. she probably hasn't read tons of books or read tons of books or watched movies or read tons of books about this same scenario.


this was a close second for the worst thing said during this conversation




E: Yeah. But what I meant was even tom said ginger hates some of his friends but she doesn't prevent him from being friends with them

exactly! BROS BEFORE [garden tools]~!!!!




C: Idc

yep she's an idiot

totally. "idc" to me means "I don't have an answer to that valid point"




E: Just don't let him control you

C: He doesnt but i understand him and he understands me. How bout you dont control me

I'll be honest. i like controlling people. and i do think that you are trying to control her. control her so that she won't let anyone control her and make decisions she might regret.

however i also think that this boyfriend is trying to control her way more than you or me could ever hope to control a female.


im guessing he's not letting her achieve the big O unless she's mean to you or something...

i think i'd be mean to you in that same circumstance.. but only infront of him ;)


What the [bleep] is she talking about? you controlling her? seriously?




E: Clearly I don't control you. if he understands you, he should know you need people to act silly around occasionally and make glittery signs for neighbors and whatever else we do that you and him don't do

this be the same guy that didn't like her spending monies on you.. but saw nothing wrong with her spending HER money on HIM because... he considered it HIS MONIES? or am i remembering it wrong?

does she miss those things at all? I bet she does, but won't admit it




C: I have fun with him our rleationship is not sex and that its fun and living and being together

ie sex




E: Yeah I know I didn't say that, I just mean you and I do different thinks like getting nails done and coloring and things he doesn't care for

C: He cares he just doesnt always like to go.

since i am controlling and manipulative... i just have to say...

now she's feeling defensive.. because since he clearly loves her.. he should be willing to go to shit like this.. and get his nails done and do things he considers boring just to be with her.

however.. he clearly doesnt like being bored.

and she refuses to accept it.

Sounds pretty stupid to me. He cares but he doesn't go? SO he cares... but not enough to do absolutely anything related to it?




E: Yeah, that's what I mean. You don't both have all the same exact interests

again.. she's gonna get defensive.




C: No just 95

E: Right. But everyone you know has friends, whether they're in relationships or not

C: Yeah and he is not only my bf hes my friend and not only my friend my best friend

she;s too far gone.. seriously.. at this point i'd set him up so that she finds him kissing some other girl...

if i had enough of her shit.. i'd have her walk in on him kissing me etc.


i know.. major [bleep]yness.. but.. seriously.. at this point in a friendship.. especially with a girl that i really like and she wants to break off our friendship because the boyfriend doesn't approve.. i;d resort to terrible measures because i just don't give a [bleep] anymore about keeping my friendship with her.


it's usually at this point where i stop being friends with people.. usually before.

the boyfriend wants me out of their lives.. fine. i will stay out...

She's so deep in denail right now. Surely she realises that the odds of them staying together are staggeringly low when she's this young




you didn't tell her because you love her and you didn't want to hurt her.

Emily is wise to avoid hurting her, but i don't feel like she made it clear enough how upset she was




you know what i'd do in this situation fluff. what are YOU gonna do.

I don't know what you'd do wits....

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