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Therapy today was nice.

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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all of the stuff youre made up of is the result of stars exploding. So in a way, you are the sun.



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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So I slept on my shoulder funny or something because I can't lift my arm over my head. I can barely hold it out straight to my side for more than 10 seconds. It's been like this all day. It sucks.

I'm going to milk Goon's teats

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Oh great, Pie is turning into Pepsi now.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Ive decided that if I cant get a duty station overseas, I will then attempt to get a station in Maine and show up on halos doorstep. After which, if he doesnt totally flip out, many good times will be had.



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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Agreed - single player could be better. Way too much hand to hand combat...



I can't even drive.



[bleep], I'm 21 and I don't have my license yet. And I ain't even mad.


she's infatuated and once that wears off... they'll either have a messy traumatic breakup, or they'll get married out of convenience.


Yeah, messy is an understatement when in two weeks her only job will be the one at his family's restaurant, she has very few friends (and yeah, I'm more her [female dog] than friend at this point, I'm on reserve or something), her facebook consists of 71260491273409 posts about him and 938579783 pictures with him, her room is plastered with pictures of them (and about... 3 with me and her, even though I was behind the camera for most of the pictures in there), and "DERP ALL I WANTZ IS U BBY" her life will be ruined.


If she breaks up with me, I'm going to go into her room and remove every sign of me. Her wall of word sign picture things will become bare and a couple of her favorite shirts will be gone. This will be a simple task because I live across the street from her and I know when she's not home. Also, yeah, my family and the rest of the neighborhood is basically on my side. Not that she'll care at that point, our epic breakup will only occur if she's still with jergod. Or jerkoff. I prefer jerkoff.



My friend failed 6 times.

Also, in your current state Abc, you really couldn't hurt my feelings or make me depressed for failing a drivers test.


I lol'd... am I insensitive?



Anyway. I did go to bed last night when I got off, I was asleep by midnight. Slept till 8:10. Not letting myself nap. Mom said it'd be best if I get my sleep in order, that might help my mental state. I did accomplish a couple things today: I got possible extra credit in speech, learned about a study abroad program I might be interested in, took my Spanish exam, and set up an appointment with counseling. Jessie and Seth are probably coming over here tonight for dinner. Oddly enough, I haven't seen Seth since last Thursday... which, it seems like it shouldn't be weird, but he's legitimately a friend, not just an obstacle in obtaining friendship and time with his girlfriend. Since they're a functional relationship of 18 months, they actually hang out with other people! AND NOT JUST COUPLES! And Seth hates most of Jessie's friends, but they're all still her friends! Why, how bizarre is that? Also, in comparison to Cyndi and jerkoff, Jessie and Seth aren't considering living together for two more years, when Jessie will be a junior here and Seth will have finished his 2-year. Jessie doesn't want to get married until she has a job and somewhere secure to live, and doesn't want to reproduce until the marriage is secure. Well.

You should tell Cyndi and Enos that they should adopt the Jessie and Seth model of having a relationship, because clearly they're too stupid to have their own



I'm not sure if Blaze is a genius or a retard.

He's sexy. that is all.


I'm going to be the bigger man here and leave.


Bye, tif, you won't see me for a while, if not ever again. You've driven me too far this time. I may have come back in the past, but I'm really just done now.

I think Pie is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything


My official title is "PT SALES FLOOR ASSOCIATE SALES ASSC". The guy said it's just cashier/sales floor/stocking shelves

Sounds sexy... I've always wanted to [bleep] a Sales Floor Associate Sales Associate....


Praise the sun!

Dark souls and all that.


Therapy today was nice.



I am your god now.

Could be worse.

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Nope. It's really weird. I've never really had anything like this before. I'm tempted to take some Advil or something, but I hate taking any kind of medication.

why? medication is awesome

Dunno, I've always just kind of stayed away it.

I'm going to milk Goon's teats

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Ive decided that if I cant get a duty station overseas, I will then attempt to get a station in Maine and show up on halos doorstep. After which, if he doesnt totally flip out, many good times will be had.



[hide]That would be cool. I can't wait to explain why the hell a Navy officer is knocking at the front door to my mother.[/hide]

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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