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You picked a bad time to start Fallout 3 then...

Starting to realize that.


Speaking of dolphins, I went to the Museum of Technology to get that stupid disc or whatever, but I don't have 50 lockpick. lololololo guess I better go do random quests for those xp's.

I'm going to milk Goon's teats

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Vault 101 utility suit has +5 lockpick, so you could only need to get it to 45... pluss you can get a Tumblers Today stat boosting magazine... but really... stop playing that game. Its bad for you.


@Emily I would say that I only ever snack before bed once or twice a week at the most. I used to do it every night though

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Well the music started out with just sentimental value but now it's most of what I find myself listening to, lol. Sellout pop-y trash. But I love ittttt, just the same as I love fast food. Not the best for me, but it serves a purpose and is pretty accepted. Dat convenience factor.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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