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I agree with most of what silva said, but I don't know that its reasonable to say that cyndi doesn't love emily. It sure seems that way given how she's been acting, however, we don't really have the full picture of what's going on. However we can surely agree what she's doing is unacceptable and she should stop right away!


since you agree with me.. you shall marry me <_<

Aren't I married to y_guy? Well... I'm open to bigamy.


he beats you. so break up with him.

Ok. He is dumped. I took half his shit... -holds up half a bit of twine-

-steals robot's string-


Well yeah, it's her behavior. She gets sucked in and they're both immature in their own ways. He wouldn't have made the ridiculous demands for her to cave to if he wasn't a jealous idiot, and he has no reason to give dirty looks to my house when, honestly, we got along face to face just fine before the early August thing.


I don't think he'd had a girlfriend before, and all her previous boyfriends were stupid. She'd acted like this before somewhat, but not to this degree. She's rarely been comfortable talking to me about her relationship issues while she's still in relationships, but afterwards she's been able to open up sometimes. So I have no clue if everything is as perfect as she says, or if she's just defensive because something is wrong and she's struggling.

I dunno. I can't really relate to someone defending such a toxic relationship on the basis of just being reluctant to admit to trouble. I mean, she has to be getting something out of it, right?

sexy time

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Yeah, since they have a romantic relationship that makes them best friends and therefore she needs no other friends. Except his. That's fine.

Well, that's not something that's "ok" exactly, but its not as worrisome as her being in a failing relationship and being head over heels in denial.

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Who knows though, one of her relationships last summer, the guy didn't talk to her because he "didn't have a phone anymore" a day after they started "dating" and was in love with his best friend CLEARLY; Cyndi only met him a total of like 5 times, and she got mad when one of our friends asked him about it and he dumped Cyndi because he'd been dating her because he "felt bad for how obsessed she was with him so he played along with her fantasy." So basically, friends watching out for her is a no-no.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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Before that, she was always talking to this guy who seemed okay for a while but then I found out stuff about how actually, she did want a relationship with him, and they'd been sexting a while but she didn't want to tell me there was a possibility of them having a relationship for some reason. Before him was a gangsta thug who was only interested in sex; I never supported that relationship and then when it fell apart she talked to me before making the solid decision to break up with him and kept me updated on the entire process. Before him was someone she had only met once, I didn't want them dating because the guy was 3 years older and in college and they hadn't met and whatnot but she convinced me she'd be okay and she understood me worrying about her (this was our one heart-to-heart) and then at the end we found out he had a fiancee and she told me I had been right the whole time. Before that, she had no interest in the guy. Before that was probably our neighbor Josh. She has a rough history and doesn't know how to act in a functional relationship towards everyone around her, and I think she's just rushing to keep it even though he's controlling because that's somewhat better than the other things she's put up with.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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-clings to robot while playing with his string-

Just know that if you divorce me, the string you get will be so short you can't play with it.


Before that, she was always talking to this guy who seemed okay for a while but then I found out stuff about how actually, she did want a relationship with him, and they'd been sexting a while but she didn't want to tell me there was a possibility of them having a relationship for some reason. Before him was a gangsta thug who was only interested in sex; I never supported that relationship and then when it fell apart she talked to me before making the solid decision to break up with him and kept me updated on the entire process. Before him was someone she had only met once, I didn't want them dating because the guy was 3 years older and in college and they hadn't met and whatnot but she convinced me she'd be okay and she understood me worrying about her (this was our one heart-to-heart) and then at the end we found out he had a fiancee and she told me I had been right the whole time. Before that, she had no interest in the guy. Before that was probably our neighbor Josh. She has a rough history and doesn't know how to act in a functional relationship towards everyone around her, and I think she's just rushing to keep it even though he's controlling because that's somewhat better than the other things she's put up with.

What is wrong with this girl? Why can't she get into a normal damn relationship? And how does a girl who is clingy and devoted to the point of obsession get with someone who only wants sex?

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I've known English since I started speaking and yet my question still sounded completely wrong


@psycho because she's not normal! She can't get into a normal relationship and I can't get into one at all, which would be worse? Not that I want to or feel like I could handle it at the moment

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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-clings to robot while playing with his string-

Just know that if you divorce me, the string you get will be so short you can't play with it.

sounds as if you dont want to divorce me

Before that, she was always talking to this guy who seemed okay for a while but then I found out stuff about how actually, she did want a relationship with him, and they'd been sexting a while but she didn't want to tell me there was a possibility of them having a relationship for some reason. Before him was a gangsta thug who was only interested in sex; I never supported that relationship and then when it fell apart she talked to me before making the solid decision to break up with him and kept me updated on the entire process. Before him was someone she had only met once, I didn't want them dating because the guy was 3 years older and in college and they hadn't met and whatnot but she convinced me she'd be okay and she understood me worrying about her (this was our one heart-to-heart) and then at the end we found out he had a fiancee and she told me I had been right the whole time. Before that, she had no interest in the guy. Before that was probably our neighbor Josh. She has a rough history and doesn't know how to act in a functional relationship towards everyone around her, and I think she's just rushing to keep it even though he's controlling because that's somewhat better than the other things she's put up with.

What is wrong with this girl? Why can't she get into a normal damn relationship? And how does a girl who is clingy and devoted to the point of obsession get with someone who only wants sex?


she's scarred... emotionally

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I've known English since I started speaking and yet my question still sounded completely wrong


I think "I've known English since I started speaking" sounded more awkward than the questions.


Man, I could do with some weed needles now.

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-clings to robot while playing with his string-

Just know that if you divorce me, the string you get will be so short you can't play with it.

sounds as if you dont want to divorce me

No, I just don't want my string cut again.


my dad said i didn't start talking till i was nine.


this is untrue.



i waited till I was four.

Why did you wait that long? Pros start talking at age 1.5

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I can't think, I should be in bed. I can't get 8 hours of sleep now unless I ditch Jessie and breakfast. I could do that, but it could only get me about 25 more minutes of sleep, so I might as well have a full breakfast.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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RIP Michaelangelopolous

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

This is by FAR my favorite song:


I love N_odie and would never edit his posts! I love Rainy_Day too <3 And also Cowman_133. <33 Oh, and Laikrob is a going to hunt me down and kill me like a pest kangaroo if I reveal how awesome she is. I owe tripsis skittles. DarkDude feels like he's missing out. This is my siggy! - n_odie Rainy_Day MINE! - n_odie Rainy_Day And meol shouldn't feel left out. Oh, and Y_Guy is a noob awesome


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