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Credit/Debt.. need some help.


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Well, I was due to leave for United States Marine Core boot camp July 17th. Now, I just recently quit my job to enjoy my last few weeks until basic, and today I get a letter in the mail stating my Credit Card company forwarded a bill to a collection agency. !?!?




Now, I can't leave for boot camp until my credits caught up, and I have no income. Any help is appreciated on what to do..





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Suicide is your only option.




Jp, Take out a loan or something? or ask family for some help?




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Do you have a parent/sibling who would be willing to pay off the debt until you could repay them? If you have anyone close, they should be able to understand your problem.


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This is why you shouldn't get a credit card until you can use it responsibly.




Anyway, you need a job. I know you just quit one, but there is no way around it. Unless, of course, you can get a loan from someone.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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You have no choice but to get another job. Getting a loan will still leave you with a debt. If you don't mind me asking, exactly how much do you owe?




For your credit card bill to be forwarded to debt collection would mean you have had at least two months of unpaid fees, meaning you weren't paying when you were supposed to, at least thats how it is here.


Proud Tip.It Moderator December 07 - October 2009
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This is exactly why I don't buy something unless I can pay for it in cash...




May I ask why you can't just pay it off with your training wages? I have friends in basic who are paying off their debts.




It's hard to give advice because I need more information. For example, do you know where this debt accumulated from? Did you recieve warning letters? Have you intentionally not paid it back?




If not, you could attempt to contact the collection agency and enquire what exactly it is for and explain your situation.




But yeah, ultimately you should be allowed to attend basic. You could try contacting your recruiter and explain the situation see what they say (if the MC wont let you go).




Oh and you can arrange a garnish (money taken from your wages from basic). If you have this payment plan in place, they should technically allow you to leave the country. You will need to ring them ASAP and talk to them if you want to leave soon.




Good luck mate, tell me how you go.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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This is exactly why I don't buy something unless I can pay for it in cash...




May I ask why you can't just pay it off with your training wages? I have friends in basic who are paying off their debts.




It's hard to give advice because I need more information. For example, do you know where this debt accumulated from? Did you recieve warning letters? Have you intentionally not paid it back?




If not, you could attempt to contact the collection agency and enquire what exactly it is for and explain your situation.




But yeah, ultimately you should be allowed to attend basic. You could try contacting your recruiter and explain the situation see what they say (if the MC wont let you go).




Oh and you can arrange a garnish (money taken from your wages from basic). If you have this payment plan in place, they should technically allow you to leave the country. You will need to ring them ASAP and talk to them if you want to leave soon.




Good luck mate, tell me how you go.




Well this sounds like the best option and is actually what I was considering, just having them take it directly from my account while I'm at basic training I just wasn't sure if I was allowed to do that or not. I'm going to go talk to my recruiter now, see what he says and then give my credit card company a call.





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