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runecrafting natures


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Thank you. Its nice to see people who can respectfuly tell you your wrong.




The lag was bad probably more so than you have experianced due to the fact im using mobile internet dongle with a poor signal.




I wont test it cos it seems like a worthless effort, I will however continue to use my method due to its simplicity and lack of clicking.



IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER .......... or die trying

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If you wanted a more serious thread (like no flaming, trolling, mocking and etc.) you had to provide more information. 450 nats per 30 minutes with some loose info about the inventory and the actual method (we arent obligated to know it .. you had to describe it a little) doesnt work.


Yeaaah that thread was some nice forum exp. wasnt it :lol:




I pity you, I really do.




meaning of the word cretin: A word associated to people whose lack of intelligence, manners/etiquette, appreciation, moral fibre and glaring social ineptitude, which in turn allows upstanding, educated, decent, moral, intelligent, socially respectful and hard working people to perceive them as "degenerates" (owing to their inherent and blatantly obvious flaws).








A Person that is: brainless, stupid, child-like, and full of pointless information that makes no sense and appeals only to other cretins. They can be found in abundance in every single populated internet forum, where they race to post as many mind-numbing messages as possible in a single session. In addition, they seemingly interbreed with other cretins, ensuring that their cretinous genes continue long after they end up dead meaning the Internet will never be rid of their kind. More's the pity.




I'll let you decide.




Sorry, for letting it get like this tip.it mods.



IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER .......... or die trying

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sr dude, it sounds like I am responsible for your lack or thread-making-skills ?


and believe it or not - I am not obligated to be "upstanding, educated, decent, moral, intelligent and blah blah" in a poor-made forum thread.

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I didn't said I am not responsible for my actions.


I tried to explane to you that graahk is twice as fast, twice as good w/e you look at it.


Yeah I know I have poor explanation skills, but that is not a reason to be blind, is it ?


YOU didnt understood what I said, while most of the other users did. In that case its your fault.




C'mon you could at least make a better OP couldn't ya ?


You could put the ~900 per hour with 2 pouches, no familiar and lag thingy. Then you could make few trips to see how long does it take. Make few calculations to show the xp rate and the gp loss.




All you did was to give us useless information wait for "yeah dude, this method rox!!11! one o o one!!"


You didn't admin a lose after all. Weren't you mature ?


And in the end, when you couldnt understand me you tried to make me look like the idiot in this case :wall:

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I didn't said I am not responsible for my actions.


I tried to explane to you that graahk is twice as fast, twice as good w/e you look at it.


Yeah I know I have poor explanation skills, but that is not a reason to be blind, is it ?


YOU didnt understood what I said, while most of the other users did. In that case its your fault.




C'mon you could at least make a better OP couldn't ya ?


You could put the ~900 per hour with 2 pouches, no familiar and lag thingy. Then you could make few trips to see how long does it take. Make few calculations to show the xp rate and the gp loss.




All you did was to give us useless information wait for "yeah dude, this method rox!!11! one o o one!!"


You didn't admin a lose after all. Weren't you mature ?


And in the end, when you couldnt understand me you tried to make me look like the idiot in this case :wall:




I posted in order for it to be discussed, I think it is a better method than the abyss.




Some body else mentioned graahk. I didnt understand what you posted cos you weren't clear like with this




"You didn't admin a lose after all. Weren't you mature ?"




What does that mean?




please show me were I put "yeah dude, this method rox!!11! one o o one!!", thats right I never.



IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER .......... or die trying

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and you said I was the one that lacks inteligence :shock:




"admin a lose" doesn't make sense.




"weren't you mature" implys im not mature now.




So what does me not being mature have to do with me admin a lose?




I am assuming your not english.




Dont you mean "intelligence"? How ironic!




Btw were really off topic so this is just more spam to add on to the pile.



IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER .......... or die trying

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I made the admin=admit mistake for 2nd time. by my other posts you should get what I ment.


the maturity thing .. you said you were mature enough to admit that you could be wrong, but 1/2 of the thread you defended your oppinion blindly.


last but not least - inteligence (spelled it with 1 L because I like it that way) isnt measured by spelling skills. it doesnt have anything to do with spelling or grammar tbh.




your OP was spam, so its obv. that the whole thread is one big spammy mess to begin with.

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I didn't said I am not responsible for my actions.


I tried to explane to you that graahk is twice as fast, twice as good w/e you look at it.


Yeah I know I have poor explanation skills, but that is not a reason to be blind, is it ?


YOU didnt understood what I said, while most of the other users did. In that case its your fault.




C'mon you could at least make a better OP couldn't ya ?


You could put the ~900 per hour with 2 pouches, no familiar and lag thingy. Then you could make few trips to see how long does it take. Make few calculations to show the xp rate and the gp loss.




All you did was to give us useless information wait for "yeah dude, this method rox!!11! one o o one!!"


You didn't admin a lose after all. Weren't you mature ?


And in the end, when you couldnt understand me you tried to make me look like the idiot in this case :wall:




I posted in order for it to be discussed, I think it is a better method than the abyss.




Some body else mentioned graahk. I didnt understand what you posted cos you weren't clear like with this




"You didn't admin a lose after all. Weren't you mature ?"




What does that mean?




please show me were I put "yeah dude, this method rox!!11! one o o one!!", thats right I never.





You didn't admit a lose after all. Weren't you mature?




What the person meant was that you did not admit to being wrong, even though earlier you said that you were "Mature" enough to understand wrong from right.




I've just read through this whole thread, and my conclusion is that you are in no position to call other people cretins, when you yourself are a lot worse. You've been shown that you were wrong, and THAT is the end of it. I suggest you take the word of the more experienced Runescape players, and if you don't at least get some valid data to back yourself up. And seing as you've said you're not going to test your method anymore, I don't really see how there is any need for this thread anymore.




Anyway, that's my side of the argument. As you can see - i don't post much, but i had to here. Someone had to set you straight :S




EDIT: Looks like people posted before me..Eh.

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I made the admin=admit mistake for 2nd time. by my other posts you should get what I ment.


the maturity thing .. you said you were mature enough to admit that you could be wrong, but 1/2 of the thread you defended your oppinion blindly.


last but not least - inteligence (spelled it with 1 L because I like it that way) isnt measured by spelling skills. it doesnt have anything to do with spelling or grammar tbh.




your OP was spam, so its obv. that the whole thread is one big spammy mess to begin with.




LMFAO! you cant just change the spelling of words cos you like it that way!




I defended it, thats it. It may have been blind but atleast it wasn't aggressively put down. I wasnt screaming "This is the only way and you should all do what I say cos im the bestest! And I know everything!" I wasnt even saying that any body else was wrong or what ever. All I said was I think this way is better because ....




"What the person meant was that you did not admit to being wrong, even though earlier you said that you were "Mature" enough to understand wrong from right."




I never said that! please re-read.




I posted this thread to discuss it. We all have differing opinions.




I also said some were for the thread to be closed, did I not? I want them to close it.




Just to clarify I never said any body was a cretin. You just took it to mean I did.




How do you measure experiance? Ive had my account for well over 4 years, that enough? Even played rsc for awhile.




Lost my train of thought then :?



IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER .......... or die trying

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Hmm it seems that I am the dumb one in this conversation and you know what they say "the smartest one stops the argumen first". If you dont asnwer to our posts we wont asnwer to yours and etc.


and yeah - I can change it w/e I want (the language that is) its called language development/evolution/lazyness - deel with it you will see a lot of that on the interwebz.

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Well i've been playing RS for 7 years on and off, different accounts, different reasons. I've had my share of experiences with runecrafting, so i know what the members here are talking about. As i've said, you are in no position to say people are wrong, unless you prove it. If you do, maybe then someone will actually listen.

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Well i've been playing RS for 7 years on and off, different accounts, different reasons. I've had my share of experiences with runecrafting, so i know what the members here are talking about. As i've said, you are in no position to say people are wrong, unless you prove it. If you do, maybe then someone will actually listen.




Please quote me when I said some body was wrong, when I used them words.






Hmm it seems that I am the dumb one in this conversation and you know what they say "the smartest one stops the argumen first". If you dont asnwer to our posts we wont asnwer to yours and etc.


and yeah - I can change it w/e I want (the language that is) its called language development/evolution/lazyness - deel with it you will see a lot of that on the interwebz.




Your right, but I am REALLY stubborn and I really LOVE having the last word.




I also know about the evolution of words did you know, for example, cat comes from the word dog?




Actually dumb means you can't speak. I don't know you but I assume your not dumb.




CAN A MOD PLEASE CLOSE THIS! it's getting silly!



IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER .......... or die trying

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How do you measure experiance? Ive had my account for well over 4 years, that enough? Even played rsc for awhile.
Your Runecrafting level isn't even that of a respectable level and the you lack the data to prove your opinion. Thus you lack experience and credibility in this thread. Not to sound rude.
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time passes blah blah and the words change depending on the people using them


for example olde > old


its kind of obv. that english is not my mathernal language and its hard to follow rules that have no logic in them (really, whats with the double l)

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Please quote me when I said some body was wrong, when I used them words.


Well i've been playing RS for 7 years on and off, different accounts, different reasons. I've had my share of experiences with runecrafting, so i know what the members here are talking about. As i've said, you are in no position to say people are wrong, unless you prove it. If you do, maybe then someone will actually listen.







Throughout the thread you have been stubborn and "blind" as people have said, and every time you were proved wrong, you kept going. I see that as believing people are wrong. If you want to prove anything, then get the data to do so.

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How do you measure experiance? Ive had my account for well over 4 years, that enough? Even played rsc for awhile.
Your Runecrafting level isn't even that of a respectable level and the you lack the data to prove your opinion. Thus you lack experience and credibility in this thread. Not to sound rude.




I'm sorry but you used that quote out of context.




I am 1 level off making laws (I think) so I must have been making nats for a fair while so how do you know what I lack? I agree my summoning levels dont give me credibility.



IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER .......... or die trying

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Well i've been playing RS for 7 years on and off, different accounts, different reasons. I've had my share of experiences with runecrafting, so i know what the members here are talking about. As i've said, you are in no position to say people are wrong, unless you prove it. If you do, maybe then someone will actually listen.




Please quote me when I said some body was wrong, when I used them words.






Hmm it seems that I am the dumb one in this conversation and you know what they say "the smartest one stops the argumen first". If you dont asnwer to our posts we wont asnwer to yours and etc.


and yeah - I can change it w/e I want (the language that is) its called language development/evolution/lazyness - deel with it you will see a lot of that on the interwebz.




Your right, but I am REALLY stubborn and I really LOVE having the last word.




I also know about the evolution of words did you know, for example, cat comes from the word dog?




Actually dumb means you can't speak. I don't know you but I assume your not dumb.




CAN A MOD PLEASE CLOSE THIS! it's getting silly!





If you desire the thread to be closed, you will have to erase the first post.




Also, can everyone calm themselves in this thread, as it is getting a little silly with this petty argument.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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CAN A MOD PLEASE CLOSE THIS! it's getting silly!

Sure thing, locked.




[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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