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Team Power Rangers 0wntpownzared Akeldama


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So after our nice clean fight with the sabres, tha boys in tha hood wanted to bust moar caps. So Ralph (dfdarkpyro) got us a war with akeldama. Sadly this fight wasnt as clean and enjoyable as the one mentioned before.




The rules agreed upon were:






- Meele/Binds Only


- Rings allowed


- W 154


- 7:15 EST


- Clan that drops attacks.


- Winner can post on tip.it






In the begining, there was light, and we massed about 11 people. Sadly,Two of our members had to go away for IRL , and the remainingthree, pulled a disloyal act, by leaving for a fight between their minor insignificant clans and teams their in, something by the names of Dragonwood vs TKO.




(You will get striked rudeboy, madcat, killerred) NOT RLY.




So a bit before the time was acomplished, the remaining five of us went to cwa, and challenged akeldama.




Starting :




Akeldama: 18 people








So as the rules said, we dd'd , waiting for them to drop and attack, but turnsout, they didnt dropped ANYONE, and instead, decided to rush us,with their entire army and doing the comical and flamebaiting spam of "nice pull", wich we replied with "off" and "matched" but they stayed attacking us.








Some of our members wanted to stay and pull a "300", since they piled our 102 with awesomely low def and couldnt even ko him, he was tanking them bad. But I told them as in "300" fighting would be pointless so I politely asked them to leave.




Outside we again spammed "matched" and we offered a rematch, but akeldama members just started flaming us, calling us failures (we are tho), and saying "nice pull", then I pmed their leaders and they said that they wouldnt warred us matched because they would spend 1 hour dropping 13 people, wich is a bit lazy, but I understand the annoyance, I offered them a rematch so that we didnt had to call an autowin for them breaking rules, but the leader just said "we dont care" and they started all walking away spamming "nice pull" "fail clan" and things like that, so we just spammed "autowin" and went back the command centre to get some beers and celebrate our two victorys of today. (actualy wildernes volcano where they kept flaming us but w/e).




Some of their flames/baits:




"get a real clan":
















Again Akeldama, nothing against you, we are really sorry and embarrassed by our pull, but you got to understand that this is a laid team, and half of our pull had a more important war that their clan (dragonwood for some) and their SERIOUSSZZ team (TKO) were helding.




- VID FOR MORE PROOF , AND LULZ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APxb_jHKp4Q






So we went to their IRC to apologize for the pull, and offer there a long prep where we are more prepared, but this is what we got










Again sorry if we got you that mad akel, it was not our fault , but I think you should control your flames / baits for the future.








Ok now that you saw that boring vid, and perhaps got a lil stressed by the beefy topic, we would just invite you to watch our IRL vid:









Thanks again, tip.it




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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Still sad, instead of warring with the best clan in the history of roonscape they go to war for dwood or tko sad.




i believe we're a team. please get your facts straight latino.






the best team or warring powerhouse that ever lived.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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Really, you posted this? Kinda pissed us off that our time was wasted for this. Don't tell us you can pull 13 people and then don't even pull half of what you said you can pull. If your turnout was going to be that low, you could have just cancelled the war. It was a waste of both of our time.

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Lmfao, we dropped an event for you guys who were so sure on pulling 13, and you pulled 6. #-o 6v6 isn't even a 'miniwar' imo.




Second of all your not going to find a screenie of our leader flaming because it didn't happen :lol:

-- Clan Envy --


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Regardless, the pictures clearly show that you didn't drop. Therefore you were disqualified. Perhaps a clean matched rematch could work well?






why rematch to cancel another event so they can only pull 6 nty not wasting akel's time for a joke




and im not mad lol lmfao on ts at tpr tbh

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Regardless, the pictures clearly show that you didn't drop. Therefore you were disqualified. Perhaps a clean matched rematch could work well?






why rematch to cancel another event so they can only pull 6 nty not wasting akel's time for a joke




and im not mad lol lmfao on ts at tpr tbh




I agree :)




And she isn't mad laughing on TS :lol:

-- Clan Envy --


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Regardless, the pictures clearly show that you didn't drop. Therefore you were disqualified. Perhaps a clean matched rematch could work well?




To be honest, it wasn't even a post war. Just a fun war. And you said you would pull 13. Why even make a post trying to make us look bad? Who cares if we didn't drop. It's not like the war counted for anything.

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Well sorry for our turnout, 3 of our members including me had to leave because our |CLAN had a war, we are a TEAM Clans before teams. Maybe instead of flaming we could discuss the possibility of another war? Perhaps a longer prep this time.



Currently in: Echo Of Silence


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Regardless, the pictures clearly show that you didn't drop. Therefore you were disqualified. Perhaps a clean matched rematch could work well?




To be honest, it wasn't even a post war. Just a fun war. And you said you would pull 13. Why even make a post trying to make us look bad? Who cares if we didn't drop. It's not like the war counted for anything.




Regardless, it was set in the rules and therefore should have been followed.




Well sorry for our turnout, 3 of our members including me had to leave because our |CLAN had a war, we are a TEAM Clans before teams. Maybe instead of flaming we could discuss the possibility of another war? Perhaps a longer prep this time.




And yes, I had a war to attend to as well.


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As have been said before: If you have questions about a moderator or clan community leader's ability to stay unbiased, you are more than welcome to contact either another member of the clan staff (in example myself, I'm in IRC right now if you want to talk) or you can PM Das, who is the Clan Admin.




After a message has been left requesting no flaming - whether that message is from a CL or a mod - posts after that might be deleted. Feel free to contact us via PM, but noone is insterested in reading a public quarrel. :)






Clan Staff.

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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A matched rematch would be fine with me. I just don't like having to waste so many peoples time for such a small scale war.




If you come to us saying you can pull 13, and things happen, and you can't pull even half of what you said, you could have just came and cancelled the war or rescheduled it. I don't know about you, but 6v6's are not fun in the slightest.




I don't like having my time wasted. I'm sure you don't like yours being wasted either. We didn't take this war seriously, we went there with the expectation of fighting at least 10 people, and we got 6. We pulled a little over half of our ML to a 30 minute prep. We felt like it wasn't worth our time so we didn't bother with it.

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Regardless, the pictures clearly show that you didn't drop. Therefore you were disqualified. Perhaps a clean matched rematch could work well?




To be honest, it wasn't even a post war. Just a fun war. And you said you would pull 13. Why even make a post trying to make us look bad? Who cares if we didn't drop. It's not like the war counted for anything.




Regardless, it was set in the rules and therefore should have been followed.




Well sorry for our turnout, 3 of our members including me had to leave because our |CLAN had a war, we are a TEAM Clans before teams. Maybe instead of flaming we could discuss the possibility of another war? Perhaps a longer prep this time.




And yes, I had a war to attend to as well.




I understand your clan takes precidnece and it should, but why waste our time why not pm me and ask to reschedule it or inform me of the low number count as I was fully upfront and said I would cancel another event for this war, when in all honesty half the clan could have done the other event and we could have sent 6 to war, its not hard to keep simple lines of communication open.




Juan wants a rematch lets do it now as we have lots on. And seems yous have some on so care for a 30 min prep?

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Regardless, the pictures clearly show that you didn't drop. Therefore you were disqualified. Perhaps a clean matched rematch could work well?




To be honest, it wasn't even a post war. Just a fun war. And you said you would pull 13. Why even make a post trying to make us look bad? Who cares if we didn't drop. It's not like the war counted for anything.




Regardless, it was set in the rules and therefore should have been followed.




Well sorry for our turnout, 3 of our members including me had to leave because our |CLAN had a war, we are a TEAM Clans before teams. Maybe instead of flaming we could discuss the possibility of another war? Perhaps a longer prep this time.




And yes, I had a war to attend to as well.




I understand your clan takes precidnece and it should, but why waste our time why not pm me and ask to reschedule it or inform me of the low number count as I was fully upfront and said I would cancel another event for this war, when in all honesty half the clan could have done the other event and we could have sent 6 to war, its not hard to keep simple lines of communication open.




Juan wants a rematch lets do it now as we have lots on. And seems yous have some on so care for a 30 min prep?




I didn't set up the war and wasn't aware of anything that happened.




The rematch war can be scheduled as a week prep or even a few days considering we have forums now. So, keep that in mind. :P


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