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Bank Template?


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Alright, well, I'm sort of fed up with having a totally randomly organized bank, and I want to do something about it.


Just, I'm not exactly sure how to go about that.




Does anybody have a template/screenshot of a very well organized bank?


Anything at all would be much appreciated.








And by the way, I'm a member, so freeplay banks won't really help :l


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Does a blank one count?




Hmm.. Mine is as organised as it probably will ever be. I sort them from Skills/Games. Etc etc.




Example: My Bank.


Random tab: Basically and random items. Such as food i fish/cook. Diaries. Etc


Magic: Staffs, Runes, Armour


Range: Accumulator, Arrows, Armour, Bows


Melee: Helmets, Bodies, Legs, Shield, Defenders, Weapons.


Money and Wealth: Jewelry, Coins. Tokkul. Anything shiny.


Capes and accessories: Capes, Random clotches such as mime, Boots, Gloves, masks.


Slayer: All Slayer items and things involved. Food, potions, Weapons, Helmets and i put Charms, Pouches and Shards there too.


Runecrafting: All Pouches, Essence, Talismans/Tiaras.


Keys/Quest items: Anything from quests that i need for present/future quests. And keys.




Does this help?? :ohnoes:


99 Fishing | 99 Cooking | 99 Woodcutting | | 99 Herblore | 99 Prayer |

| 99 Runecrafting | 99 Fletching | 99 Hitpoints | 99 Range |

Youtube: AnthonyOnRS.

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I have:




1. Money + Handy stuff + Other


All sorts of money and payment methods plus other items like the keyring, ectophial, a duel ring I use, etc.




2. Melee + Slayer


Melee and Slayer gear.




3. Magic + Runecrafting


Staves, runes, essence, mage armor, etc.




4. Range + Woodcutting + Fletching


Range gear, arrows and all fletching stuff.




5. Mining + Smithing + Crafting


Pickaxe, ores, bars, jewelry and other crafting stuff.




6. Farming + Herblore


Seeds, herbs, ingredients and potions.




7. Fishing + Cooking + Hunter + Summoning


Food, fishing gear, hunter gear, charms, etc.




8. Fun stuff


Minigame gear like CW armor, monkey greegrees, some quest items, etc.




9. Treasure Trails


All treasure trail items you could ever need while doing treasure trails.


I have everything Uri could ask from me in here. :P


Also the map, chart and sextant of course.


My guide: Ring of Wealth explained


8 Dragon Boots (885 kills, 1/111, with RoW)



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1)General - Various currency is kept here, as are all my clothes and items that don't belong elsewhere (rope - doesn't really belong to any one specific skill)


2)Combat - All melee/ranged armor/weapons here


3)Fishing and Cooking - All raw and cooked fish here, conveniently next to my combat tab


4)Magic - All runes, staves, robes, essence, pouches, tiaras here


5)Summoning and Hunter - All charms, pouches, scrolls, pets and hunter junk here


6)Herblore - Herbs, potions and secondary reagents here


7)Farming - All seeds here (was orginally together with tab 6, but it was so massive I split it into two different ones)


8)Mining, Crafting, Smithing, Fletching, Woodcutting - all ores, gems, bars, logs, etc here


9)Junk - All my current quest items are here, together with various junk that has no real use


[hide=Achievements]Quest Cape - 31st October 2009

68,238th to Fletching Cape - 7th February 2010

Champion's tackle box - 26th July 2010

Nomad killed - 4th of November 2010

140,305th to Woodcutting Cape - 12th April 2011

187,690th to Cooking Cape - 6th June 2011

72,234th to Fishing Cape - 7th July 2011

19,010th to Crafting Cape - 8th July 2011[/hide]

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Just another example ::'


1. Random tab: Stuff I can't or don't feel like catagorizing, like full blakc armour for the warrior guild, black ink, or all the different defenders besides rune.


2. General Store/Crafting/Currency/Keyring: Moulds, Anything useful from the General Stores, Keys and my Keyig, plus Treasure Trail Hunting Stuff. Also I keep my Full Mourner there, kinda goes with the Color Scheme ;) .


3. Fishing/Cooking: Where I keep all my food plus fishing supplies (Rods, Feathers, and Bait) plus a few Stews and Spices from RFD.


4. Magic/Runecrafting: Runes, Staffs,Talismans, Tiaras, and all Non-Diary Teleportation Methods.


5. Farming/Herblore: Miscellanious Farming Supplies plus my Herb Seeds (Usually don't last too long) and my still Unused Spirit Seeds. Also all the pots that I keep to use, like anti-poisons and Super Sets are Here.


6. Wearable/Memorable Quest Items (Unusable): Basically all the armour that I use is at the bottom of this tab, and at the top are things like Full Jester, or the Octopus Hat from Hunt for Red Raktuber (Stuff that should be able to be put in my house :wall: ).


7. Pets/Summoning/Hunter: All my Hunter Traps, All my Pets (Until I Finally Get Around to Building my Menagerie), and all my Charms, Pouches, and Scrolls are Here.



99 Strength since 6/02/10 99 Attack since 9/19/10 99 Constitution since 10/03/10 99 Defense since 3/14/11

99 Slayer since 8/30/11 99 Summoning since 9/10/11 99 Ranged since 09/18/11 99 Magic since 11/12/11

99 Prayer since 11/15/11 99 Herblore since 3/29/12 99 Firemaking since 5/15/12 99 Smithing since 10/04/12

99 Crafting since 9/16/13 99 Agility since 9/23/13 99 Dungeoneering since 1/1/14 99 Fishing since 2/4/14

99 Mining since 2/28/14 99 Farming since 6/04/14 99 Cooking since 6/11/14 99 Runecrafting since 10/10/14

9 Fletching since 11/11/14 99 Thieving since 11/14/14 99 Woodcutting since 11/20/14 99 Construction since 12/03/14

99 Divination since 2/22/15 99 Hunter since 2/23/15 99 Invention since 01/20/17 99 Archaeology since 5/14/22
Quest Point Cape since 08/20/09
Maxed since 2/23/15 Fire Cape since 02/27/13
Slayer: 3 Leaf-Bladed Swords, 8 Black Masks, 2 Hexcrests, 26 Granite Mauls, 5 Focus Sights, 32 Abyssal Whips, 9 Dark Bows, 1 Whip Vine, 3 Staffs of Light, 15 Polypore Sticks

Dragon: 9 Draconic Visages, 7 Shield Left Halves, 20 Dragon Boots, 40 Dragon Med Helms, 8 Dragon Platelegs, 6 Dragon Spears, 20 Dragon Daggers, 5 Dragon Plateskirts, 1 Dragon Chainbody, 63 Off-hand Dragon Throwing Axes, 19 Dragon Longswords, 27 Dragon Maces, 1 Dragon Ward
Treasure Trails: Saradomin Full Helm, Ranger Boots, Rune Body (t), Saradomin Vambraces, Various God Pages
Misc:1 Onyx,1 Ahrim's Hood, 1 Guthan's Chainskirt, 1 Demon Slayer Boots

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1. Random Junk - Stuff i cant put into catogorys or i dont really use that much




2. Jewlery- Amulets rings braclets tirias




3. Crafting- Planks bars needles moulds gems




4. Herblore- Potions herbs pestle and motar seconds




5. Farming - Fruits seeds Plant pots and anything else related to it




6. Weapons - shields swords weapons crowssbows bolts arrows knives etc




7 My amour - any amour/clothes that are equiable rune barrows gloves cw amour fun aamour desert amour etc




8. summoing- Pets pouches shards




9. Quick access- anything i know im gonna need to get a hold of and quick


Usually this has stuff i pull out and in my bank

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1.) General - First slot is money, then whatever food I use the most (currently sharks), followed by random deposits.




2.) Runes & Magic - Rune essence, followed by an assortment of runes, then staves. RC pouches are at the end.




3.) Teleporting Items - Anything that lets me teleport around. Tablets, enchanted lyre, rings of duelling, etc.




4.) Tools - Tinderboxes, crafting moulds, fishing poles, thread, needles, slayer gems, etc.




5.) Costumes - Just a placeholder tab for random costumes until I can get most of them in my house. :P




6.) Gems and Ores - Cut and uncut gems, as well as ores and bars. Rings of forging are also present.




7.) Potions and Herbs - Any herbalism supplies and ingredients go in here. Also, some herb seeds, specifically Kwuarm.




8.) Combat Stuff - Any equipment I might need to use in combat. Swords, armor, etc.




9.) Blank






Hope that helps. :)

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