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Whose opinion holds weight?


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So by this logic as I've watched a video on youtube on brain surgery I am as knowledgeable as a professional surgeon? Also commenting on an abrasive posting style is not flaming quelmotz, however shouting down everyone that disagrees with you ... is.


Back on topic; an opinion is only as valid as the weight you give it, if you disagree with the advice given you can choose to ignore it. Using an earlier example a level 3 skiller's opinion on Barrows is less valid than some one who regularly plays that mini-game, but only because his (or her =) level excludes them from playing the mini-game properly (assuming that is their only account) but a player with 97 magic would have a valid opinion about training high level magic as they have practical experience of the subject.


An excellent analogy in your first point and clearly demonstrates the benefit of direct experience.


Your point is right to some extent. an example is i remember not long ago i made a post in a thread about slayer, saying that slayer favored melee based characters. some people trashed me, saying "if u choose not to train some skills you wont have access to some content" which made absolutely no sense, considering i do train melee from time to time. after i wrote my agitated response to some of these people, i noticed that my 74 slayer far surpassed 3/4 people's slayer levels (and my combat was below all 4 of them). that just goes to show you how people are ready to jump on you when you make a post against the EASY/FAVORED way of training a skill. my slayer experience (especially at a low cb level) means that my opinion holds more weight. period.


I think you have made a valid point here, which reflects another thread (How Easy Do You Want It). You obviously play RS in a way that you enjoy and take your time about it, in that case it is likely that your experience will provide much more indepth and insightful information than others. It's experience in the particular skill that should be considered not just combat level. There are many players with high cb stats that are not even ranked in other skills, so I would only be inclined to give weight to combat advice and opinions with them.


I do challenge those who think they can give solid advice on gameplay and RS in general; if they don't play or have just started playing after a long break, or only use the guides for the skills they don't have experience in. Direct players towards guides by all means, but don't state them as fact. I have just found recently that the none of the guides suited me for the completion of the 'Summer's End' quest, and only by gaining my own experience did I finally manage to finish it. And now I will be happy to pass that direct experience on to others in the game. :grin:

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I think that if an opinion is well thought out, has great meaning with correct grammar then it shouldn't matter what level you are. :^_^:

You're right to some extent. If they were discussing stuff like guides and advice, then you're wrong.


Remember, the evidence to backup your opinion has to be valid, otherwise the opinion will not be.




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Everyones opinion matters.


Sure, they have limited game experience. So what, if a new player doesn't like something them theres obviously something wrong to that person.


If you can't hold a good debate with them and can only point out lack of experience then something is very wrong.


More experienced players views DO hold more weight, but thats not to say low levels should be ignored.


Plus, if more experienced player proves himself to be an idiot, then il respect the lower level more :P


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In-game, generally I'll respect the higher-levels, just because it is obvious they have been playing longer, therefore have gained more wisdom. But if a lvl 11 comes up to me in F2P and gives me advice on how to improve my Barrows run, I'll gladly accept their advice; they probably know what they're talking about. On Forums, I generally respect the ones who use good grammar(or well grammar, whatever). But even then, there is bias. How do I know English is their first language? Maybe they don't even know English and just use a translator? You can't really judge people online as well as you think you can. icon_upup.gif

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