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Something i've discovered...


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I've been watching Star Trek - The Next Generation, season 7 episode 17 ("Masks") on TV today and noticed something familiar..




Took me a few seconds to realise that i know the symbol on Data's chest from RuneScape. It's very similar to Zamorakian symbol:




So, could it be possible, that Jagex has "borrowed" that symbol from Star Trek or is it just a coincidence?




Some info on the symbol:




In Star Trek TNG, S07E17, the Enterprise crew get to know about a race called D'Arsay. They communicate with the crew through Data, who is "possessed" by the personalities of D'Arsay people whose archive he had scanned. While talking to Captain Picard in one of the personalities - Ihat - he suddenly changes to a scared child who has that symbol on his chest.


"Happines only real when shared."





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That symbol is fundamentally different to zammy one.


First and foremost it has a circle in the centre, zammy does not.

Second the ends of the shape are flat and turned in upon itself, Zammy has pointed ends and the point at each other.

Third tht shape has a vague dip in the top, and rounded corners. Zammy has squared off edges and points.


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That symbol is fundamentally different to zammy one.


First and foremost it has a circle in the centre, zammy does not.

Second the ends of the shape are flat and turned in upon itself, Zammy has pointed ends and the point at each other.

Third tht shape has a vague dip in the top, and rounded corners. Zammy has squared off edges and points.


Similar and exact are different.

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That symbol is fundamentally different to zammy one.


First and foremost it has a circle in the centre, zammy does not.

Second the ends of the shape are flat and turned in upon itself, Zammy has pointed ends and the point at each other.

Third tht shape has a vague dip in the top, and rounded corners. Zammy has squared off edges and points.


Similar and exact are different.


I didn't dispute that.

I just said there are a lot of fundamental differences hence it is unlikely it was based upon that. I mean you get a lot of symbols in real life that are stars (for example) but they aren't related or based on each other.


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