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~~Newer Bank Of Runescape~~ **Updated again 05/15/09**


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wow that briliant just amazing i though of the lock idea befor but never got around to posting it i'm gald to see it would have gotten support.








and the combining items that would realy help stringing bows and getting ready for combat and other things like that :thumbsup:


98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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wow ths gotta happen that bank looks great my problem on my old account was no room as there so many items in the game not enough to stoe and being forced to drop or sell because dont fit








hope runescape do sumin about this banks


Playing Again Since November 2006

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i signed up to reply to this post :D :D








i noticed that alot of people were suggesting that you send a link of this website to jagex in hopes that they will take this sugggestion... however, i was looking through runescape's homepage and i noticed that Jagex does not accept any links because if there was a virus on that page (im not saying there is one on this one!!) then all of runescape would be skreewed over, im talking about countless amounts of data and whatnot just absolutly wreaking havoc and destroying fun as we know it




:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:




and so you know I am totally in support of this idea and think that a survey should be taken that can be sent to jagex











going for 99 prayer at 15 cbt!


^click for bloggeh ^

plox post?

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I think I posted here a loooong time ago, but the idea is still great.








I do have a contribution to make though. I think the split item idea is great and should be implemented, just not in the way you have it listed. Rather than dividing items into 2 equal piles with half the original amount, the items should be divided into two piles that both have the original amount, then whenever an item is taken from or added to either pile they both increase or decrease. An easy way to think about it is that the numbers on the piles do not represent the number of a particular item in that pile, but rather the total number of that item in the bank. This concept would work like a pointer in c++. Each item stack would not take up an additional bankspace they just let you have access to that items pile from multiple locations within your bank.








Hope everybody likes it.

Barrows Items: Karils Xbow x2, Coif


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i'm not sure if this is possible... or (no i didn't check the other 139 pages of posts)












but what if there was a section of your bank you could put stuff that you wanted to make available to people while you were either on or offline.








they could access it from any bank without you being there, it could be (optionally) password or pin protected.












this would be great if [offline] you knew you were going to be offline and you wanted to leave things for a person/people when you knew you might be offline.








if you wanted to make items available to the group off people to access for themselves without having to either trade them, having them tell you that they want the specific item, then removing the other item(s), THEN accepting.








this would also save you the hassle of having to be present to loan an item or something to a friend.








it would also aid bank sales immensely, people could say banksale (their name) (public section pass), people could check it out themselves, it wouldn't always come up with (the other player is busy at the moment) message that you get when they choose someone over you, reducing the waiting time for those who might just want a look but are in a hurry, and reducing the annoyance from those people who are just looking.












it would also have a view on/off function with various settings such as on, friends, off, prompt.




'withdraw control' so you can set access to Withdrawals off, on, friends, password, or prompt (the prompt functions on the above would be similar to the prompts you get when someone wishes to trade with you.)












there's my idea, it's probably already been posted, but just in case...









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I posted here a very long time ago. ( back when the topic was called green eggs and spam) Anyway i still support it and i also sent the link to jagex when you were telling us to spam the heck out of them. Of course they said that this was not the place to sugest this stuff but whatever. Just still wondering when they are going to do it..... :-w

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