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Barrows for Pros


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I am level 137 with:

99 attack

99 strength

98 defense

95 prayer

92 herblore

84 mage (yes I'm fail)

I want to know whether doing barrows is the best way for earning money solo, and if it is, which way would be best. I can either:

Void/Bandos with Whip and defender/Godsword


or use Claws of Guthix with extreme mage pots.

Which way would be the fastest (I assume maging) / the most profitable way?

Also if someone can link me to a decent log with amount of runes and stuff that would be nice.

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Barrows is not the best way for you to make money. Tormented Demons would probably be a lot more profitable for you, and maybe Corp Beast if you raised your herblore. I know that ancients + salamander is one of the best ways to do it, and I know there's a guide somewhere around here.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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The problem with tormented demons is that I just plain suck at it, find it boring, and can't seem to get the spots to work after the runetek 5 update. I would corp more if I can find more people, but I cannot compete in FFA without ardy cape 3, zerker ring (i), or fighter hat, and all masses are filled with noob people that don't do anything.

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The problem with tormented demons is that I just plain suck at it, find it boring, and can't seem to get the spots to work after the runetek 5 update. I would corp more if I can find more people, but I cannot compete in FFA without ardy cape 3, zerker ring (i), or fighter hat, and all masses are filled with noob people that don't do anything.


Practice, practice, practice. I've been going to TDs with monks and a couple prayer potions trying to get the technique down, and there are a bunch of guides on TIF about lures and such. There are a lot of corp teams on the RSOF who LS, but you wont get into any UBER PRO teams without overloads. I know that they usually just use karil's or black d'hide.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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TD might be more money, but you still get 1M an hour at barrows if you have excellent stats and it is actually quite fun. That's probably because the whole process is subdivided into different small processes in contrast to TDs where you do the same thing over and over again.


I wouldn't pay much attention to gp/hr if I were you. I never do. I play this game for fun.



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Sara and arma solo sucks for me because I have only 91 range. I might bandos solo with overloads because I heard its good money. Can anyone still advise me on the best method for barrows?

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I found a very nice way to do barrows. This is my set up:


Actually, I tweaked it a bit afterwards (more brews, more spec restores, no monks, and less strawberries), but it should be a good start.


Start with overloading. Put on claws and bandos, go in karil's tomb, and down him in 2 claw specs (using turmoil and deflect ranged).


Then use charge, drink a spec restore and down Dharok. Should be fast when hitting 390s with CoG.


Next is verac, same procedure as Dharok, allthough you might take some damage, so somewhere in between Dharok and Karil, you should drink 1-2 sips of your brews. Drink another spec restore.


The first trip, you will have lots of prayer, so you can also do guthan or torag now and still save prayer for Ahrim. I keep ahrim the latest as possible so my spec bar is recovered enough (I drink 2 spec restores per chest), while still having prayer to use turmoil and deflect mage during your claw spec. With some timing and/or luck, your special has recharged enough to use 2 claw specs again.


After your first chest, just drink 1 dose of super prayer, and start with Karil. This time, you won't have a lot of prayer left, so you will have to do Ahrim right after Dharok, or if you are lucky, after Verac. In any case, you should have enough special for at least one claw spec. Sometimes I prefer to keep Ahrim as the last one, so my spec bar is full, and tank him (hope for lucky specs).


Using this technique, chests should take 5-7 min each and your profit should be over 1M an hour + it's pretty fun.


With the setup I showed here, I did 6 chests, but by tweaking it a bit (like I mentioned above), I do 8 (1 overload dose every chest)


EDIT: somehow, I had a dds in my invent. I use Claws of course. DDs might work too, but claws are very reliable (i.e. I kill karil 90% of the time in 2 specs).



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How good you are at arma solo depends more on pray/summ/herb levels than on range level tbh, I got 15 kills/trip (after some practice) with 95 range.


Barrows isn't that bad for money though, with overloads (and fire surge, but I guess cog would be equal) I could get under 6 mins a chest and like 12 chests per trip. Not sure about avg profit per hour but it's probably over 1m, arma was also like 1.2m/h (if you'd get all items exactly as often as you're supposed to get them according to the droprate). Wouldn't advise duoing cause you'll just get crashed and stuff.


Tds are by far better than barrows though, but if you don't want that barrows isn't a bad alternative.

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Solo arma is easily 2.5m/h if not more. 1.2 is way off.


With what stats and method, though? Soloing there can be 10m+ an hour with pretty much everything maxed out, but each level less than that takes a huge hit (especially if you don't have overloads/steel titan/high prayer/etc.)

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Well trips took about 1 hour 10 minutes and during that I could kill 14 on average. I calced profit/kill at 250k and costs/kill at 80k or something, and yeah I kinda notice now even with those figures 1.2m/h is way off lol. And should be more than 250k/kill I guess.

Meh all depends on when you get hilt really.

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I don't see how people can prefer GWD to TDs in terms of camping for drops...


It takes about 4 minutes to get to the TDs; You have to kill 40 monsters to get to GWD bosses

If you die, you can get back to your grave at TDs easily w/o a blessing or repair; You're [bleep]ed if you die at GWD w/o a blessing

Dragon claws drop rates are probably about 1 in 250; Hilts are more like 1 in 600

It's very easy to find an empty world for TDs, and when you find one, you never get crashed; GWD has cutthroat competition


And, most importantly, I just really enjoy killing TDs, they remind me of Jad :D Actually requires a little bit of skill-- I never thought GWD was very challenging-- just really time-consuming :\


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Hilts I would say would be around 1 in 300.

Thanks for all the input guys. It seems like I will be GWDing a lot more. Too bad bandos is too crowded to solo. I think I'll corp more and do some zammy/arma trips in between. Sara is far to boring for me to do for a long time.

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80k a kill, wtf? Are you drinking 8 brews and 2 ppots a kill? (I guess you add in overloads at 25k a dose, but I think that isn't fair since you received 2.2k herblore xp while making a 3 doser)

Yeah I did add in overloads, 3 overloads 300k, 38 brews 200k, 8 sup rests 160k, 200 diamond (e) and like 100 ruby (e) like 460k, total of 1120k for 14 kills, 80k. Its 60k/kill if you exclude overload costs.

You do get addy bars etc back but its still quite a lot per kill (especially the bolts, rune bolts might be better than diamond e because they are like 50% the price).


Anyway, it seems like naruto already has all the info he wanted lol. Good luck with killing stuff :thumbup:

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