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Future of ZGS


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I'm looking to buy a ZGS for sara gw and such, but I don't know when I should buy it... typical ge


It's at a low price right now but my question is, is it a good time to buy, or will it crash even more? Honestly I don't mind losing 1-5m on it :blink: and I also plan on having for a few months give or take.

Here's an updated graph of the last 180 days:




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I've always felt that ZGS doesn't add much at sara, unless you're ranging. Possibly if you're trying to duo with unicorns, but I don't know why you'd attempt that..


A lot of forum groups want people to have either ZGS or AGS, which i think it totally ridiculous. SGS is a far superior option and enables you to stay longer. SGS specs should be done on the minions for the best effect, and full veracs on Zil.


If I were you I would definitely not get a ZGS unless you go with range teams for some reason..

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I've always felt that ZGS doesn't add much at sara, unless you're ranging. Possibly if you're trying to duo with unicorns, but I don't know why you'd attempt that..


A lot of forum groups want people to have either ZGS or AGS, which i think it totally ridiculous. SGS is a far superior option and enables you to stay longer. SGS specs should be done on the minions for the best effect, and full veracs on Zil.


If I were you I would definitely not get a ZGS unless you go with range teams for some reason..

I almost agree. ZGS is kinda overrated there. However, SGS is really unnecessary. In a trio I can already last as long as my pouches, so extra healing isn't necessary. You really want AGS or claws for their large damage output. Also full Veracs is trash, I don't know why RSOF teams accept it.

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I've always felt that ZGS doesn't add much at sara, unless you're ranging. Possibly if you're trying to duo with unicorns, but I don't know why you'd attempt that..


A lot of forum groups want people to have either ZGS or AGS, which i think it totally ridiculous. SGS is a far superior option and enables you to stay longer. SGS specs should be done on the minions for the best effect, and full veracs on Zil.


If I were you I would definitely not get a ZGS unless you go with range teams for some reason..

I almost agree. ZGS is kinda overrated there. However, SGS is really unnecessary. In a trio I can already last as long as my pouches, so extra healing isn't necessary. You really want AGS or claws for their large damage output. Also full Veracs is trash, I don't know why RSOF teams accept it.



Ooop! For small (3 and under) teams the best setup is actually veracs with AGS to spec, in the same way that the best setup for small teams at bandos is whip with ags to spec (and maxed ATTACK bonus). I've done a fair amount of testing on this.


Duo veracs with terrorbirds is very effective, Trio with unicorns is probably the best/most fun you can have at sara gwd

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Well, I agree that ZGS is quite overly rated and SGS or AGS would be more beneficial. But almost always, teams want a an AGS, ZGS or Veracs and I'm not spending 100m on an AGS and Veracs is trash, so I'm going AGS.


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I can't say how useful it is, but it looks to me as a if a price recovery is in it's near future, and I seriously doubt it will drop any lower.

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