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Solo Bandos w/ Overloads


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Hello, this is my second recent Hep & Advise query I have.


As I stated in my last thread, I joined the "get 92 Herblore" Bandwagon and made many Overload Potions and was wondering what should I use them for.

Seeing pictures in the General Forums's Picture Thread encouraged me to decide to try Solo Bandos Godwars Dunegon with Overloads.


Here are my current stats:


Yes, I do have 300 MA Rank.



Okay, now for the meat of the thread, the questions.


What gear is most recommended for Solo Bandos? - excluding the insanely expensive gear (e.g. the Spirit Shields)

What is the the recommended inventory for me to take with Overloads? (Pack Yak included)

Is this even worth it over other bosses. (Please don't say Tormented Demons, I'm not too great at those even after several hundred kills.)


Thank You ahead of time and Happy 'Scaping.


(Waits for Stringcheze to post)


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Look in the last page of the solo Brando's guide in the AOW, there is a very good setup there. Personally I wouldn't solo Brando's because it takes around half an hour to find a world.

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92herblore:ovls.... how?

(sorry to hijack :()



Stews I would guess.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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