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Maging Rex


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I have heard that solo maging rex is good money and magic xp. I used to think that i wouldnt be able to do it, but with all the updates, i was wondering if it would be possible for me now. If not, could i get recommended levels and or quests, and maybe even a guide if there is one out there?





Verac- Helm, Brassard x 2,

Torag- Body, Hammers

Karil- Crossbow

Guthan- Body

Ahrim- Hood, Staff

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Hard to say, since we don't know your stats, and the links in your profile are dead (i.e. you changed your runescape name). However, you probably can solo Rex, since he's so easy.



80+ Mage, 70+ Def, 68+ Summoning




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Hard to say, since we don't know your stats, and the links in your profile are dead (i.e. you changed your runescape name). However, you probably can solo Rex, since he's so easy.

lol, i keep forgetting my stats arent in sig anymore. ill add one to my first post



Verac- Helm, Brassard x 2,

Torag- Body, Hammers

Karil- Crossbow

Guthan- Body

Ahrim- Hood, Staff

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Hard to say, since we don't know your stats, and the links in your profile are dead (i.e. you changed your runescape name). However, you probably can solo Rex, since he's so easy.



80+ Mage, 70+ Def, 68+ Summoning



would 80+ mage be required?



Verac- Helm, Brassard x 2,

Torag- Body, Hammers

Karil- Crossbow

Guthan- Body

Ahrim- Hood, Staff

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Hard to say, since we don't know your stats, and the links in your profile are dead (i.e. you changed your runescape name). However, you probably can solo Rex, since he's so easy.



80+ Mage, 70+ Def, 68+ Summoning



My friend solos with 1 summoning. He uses blood blitz or barrage I forgot which one(probably blitz) and lasts just as long sometimes longer then someone with a bunyip.


80+ mage isn't required but you'll have a harder time soloing without claws of guthix+charge.

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Hard to say, since we don't know your stats, and the links in your profile are dead (i.e. you changed your runescape name). However, you probably can solo Rex, since he's so easy.



80+ Mage, 70+ Def, 68+ Summoning



My friend solos with 1 summoning. He uses blood blitz or barrage I forgot which one(probably blitz) and lasts just as long sometimes longer then someone with a bunyip.

Problem is that ancient spells just aren't worth using if you don't have multiple targets or need to freeze something. COG or Fire Surge is preferable and much cheaper.


Just because it is possible to do it with 1 summoning doesn't mean it's the most effective way ;)

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Hard to say, since we don't know your stats, and the links in your profile are dead (i.e. you changed your runescape name). However, you probably can solo Rex, since he's so easy.



80+ Mage, 70+ Def, 68+ Summoning



My friend solos with 1 summoning. He uses blood blitz or barrage I forgot which one(probably blitz) and lasts just as long sometimes longer then someone with a bunyip.

Problem is that ancient spells just aren't worth using if you don't have multiple targets or need to freeze something. COG or Fire Surge is preferable and much cheaper.


Just because it is possible to do it with 1 summoning doesn't mean it's the most effective way ;)

Well ya of course but he just wants to know if he can.

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Hard to say, since we don't know your stats, and the links in your profile are dead (i.e. you changed your runescape name). However, you probably can solo Rex, since he's so easy.



80+ Mage, 70+ Def, 68+ Summoning



My friend solos with 1 summoning. He uses blood blitz or barrage I forgot which one(probably blitz) and lasts just as long sometimes longer then someone with a bunyip.

Problem is that ancient spells just aren't worth using if you don't have multiple targets or need to freeze something. COG or Fire Surge is preferable and much cheaper.


Just because it is possible to do it with 1 summoning doesn't mean it's the most effective way ;)

Well ya of course but he just wants to know if he can.

If i can, or what i need to train so that i can, to be exact lol



Verac- Helm, Brassard x 2,

Torag- Body, Hammers

Karil- Crossbow

Guthan- Body

Ahrim- Hood, Staff

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Because without 80 mage you will be crashed very quickly.

how would they crash me


80 unlocks the charge spell which boosts claws of guthix max to 30 from 20.

and i assume that would just increase speed?



Verac- Helm, Brassard x 2,

Torag- Body, Hammers

Karil- Crossbow

Guthan- Body

Ahrim- Hood, Staff

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It would and they can crash you because they hit higher. Rex has very low mage defence(if any at all) so you'll hit the max hit often making that +10 higher max almost always crash you.

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Because without 80 mage you will be crashed very quickly.

how would they crash me


80 unlocks the charge spell which boosts claws of guthix max to 30 from 20.

and i assume that would just increase speed?


Exactly, it would increase speed. If you're too slow, they'll hit faster and steal your kills.

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Because without 80 mage you will be crashed very quickly.

how would they crash me


80 unlocks the charge spell which boosts claws of guthix max to 30 from 20.

and i assume that would just increase speed?


If someone crashes you and you can't use charge, you're done. It would increase kill speed and your chances of fighting off a crasher.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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its do-able without 80 mage but your going to be stuck in like a 400 population world, which really ruins your kills per hour. Id say 68+ summoning, 70+ defence, 80+ mage, 43+ prayer, and 10m+ cash to spend on sups.

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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I soloed rex with roughly your stats before summoning came out. It works just fine and makes good profit.

You won't be nearly as good as high summoners, and you will get crashed with your mage level.

The thing is, they only need to do 51%+ of the damage to Rex to get the drop. A high level mage with cog and charge would have no problem stealing your kills consistently.

You'd do fine on a mid population world during off hours. If you get crashed, hopping doesn't hurt you too much.

(There's a chance you run into a mage with prime on. Best to find a channel of dking people who can bless on call if needed.)

Especially nice is if you can get a hybrid or two. It makes holding a world somewhat easier. It also makes it easier to hop if you need to.

Disclaimer: The above is probably inaccurate.



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