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NO more Fr33 St00f PLZ


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I think that anytime someone says this or something like it. That the person should be able to be attacked and not be able to fight back or move. That would stop the whining.








lol i know this would never work and wouldn't be implemented. But wouldn't the satisfaction be more then just hitting them with the chicken.


Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions.

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Someone actually said that phrase to me today. I thought I was going to die laughing. :P



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No one ever says "Fr33 St00f PLZ" or any variation while actually meaning it. Im tired of hearing everyone complain about a problem that doesnt even exist. Shut up.








Well of course no one acually says it like that, but there are a lot of people who ask for "free stuff please?". "Fr33 so00f Plox!" is just an exageration of how annoying it gets.








This "problem" really doesnt get on my nerves at all. So what, people are new to a game and want help getting started, doesnt bother me in the least. The only thing that bothers me is when they bother you constantly after you say no or they are not gratefull and ask for more stuff or different stuff. Otherwise, if they just ask me nicely then I will usually spare a little something. No biggy.

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yeah i'm pretty sure that almost everyone in the game has asked for free sutff and one point or another. See it really isn't that bad if someone is bugging you either block them or go to a different world and your problem is solved. Heck everyone needs help new players and old players just in different forms. Maybe if you just give them some advise or some armour they will stop and they will say that you are the greatest person ever you never know.

You have the right, and people have the right to hate you for it.

Thus, the circle of life is complete.


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