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Blasphemy defeats The Vikings


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Starting Pics:

Blasphemy vs TV, PVP Fullout, Rules were as follows:


Melee/Binds(NO BLASTS)/Rings on/3 Rangers/2 Sniper cap/Tree to Tree/No Corrupt/Full Out/No Mass Recruit/Sunday 8GMT/3EST/Only main ML/Retired ML allowed





^Misses me, Slaycidal - 126 CMB, also missing a few others i'm told, will try and find a better starting.


The Vikings:



After going through some hopping we finally found a suitable world and got rushed instantly by TV (They went for Rickey (Tukuruk)). Nevertheless we quickly regrouped and followed Ronny's calls. Warring was pretty solid, we still had a KO on our side though. We cut them down and after several KOs in a row their last 5 members fled the scene. While we were celebrating the win RSD rushed in and KO'd Ronny :lol: .






Ending Pic:



Thanks for the fight TV.


Good job to all Blas who attended :thumbsup:


As for me, the legendary Tukuruk91..I tanked like [cabbage] -.-



Nightfall Forums//Memberlist

Proud Leader of Nightfall

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Was an honor being lead by the legendary Tukuruk himself today.


We choose to go...not because [it is] easy, but because [it is] hard, because that goal will serve to measure and organize the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win. ~ Blasphemien Way




"Rest In Peace, Muelmar - A True Modern Day Hero"

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