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duel weilding?


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I have no idea what you are trying to say... are you saying wielding two weapons at once?

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I don't think it should be an attack increase though... it should be an attack speed increase.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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It wouldnt' have to be any specific weapon, as long as jagex made sure to balence it so that duel weilding wasn't to good. I think that they should restrict weapons like whips though, cause they would be devestating. all in all, duel wielding would be a very good addition.

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ermm... if you dual wield weapons like katanas, daggers, swords (even small axes) and other, small, light weapons, you're able to strike quicker, but your power on each strike doesn't change...




also: jagex would have to make sure some weapons can't be dual wielded (I'm think of bows, spears, mauls, whips, ... ), some other restrictions that might make it work: only usable if you're wearing light armour (chain) cuz in plate? I don't think so...




just writing down as inspiration comes up :)

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1.5x speed, half power, half accuracy for each weapon used. That'd balance it. I'd type out the whole argument about the practicality of dual-wielding, but it's tedious and I doubt half the people here would pay attention to anything with more than two sentences anyway.

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im thinkin if your holdin two weapons they are gonna be harder to carry than just one so you would be slowed down. How would this be an attack speed increase?








You do know how light Katanas are? They're extremely light, and such are VERY fast weapons, but med-high, very accurate.








i'm not saying holding 2 rune2handers is possible :roll: They're extremely heavy and would be suicide to your arms!

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You do know how light Katanas are? They're extremely light, and such are VERY fast weapons, but med-high, very accurate.








They're light. All five pounds of 'em. You'll strain your arms trying to swing one in one hand, let alone two of them. They're about as fast as the wielder can swing them, and if you're only going for speed, you won't get anywhere with a katana. You'd die. Accuracy is again dependent on the wielder. For game-mechanical purposes, accuracy is also dependent on the opponent's armour, which katanas are absolutely useless against.








Compare it to a European hand-and-a-half sword, which is its practical equivalent, but with two edges and no curve. It's a little heavier, but at least it won't shatter on plate mail.








You make it sound like you're one of those people who actually thinks that katanas are any better than other swords.








i'm not saying holding 2 rune2handers is possible :roll: They're extremely heavy and would be suicide to your arms!








Greatswords are only two or three pounds heavier than your vaunted katanas.

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would they have yo be the same weapon ie: 2 drag scim, 2 bronze baxe








or could it be a combination? drag dagger(s) and drag long for instance












would have to lower accurecy too. but if there was 2 differnt types would they both keep original speed? or just the speed of the slower one? or fasterone?








just ideas

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Katanas are made by steel-folding, a technique developed because japan has crappy quality steek naturally. They were making the best of a bad situation. However, a good quality old katana can be reasonably light and much better balanced than a European sword.

Suzanne Vega


tokin rite wurx gud!

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Katanas are made by steel-folding, a technique developed because japan has crappy quality steek naturally. They were making the best of a bad situation. However, a good quality old katana can be reasonably light and much better balanced than a European sword.








every topic about dual weilding has the same problem want me to tell you?












ITS A GAME in a game a katana if you wanted to could go and be cooking knife or a peice of spaghetti








let me reapeat this again ITS A GAME

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every topic about dual weilding has the same problem want me to tell you?












ITS A GAME in a game a katana if you wanted to could go and be cooking knife or a peice of spaghetti








let me reapeat this again ITS A GAME








Suspension of disbelief is needed if you want to have fun with a game. If you can't reasonably assume that something would be able to exist, like dragons and magic in a fantasy world, then you can't honestly expect to have much fun. If you had weapons that didn't make sense, like a sword that looked like a shovel, then nobody's going to find it credible enough to use. It'd be plain stupid.








Katanas are made by steel-folding, a technique developed because japan has crappy quality steek naturally. They were making the best of a bad situation. However, a good quality old katana can be reasonably light and much better balanced than a European sword.








A decent quality katana is only - at the most - a pound lighter than its european equivalent. That's only because the hilt construction is different, and the hilts on katanas don't quite have as much weight to them as European ones. Balance is dependent on the weaponsmith, but I daresay the good European weaponsmiths were on par with the good Japanese ones. In the end, you've got a hand-and-a-half sword with a pound off the weight which isn't even as effective. Put it up against a full-blown greatsword and it'd break.








Think about it. The katana is nothing more than a glorified, elongenated two-handed scimitar without the courtesy of a steel hilt.








Katanas are good for cutting flesh because the curve focuses all its force into the striking area. They're horrible against armour or metal in general; itd survive at most three hits before the katana fractures or breaks outright. Also, you can't take hits on a katana's crossguard, because it has none. The only hilt guard you've got is a small circular piece of laminated wood.








I'll say it again. Katanas are no better than other swords. In some situations, they're actually worse.

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every topic about dual weilding has the same problem want me to tell you?












ITS A GAME in a game a katana if you wanted to could go and be cooking knife or a peice of spaghetti








let me reapeat this again ITS A GAME








Suspension of disbelief is needed if you want to have fun with a game. If you can't reasonably assume that something would be able to exist, like dragons and magic in a fantasy world, then you can't honestly expect to have much fun. If you had weapons that didn't make sense, like a sword that looked like a shovel, then nobody's going to find it credible enough to use. It'd be plain stupid.











thats not what i meant speghetti was only an ilustration




what i dont think is smart is the thing thats like "o you cant use 2 longswords because it would be more dangerous for you then him"




Look i think dual weilding would be great but to be so technical about it like where a wepon is made? why does it matter where there made?




And if katanas wont work then neither will daggers




id like to see one of you guys stab a dagger through a platebody*laughs at your silly attempts to show you can put a dagger through a platebody*

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