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What would the world be like without the United States?


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Didn't the revolution against the British inspire nationalizism in Europe? Perhaps the continuation of absolute monarchies in Europe would continue the crappy route it was already going. :ohnoes:

No. See, this is the crap they teach in American schools. (I'm guessing you second-heard this from someone, or Canadian schools follow with American propoganda XD)


If any revolution changed the way Europeans thought it was the French. The American was just too far away for anyone but the English (just the politicans mind you) to give a damn.


And yet... Would the French have had the same revolution if they had not seen the American Revolution first?


No doubt, Louis and Marie would have met the same unpleasantries, but would it just be another Monarch who took their place or a true transformation in the way that the nation is governed?

More biased American history. Yes they would. A revolt against an colonial governor six thousand miles from the throne is child's play compared to a revolt against the king on his throne. It was a powder keg ready to explode eventually. If not in 1789, then 1794 or 1799. It would of happened shortly later.

Exactly this - from my understanding of the French revolution the majority of the the participants from the lower classes knew next to nothing about the american revolution.

The French were our biggest ally in the American Revolution, so perhaps they took some inspiration that yes, this can be done, but to say they got the idea from Americans? Yeah right.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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That's one of the first mistakes people make when studying history. "The French" have two different meanings here: one the government, the other the people.


America's ally the French, refers to the monarchy of Louis XVI. They weren't the ones inspired by ideas of revolution...against themselves? Whereas the French Revolution was led to the common French man, not the French Monarchy.


Not saying anybody is wrong here, but it just irks me to see people confuse government and people...especially in non-democratic states where the government is usually a small, unpopular party.



Funny thought as I wrote this. If America was the superpower back then, it would of helped Royal French factions instead of the Freedom-fighting French populace. Just a reminder on morals and honor in the world stage.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Are you really trying to say that a revolution against France's oldest enemy in a colony (a colony rebelling was a big deal) where France's military assisted went relatively unnoticed by anyone outside government officials? Get real.


Also, I said "perhaps" they took "some" inspiration. I didn't say they would not have accomplished what they did without the American Revolution.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Are you really trying to say that a revolution against France's oldest enemy in a colony (a colony rebelling was a big deal) where France's military assisted went relatively unnoticed by anyone outside government officials? Get real.


Also, I said "perhaps" they took "some" inspiration. I didn't say they would not have accomplished what they did without the American Revolution.

By "ally" I thought you meant the French monarchy because they're the ones that were allied with the American government, not the people (which is impossible in standard diplomatic terms). The monarchy did praise the colonists as heroes against the Red Menance, that is true, and now we go back to your post, which wasn't wrong, I don't know why you think I was correcting you, just a mis-assumption.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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