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I just want to find out what you guys think . . .


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Okay in my school, I am in all the advanced classes I can be at this time EXCEPT for Regular US History (I have no clue why I didn't take AP). Now I am thinking oh this will be an easy straight A class, but no. My teacher in my opinion is the worst teacher in the whole building and should not be in the education force any longer. Here are some examples








1) On a paper we had to write about imperialism and give an example.




I wrote the definition of imperialism and wrote about how the United States invaded Iraq to protect oil interests there and so forth. She does not agree with me (stupid pro bush teacher that thinks that only her view is right) and I fail the assignment.








2) On a paper over a chapter she hands us a paper. One of the questions is (and i quote exactly) "Do you know the meaning of Referendum, Initiative, Recall, Direct Primary, Jim Crow and Plessy versus Ferguson". I wrote yes, answering her question. She hands it back to me marking them all wrong saying we were supposed to define them and give an example. PLEASE note that she did NOT specify this in class (for I actually pay attention). Another assignment failed.








3) Not one of my papers in my folder that I have gotten back or anyones paper has gotten a perfect 10/10 score. Not a single assignment. Is that normal? No. She is the most nit picky teacher ever. I put the exact same things as my partner (we worked together) and i got an 8/10 and my partner got a 9/10. We had the exact same answers. When i brought this to her attention, she said oh i must've missed that and did nothing to either papers. (that wasn' the only time)








4) On a test, I got a 95%. The only 5 questions i got wrong were true and false. Now, if you know basic FST (or basic math in general) you would know that the probablility of getting all 5 wrongs is 1/2^5. That is 1/32 of a chance of completely guessing and getting them wrong. That is completely guessing and not putting thought into the questions that I did. Now to me that isn't close to being correct. But I am only a student, not a teacher, so what do i know.








Now your saying to yourself "this kid is a complaining baby that is crying cause he got a B". No. thats not my point. My point is that teachers like this should not be allowed to teach. And to make it worse, the homework is worth 50% of our grade (im guestimating, but since i got a straight B in the class, and not lower than a 95% on a test, it makes sense).








I am sorry if you think I shouldn't be crying over a B, but i have these things called standards.


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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Well, I've got to say first up, number 2) was pretty dumb for a straight-A student.








However, there does seem to be something wrong judging by your post. I can't obviously validate it as I'd need to experience her myself. It could just be your interpretation, but that seems unlikely. I think the thing to do is to tell someone of responsibility. Is there a head of department or learning mentor or something like that you can inform? Maybe even the principal.








When you do, make sure you don't go in there just for a rant. Plan what you were going to say, be calculated and maticulative, use examples like you have in this post and I'm sure it will get investigated.








As for now, think of it this way: Until you address the situation, either in this way or another suggested, don't let it get you down too much. You're getting pretty much straight A's. Congratulate yourself man :)

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4) On a test, I got a 95%. The only 5 questions i got wrong were true and false. Now, if you know basic FST (or basic math in general) you would know that the probablility of getting all 5 wrongs is 1/2^5. That is 1/32 of a chance of completely guessing and getting them wrong. That is completely guessing and not putting thought into the questions that I did. Now to me that isn't close to being correct. But I am only a student, not a teacher, so what do i know.
Getting 5 answers on a test wrong seems like it would be your fault not hers.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Don't worry; you've got a better US History teacher than my school. He "teaches" regular and AP, so there's no escaping him. He spends the class playing Solitaire on the computer; sif any teaching is done in the class, it's because he makes the students teach. In my opinion, if he's going to make the students do his job, he ought to give the students his paycheck.








And if you've still got a B despite having a teacher like that, you're doing pretty well. Like Bubsa said, take it up with a higher authority, and hopefully something will be done about it.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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I know exactly what you mean. I would bring it fully to her attention in a 1 on 1 chat at some point, and if things don't work there, bring it to the admin. Talk to the VP or Principal.

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Guest GhostRanger
1) On a paper we had to write about imperialism and give an example.




I wrote the definition of imperialism and wrote about how the United States invaded Iraq to protect oil interests there and so forth. She does not agree with me (stupid pro bush teacher that thinks that only her view is right) and I fail the assignment.[/qupte]








Despite your political affiliation or what you think about the Iraq war - protecting oil reserves is not Imperialism. Imperialism would be taking the country over and making Bush the President of Iraq, this establishing an American empire. To make your claim deserved an F.








2) On a paper over a chapter she hands us a paper. One of the questions is (and i quote exactly) "Do you know the meaning of Referendum, Initiative, Recall, Direct Primary, Jim Crow and Plessy versus Ferguson". I wrote yes, answering her question. She hands it back to me marking them all wrong saying we were supposed to define them and give an example. PLEASE note that she did NOT specify this in class (for I actually pay attention). Another assignment failed.








If you only wrote "yes" then you also deserved an F. Obviously you need to prove that you know it b explaining it.








3) Not one of my papers in my folder that I have gotten back or anyones paper has gotten a perfect 10/10 score. Not a single assignment. Is that normal? No. She is the most nit picky teacher ever. I put the exact same things as my partner (we worked together) and i got an 8/10 and my partner got a 9/10. We had the exact same answers. When i brought this to her attention, she said oh i must've missed that and did nothing to either papers. (that wasn' the only time)








Maybe he got a point he didn't deserve? Would you rather her take a point off his paper?








4) On a test, I got a 95%. The only 5 questions i got wrong were true and false. Now, if you know basic FST (or basic math in general) you would know that the probablility of getting all 5 wrongs is 1/2^5. That is 1/32 of a chance of completely guessing and getting them wrong. That is completely guessing and not putting thought into the questions that I did. Now to me that isn't close to being correct. But I am only a student, not a teacher, so what do i know.








Why does it matter the probability? You got them wrong.








And to make it worse, the homework is worth 50% of our grade (im guestimating, but since i got a straight B in the class, and not lower than a 95% on a test, it makes sense).








So you just made that percentage up? That helps your case.

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1. Imperialism : The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations. (Source)








He's right. Your definition of imperialism was wrong. I would have written about how "the sun never set on the English empire".








2. I'd talk to her about this, especially if she didn't specify what you had to do. :?








3. So? I don't think my 9th grade English teacher ever gave anyone higher than an 85% on anything. I've never heard of an A in that class-- all my essays were Bs or Cs, but never any higher.








4. I think that's your fault. :)












I think your teacher is doing their job. They're just tougher than normal.. yes, this may be annoying sometimes, but live with it. I've had my share of crazy teachers too.[/url]


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To Ghostranger and weezcake:




imperialism- 1[stuff] 2 the policy and practice of forming and maintaining an empire in seeking to control raw materials and world markets by the conquest of other countries, the establishment of colonies, etc.








Whether you think America is an imperialist nation or not, I think it's pretty obvious that you can write a persuasive paper either way. I think America is imperialist (we conquered another country, we are establishing our form of government in its place, and we are seeking to control world trade of a raw material: oil), but I could still write a good paper proving that it isn't (we don't make colonies, we don't take independence away from other countries, etc). A good teacher should be able to accept that a student might disagree with the teacher's politics, and grade the paper on the quality of the scholarship and persuasive writing. If it was a good paper, even if the teacher disagreed with it's conclusions, it did not deserve an F.








To Evilperson:




I think the first example is outrageous. You should definitely challenge that.








As for the second example, I think it's pretty obvious what she expected, and you should have defined each one. If it was an honest mistake, she should have let you try again. But if you were just looking for a loophole, I'd say you deserved what you got.








Third example seems fishy, I guess I agree with you. But I don't know the specifics, so i can't say.








Getting five true/false questions wrong? They're true/false...your answer is either right or wrong, and you got them wrong. Tough break. It's not like you can argue semantics on this one. She had the answer key made up before she graded your test, it's your bad luck that killed you. You can't say it's her bad teaching.








Homework worth 50% of the grade? I would say this is reasonable, actually. It's a different style of teaching from normal, but once you get used to it, I bet you won't mind it.












I would say she's certainly a bad teacher, especially if she's allowing her own politics to interfere with her teaching. But most of your examples seem like pretty standard teaching styles to me. You just have to get used to them.








I get really good grades, too. So I don't think you're just a whiner for getting upset about a B. I know how it is. But I think you are blaming your teacher just a little too much. Try to work within the system, and challenge her politics every chance you get.








Talk to some other adult about it, too. See what they recommend.

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I really think you took number two a little too literally. Any student at your level should know that more is expected of you than a 'yes', or 'no'. Why didn't you ask her to clarify what she meant by the question?

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Guest GhostRanger
To Ghostranger and weezcake:




imperialism- 1[stuff] 2 the policy and practice of forming and maintaining an empire in seeking to control raw materials and world markets by the conquest of other countries, the establishment of colonies, etc.








I'm sorry but we did not conquer another country. We kicked a leader out and let them reestablish a working democracy. We are not in control of the country - Bush is not their president - Iraq is not an American colony. Nothing about what we've done in Iraq fits the definition. (Note: I'm not defending the war by any means, but we are not creating an empire by doing what we've done.) I feel sorry for you that you do not understand what an empire is. How about you research past empires and see what defines them. Let's highlight a few for you:




















The Turks








What did these empires all have in common that made them empires? They took over countries and made them into colonies where their leaders where also the leaders of the colonies. America has not done that with Iraq.

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To Ghostranger and weezcake:




imperialism- 1[stuff] 2 the policy and practice of forming and maintaining an empire in seeking to control raw materials and world markets by the conquest of other countries, the establishment of colonies, etc.








I'm sorry but we did not conquer another country. We kicked a leader out and let them reestablish a working democracy. We are not in control of the country - Bush is not their president - Iraq is not an American colony. Nothing about what we've done in Iraq fits the definition. (Note: I'm not defending the war by any means, but we are not creating an empire by doing what we've done.) I feel sorry for you that you do not understand what an empire is. How about you research past empires and see what defines them. Let's highlight a few for you:




















The Turks








What did these empires all have in common that made them empires? They took over countries and made them into colonies where their leaders where also the leaders of the colonies. America has not done that with Iraq.








Woah woah...I wasn't trying to argue politics. I was just pointing out that it is reasonable to argue that America is imperialist. Whether you think it is or not, you can argue either way. "Empire" can just mean economic empire. I would say that by invading Iraq, we were attempting to regulate trade of a "raw material," (oil), by extending political power and economic power over another country. We were not establishing colonies or viceroys or anything, but we were taking control, for the same reasons as classic imperialists throughout history. And yes, I would say that we are in control in Iraq. We don't dictate who comes to power, but we did dictate what kind of government they would have. You can be sure, if they tried to set up a communist state, Uncle Sam would have something to say about it.








Obviously, you disagree with me. That's fine. But you have to admit, I can use the definition of imperialism and write a legitimate argument that America is imperialist.








And if Evilperson wrote a paper in which he did showed that he understands what imperialism is, and did a good job arguing his case, whether you agree with him or not, the paper does not deserve an F.

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To Ghostranger and weezcake:




imperialism- 1[stuff] 2 the policy and practice of forming and maintaining an empire in seeking to control raw materials and world markets by the conquest of other countries, the establishment of colonies, etc.








Whether you think America is an imperialist nation or not, I think it's pretty obvious that you can write a persuasive paper either way. I think America is imperialist (we conquered another country, we are establishing our form of government in its place, and we are seeking to control world trade of a raw material: oil), but I could still write a good paper proving that it isn't (we don't make colonies, we don't take independence away from other countries, etc). A good teacher should be able to accept that a student might disagree with the teacher's politics, and grade the paper on the quality of the scholarship and persuasive writing. If it was a good paper, even if the teacher disagreed with it's conclusions, it did not deserve an F.








We aren't exactly establishing Iraq as a colony, nor are we taking over the country. We have thrown out Saddam (which we should have done in another way) and have put power into the hands of the people and the congress elected to represent them.








Even the most liberal teachers at my school would not fail you because you supported Bush. I doubt many would-- if enough complaints were filed, the teacher could lose their job.


Retired tip.it moderator.

Teaching and inspiring.

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Haha Pete, I read the OED's definition and didn't like it, so I got out my other dictionary, just so that I could make my argument better. :lol:




EDIT: Aww, Petey, you edited your post...












This imperialism argument is all off-topic though. The real issue is whether Evilperson should have failed his paper. If you agree with me that it is possible to argue that America is imperial, Evilperson should not have failed his paper. He made a legitimate argument. If he argued it well, he should not have failed just because his teacher didn't agree with his politics.

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Heres what i think..








1. Regardless if America (currently) is a imperialic nation, if your chapter was on the imperialism of the 1800's, I would expect an essay on the imperialism of that time. Secondly, as said above, America is should not be considered a imperialistic nation as of now... you could have talked about America taking over Cuba, the Philappines (sp), Puerto Rico, ect. but you didn't..








2. You knew what she was asking.. and you know that. Instead of not completign a test would you just write "I already know this material perfectly, thus I don't need to take the test to prove my knowledge of the subject", I think not.








3. It could have been a sincere error on her part, it also could have been done because she dislikes you more. I was a t.a. before and i've seen it happen... im not saying that its right for her to do it.. but your attitude might have prevoked her.








4. I know sometimes true and false can be purposely misleading, but then again its true and false. You either get it right or wrong, take this to the administrators and it probably won't help your case. Plus, unless the test had 100 questions on it, wasn't she being nice in the fact that you got 5 wrong but still got a 95?

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Haha Pete, I read the OED's definition and didn't like it, so I got out my other dictionary, just so that I could make my argument better. :lol:




EDIT: Aww, Petey, you edited your post...















Lol, sorry. I thought I'd got away with it. I didn't want to get into any big arguments, hence the edit. :)

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Woah woah...I wasn't trying to argue politics. I was just pointing out that it is reasonable to argue that America is imperialist. Whether you think it is or not, you can argue either way. "Empire" can just mean economic empire. I would say that by invading Iraq, we were attempting to regulate trade of a "raw material," (oil), by extending political power and economic power over another country. We were not establishing colonies or viceroys or anything, but we were taking control, for the same reasons as classic imperialists throughout history. And yes, I would say that we are in control in Iraq. We don't dictate who comes to power, but we did dictate what kind of government they would have. You can be sure, if they tried to set up a communist state, Uncle Sam would have something to say about it.











You cannot argue fact with opinion. It is a fact that America is not an imperialist nation.








The United States is an example of a constitutional republic, with a government composed of and operating through a set of limited powers imposed by its design and enumerated in that design or Constitution of the United States of America. Specifically, the nation operates as a presidential democracy. There are three levels of government: federal, state, and local. Officials of each of these levels are either elected by eligible voters via secret ballot or appointed by other elected officials. Americans enjoy almost universal suffrage from the age of 18 regardless of race, sex, or wealth. There are some limits, however: felons are disenfranchised and in some states former felons are likewise. Furthermore, the national representation of territories and the federal district of Washington, DC in Congress is limited: residents of the District of Columbia are subject to federal laws and federal taxes but their only Congressional representative is a non-voting delegate.








That is like writing a paper on how America is not a country and expecting a good grade.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Haha Pete, I read the OED's definition and didn't like it, so I got out my other dictionary, just so that I could make my argument better. :lol:




EDIT: Aww, Petey, you edited your post...















Lol, sorry. I thought I'd got away with it. I didn't want to get into any big arguments, hence the edit. :)








Wise move on your part :lol:








Anyway, I guess weez is right about reading the paper. But MyPurpleCrayon, I don't accept it as fact that America is not imperialist, and I think if you do a google search for the phrase "American imperialism," you'll find a bunch of people who believe America really is imperialist.








Saying "It is a fact that America is not an imperialist nation," (and not an opinion) is like saying "It is a fact that the Patriot Act is unconstitutional." Maybe America is not an imperialist nation, and maybe the Patriot Act is unconstitutional, but both of these statements are debatable. You can't just say "oh this is fact" and dismiss all disagreement.












Again, whether we are imperialist or not, shouldn't a teacher welcome critical thinking like this? Shouldn't teachers encourage students to step outside of the box to seriously consider a current-day issue as it relates to the historical subject matter? Who cares if Evilperson is right or wrong, he went beyond expectations to find a present-day connection, showing he is alert and thinking about the subject. The paper should not just receive a failing grade because the teacher can't handle an opinion contrary to her own. If it was a good paper, it did not deserve an F.








Like weezcake said, we'd really have to read the paper to see.

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Guest GhostRanger
Again, whether we are imperialist or not, shouldn't a teacher welcome critical thinking like this? Shouldn't teachers encourage students to step outside of the box to seriously consider a current-day issue as it relates to the historical subject matter? Who cares if Evilperson is right or wrong, he went beyond expectations to find a present-day connection, showing he is alert and thinking about the subject. The paper should not just receive a failing grade because the teacher can't handle an opinion contrary to her own. If it was a good paper, it did not deserve an F.








If there is a logical way to say that invading Iraq to protect oil reserves makes us imperialists then yes the teacher should encourage it. But there isn't and therefore that train of thinking should not be rewarded. Obviously Evilperson does not understand imperialism if that is what the paper is about, and the assignment was given to prove an udnerstanding of imperialism.

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I don't accept it as fact that America is not imperialist, and I think if you do a google search for the phrase "American imperialism," you'll find a bunch of people who believe America really is imperialist.








Well I'm sorry but you are wrong. America is a republic and you are dumb. I can do a google search for the phrase "found the cure for AIDS", and there will be a bunch of people that actually think they found the cure for AIDS. That doesn't mean they did, and that doesn't mean there is actually a cure for AIDS.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Don't worry it isn't going to kill you.








We get those types of teachers all the time. Just laugh it all out, it makes your day a whole lot nicer. :)

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I don't accept it as fact that America is not imperialist, and I think if you do a google search for the phrase "American imperialism," you'll find a bunch of people who believe America really is imperialist.








Well I'm sorry but you are wrong. America is a republic and you are dumb. I can do a google search for the phrase "found the cure for AIDS", and there will be a bunch of people that actually think they found the cure for AIDS. That doesn't mean they did, and that doesn't mean there is actually a cure for AIDS.








See, Evilperson, it could be worse... you could have MyPurpleCrayon as your teacher :|

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