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well, been awhile since ive made a signature or used photoshop lol, but my friend wanted me to make a signature to show him what i could do so i dove in and did a pretty good job imo


took around ~2 hours, wouldve been an easy 30min if i had known what i was going to do right away, but i played around and messed up on the smudging several times lol so time passed by




with c4d's



[spoiler=old versions]ver 1



edit: so im looking back on it and i really aint digging the smudge i didnt get the effect i wanted ;s so i made an alternative which is looking better tbh

ver 2



ver 3



ver 4


added more depth and effects i guess, intensified the render


ver 5

with c4d's




what do u think plz

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yeah :P


blackout name of piece


win is the creator = me


its just some text anyway, not the main focus, thats why its so small and a lil difficult to read


and lol it does almost look like bleakoot haha, i just might make it a little bit bigger thx


ok new version again, this will blend the text to fit with the image more sorta, while also making it more visible, and adding more dominance of the main title verses the author


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I like the text, but in terms of visual interest, you could have more effects, creating more depth and flow. I'd say go completely black and white, and bump up the contrast. Remember to keep the tag sharp in the focal area.

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ty for the helpful advice man


i do notice everything seems to be behind the render atm, im working on adding depth by adding something in front, and also different depth of field would be nice as well, as for effects, thats learned by experience so ill just have to keep looking up tutorials and making more pieces :P

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There's nothing going on :/


I'd suggest downloading some smudge brushes from deviantART, I can see you've used the default Photoshop smudge brush.


Also, add some more effects - add a bit of color, add a little bit of chaos.


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what sort of effects? could you give me some examples that you wouldve done? i feel its simplicity completes it in a way


i agree that color would help tho, but i dont really see any theme color where i could add a complimentary to it, its suppose to be grungy and a bit colorless, dark and blurry ;/


but thanks that made me think :)

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Try adding some Bubble C4D's (I'm assuming you know what C4D's are) on lighten/screen and perhaps even linear dodge. Experiment!


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bubbles? :x


on a grungy dark themed piece? i try to focus on breakage, pieces, squared off, flow = no flow type of style for this piece (tho theres not much to show anyway :P you can see slight pixelations on the edges), bubbles being round just doesnt fit that, but if course you were just giving an example


ok thx anyway, but just a thought, whats with c4d's? i personally prefer completely self created effects/elements except for the render itself, whats the real reason to use a c4d? i never quite understood

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Text should never be a space filler D:

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i dont see why not lol ;s


as long as it blends with the image, and is artistic in a way: typography?


i really like your sig tho, the enhanced colors, and the exact effect i was looking to do like sand coming off the trooper's arm, and like cloth textures making it have a tactile feeling


i also see a small pattern of dots by the hand, like a grid

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Instead of complaining about the advice your given, Outofblood, to improve this and your futures signatures, I suggest you take it. C4Ds in general would bring the whole tag up. I used to make grungy tags, and was heavy into smudging, but c4ds are really what you need to add visual interest to a tag. As for text as a space filler - I think you have used it in a way similar to that. Typography doesn't use text as a 'space-filler' indeed, it uses text to make up form and shape.

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god complaining is such an unhealthy word for what im doing, im questioning it, its what makes use think lol


i taking all the advice to heart, all that makes sense, and all of them here have so please dont take my words the wrong way :)


edit: here you go a shot at a c4d :P


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That doesn't look too bad now, it certainly goes with the render you used, but I see you increased the sharpened pixel squares! :P


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Z0mg. I have to completely disagree with you guys. The C4D mess is something I don't like. It was, and it is a nice smudge/grunge tag and it doesn't need those f'in C4D's.

Sam, remember what I told you about C4D mess a while ago?



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