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Upcoming Combat Triangle Rebalance


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People NEVER get it do you. There was just a topic up last night of how some guy was posting videos of how horribably overpowered magic is just because he was using some new spell/amulet (I believe not 100% sure just returning to the game so not up-to-date about the new items yet).


I'll put it this way I'm not a huge pvp'er, but I don't think anyone would be if we had a perfect triangle. Because this is what would happen.


Ranger sees melee... He runs away.

Melee sees ranger he chances.

Mage sees melee he chaces.

Ranger gets away.

Melee gets teleblocked, frozen, and owned all at once.

Mage goes to pick up reward.

New ranger walks by and owns mage.

New melee walks up and owns ranger.



How much fun would that be!? The mix of people hybriding, using different tactics, etc. is what makes Pvp interesting, Jagex realizes this doesn't mean they won't make updates to balance the triangle a little bit, but any MAJOR changes like not letting you melee in dragonhide could easily ruin pvp for most players.


It dosent matter who wins because some lame dclaw rusher swoops in and gankes them.

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Mage sucks because you have to risk a lot in pvp.

Meleer- lose like 200k in rune and neitz when you die

Ranger- lose like 100k in hides and some bolts maybe

Mage- lose 12m in ahrims and sol, more if you want a decent shield, and maybe arcane stream too


For meleeing and ranging, you do just fine with cheap ass stuff, but if you mage you need max mage bonus, you'll get laughed at if you mage in mystic.

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They should just create a counter in there database, when a player kills another player take what side of the triangle's weapon they used to kill the other person and what side of triangle their opponent's weapon is and get some statistics on which side of the triangle is unbalanced.



TBH I think melee is overpowered, they aren't limited to what armor they wear, so if a melee sees a mage they just change to their d hide. If rangers or magers changed their armor to one of the 2 other sides, they would be extremely weak (since mage and range bonus is in the armor)

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The balance is fine.


Sure, magic is disproportionately expensive in both PVP and PVM, ranged is a cheapo skill, and melee is almost certainly the best choice for PVM, but in my opinion each side of the triangle should have its strengths and weaknesses.


We do NOT want a rock paper sissors system where a ranger wins against a mage just by being there. And where all the sides of the combat triangle are pretty much the same.


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