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Cannon KOs


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I've successfully done this a few times but it seems to happen randomly..

Setting up the Dwarf Multicannon beneath a large monster squarely in its SPAWN center can sometimes nearly instantly KO that monster due to the same monster being hit repeatedly because of the DMC's rotation.

How can I ensure that this occurs most of the time?

What are some monsters that this "trick" is even useful against?

- Or further to the above, what large or boss monsters can the cannon actually be set up at where they will not automatically destroy it?

- - Do Mithril Dragons automatically destroy cannons?


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It's only really useful for dagonnoth prime as in all other cases, you kill alot of monsters before the same one respawns, so you'd be sacrificing damage on all the other monsters. For frost dragons, it's much better to have the cannon in the center of 4 spawns.

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