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Buying Windows 7


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I made the buy - 4 months of squirreling and saving to complete my goal of a new computer, to arrive in the next week ^_^


Unfortunately, some research into Windows 7 made me realize almost too late that the product I was going to buy would screw me over, so for now I'll be using 32bit xp - but windows 7 is an upgrade I'd like to make.


Which Windows 7 product should I get so that I don't get screwed over by Microsoft? I want to be able to upgrade if that's something I decide to do, and I'd like to be able to be somewhat warranted on the pc I build myself.


Thanks so much!

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I'm not sure what you mean by getting "screwed over". I think having to use Windows, let alone pay for it, fits that description.

With a little more detail on what you're trying to avoid, we'll be better able to help.

Lol Linux fanboy. :P


If you're talking price-wise, most versions of windows allow multiple pc's to be licenced with them, hence the high price.


If you know you're only ever going to use that copy on one pc, I'd buy an OEM version, such as here: http://www.newegg.ca/Store/SubCategory.aspx?SubCategory=368&name=Operating-Systems

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Just adding on - If you know someone who works in computer repair/ building, ask them if you can borrow a disk and buy a sticker (product code) off them.

Might save you about $20, but if you're really tight for cash it'll work, and you might get a better version than otherwise.


I'm currently running 7 home premium 64-bit on a desktop and a laptop, and I like it.


Sig by me, in MS paint, but I'm still working on it.

Suggestions appreciated


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Well, my dad said he might be able to snag me Windows 7 at work... but no word on that yet.


If I buy anything but OEM, will I be able to install Windows 7 on multiple computers?


No, they are just for one license on one computer.



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Although if you buy retail the install won't be tied to the motherboard of the computer you install it on, but for that and the little support you will require, I do not think the difference in price is worth it, that's why I'd still go with OEM.

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