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Technical support using Mac


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I have recently decided to play RS again, and when logging in on my Mac got a message to say something about my settings not being the optimum...or something. So I clicked the button to change / update my settings. I assume it meant the graphics.

Now once I have logged in using my user name and password and the game loads, my cursor is off by about a centimeter. I click *here*



and it comes out *here*


Does this make sense????


It means I can't click any buttons, and when I click on where I want to go, it's out of whack.


I'm not very computer savvy - I tried looking for help on the RS site, but no luck.


Can anyone please help? I'd love to start playing again!!


Many thanks, kezzh2

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It sounds to me that you need to re-calibrate your mouse (tell it where it needs to point) What mouse are you using? I will try and find out how to fix this for you. :)


Edit: by what mouse I mean is it a magic mouse/mighty mouse? apple like to name there mice...

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Is this a problem that's exclusive to Runescape or do you experience it elsewhere? I did have a few problems a couple of months ago on my Mac where the "clicking action" would actually happen 0.5-1cm away from where I actually clicked but my inventory wasn't affected by this. If it is just Runescape, make sure all your software is up to date which you can do by clicking on the Apple Logo in the top left corner of the screen and selecting "software update". Hope this helps!


"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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Actually, out of interest, are you using google chrome? If you are, click on the spanner to the right of the url bar, and make sure that the zoom setting is set to 100%.


Zoom doesnt distort mouse clicks, it just adds/removes vertical and horizontal scroll by increasing or decreasing display size


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Actually, out of interest, are you using google chrome? If you are, click on the spanner to the right of the url bar, and make sure that the zoom setting is set to 100%.


Zoom doesnt distort mouse clicks, it just adds/removes vertical and horizontal scroll by increasing or decreasing display size



There is an issue with older versions of google chrome where is displaced the mouse pointer by a few mm. But it only showed up in java.

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It's happened to me while running ubuntu. When you first load Runescape by default you get an ad on top. When you log in as a member the ad is removed and runescape is moved up the page, however your cursor position is not recaliberated for this change, resulting in its click position being the ad's height too low. You should be able to simply log out and refresh the page, after logging in once the game remembers if your a member or not and will no longer display the ad.


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