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A thought on korasis and tds


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Would korasis special hit when the demon is praying melee or when its praying magic?


I know its based on your melee max hit, but if it counts as mage damage I guess it could really help speed things up


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Well in multicombat zones - Korasi' damage is vastly reduced (due to its chaining nature, even if it doesn't chain to anything)


Not sure what it hits, but I don't know if it's high enough on Td's to force a switch


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I'l go give it a try in some multi areas I guess, but think you're right, I've had it hit really low on bork a few times, but also normal hits too :S


I'm moreso thinking that even though its a melee weapon, it does mage damage, so its like having all three combat styles while only being setup for two?

Supposedly the spec hits between 50% and 150% of your max melee hit, so with turm on and potted it should easily force a switch pretty consistently? Obviously I'd still take range, but itd speed things up


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it's like having all three styles... for one attack every few minutes, at the expense of a better attack


Well, I'd obviously only use it as a spec weapon and not my standard melee, and korasis can max in the 700s so its still a decent spec weapon (I wouldnt buy claws at its pricetag)


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it's like having all three styles... for one attack every few minutes, at the expense of a better attack


Well, I'd obviously only use it as a spec weapon and not my standard melee, and korasis can max in the 700s so its still a decent spec weapon (I wouldnt buy claws at its pricetag)



runewiki says korasi's spec hits between 50% and 150% of your max hit


say the max is around 700, that means it is 1.5x your normal melee max, 700 / 1.5 = 466 let's say 500. we use this value because it hits between 50% and 150%, 100% is the middle and assume uniform distribution (i guess?)


in multiway the second attack is half of the first, and the third attack is a quarter of the first. so total damage 500 = x + x/2 + x/4


500 = (4x + 2x + x) / 4

500 = 7x / 4


2000/7 = x = 285


just rough calculation... don't really know that much about korasi's sword

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I've used it at TDS extensivly after it came out, I can answer some of this from experience.


First, the special hits on range and melee pray. If it hits high enough mage pray is activated.


However, it only hits high enough for like 1/3 or 1/4 specs it seems. If it doesn't make the TDS change to mage pray, then you still need to deal 300 damage with range to get it to swap to range pray. So that means it really only kicks butt for 1/3 specs. For solo I don't see it being much better then D Claws or D hally.


However, if you duo TDS it is awesome as you can coordinate your specs and force it to change to mage every time. Like, this really speeds up duo kills.


Also, this is my observations from using void melee, however I did not ever use max strength gear or turmoil. If you did that and are maxed it might increase to 2/3 specs, I don't know though, that might be enough to make it worth using.

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That's exactly what you're doing right now... just saying.


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using the krorasi sword spec makes demons switch to protect from magic (if you hit high enough)

The spec will hit if the demon is praying from melee or range.


That being said...since they're in a multicombat zone, the specs max hit is severely reduced, to the point of being a waste of a spec.



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It works as a nice weapon if you do not have claws. I have used it for solo, and I would say it hits 300+ atleast 50% of the time no more then 2/3 though. That is with Turm, melee void, and xtreme Strength.

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I've also used the KS at TD's and i love it since i cant afford claws for specs. It seems that if your only fighting one demon and others are out of range of the special the demon you used the spec on takes the full brunt of the attack and most of the time it seems to make them switch to mage prayer. However, as im not super experienced at TD's i normally only fight one at a time anyways so it normally works out for me to use it.

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