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Employee Problem


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Not sure how to really begin this but here I go.. my dad own's his own business. He own's an autobody repair shop and has a certain employee that is particularly computer savvy. This employee does various paperwork for my dad. The problem is that she is very secretive and clicks away her screen whenever my dad walks by and tends to do/write many things that she should be doing/writing on her own time (writing emails to family, just surfing the web, ect.). She also has many programs that my dad doesn't know how to use.








Firing her is out of question.. various circumstances won't allow it. But in the mean time, my dad wishes to know what exactly she is doing (btw, its isn't anything illegal, just wasting the money my dad is giving her for her time). I would suggest just looking up her history ect. but she knows to delete it. So I suggested downloading a keylogger onto the computer that she uses. What im wondering though is if anyone knows of a "safe" heh keylogger out there since I cant write one for myself. I am also wondering with the keylogger, how do I (or my dad for that matter) access the information?








If you think that a keylogger really isn't the best idea, what would you recommend doing? Thanks in advance.

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I believe there are some concerns with privacy. I don't know the law in the USA but I'd suggest that the first thing you should to is talk to the employee in question about your concerns. If she continues to be secretive, you should get some legal advice as to what you can do about it.








At the least, I'm guessing you'd have to notify her that you intend on installing some tracking software on the PC.

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Is privacy even really a concern though when she's spending part of her working hours doing non work related "activities"? Shouldn't it be the employer's job to find out if his employee's arn't working for what they are being payed for? In such a case it seems to me that she voided her right to privacy. I may be wrong though :? .

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there is a program called autoscreen recorder but i think that might be a bit too obvious. It runs from the sys tray (press f9 to start and f10 to stop).








but when you type f9 theres a minimised window saying recording so it's gonna be obvious (i use it, lol)....








and when you press f10 it tells you it's saved...(you have to be fast)








and yes, autoscreen recorder is legal...








Talk to her about what she's doing etc first.








p.s keyloggers should be illegal in all countries (unless you tell them there is one.)

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Give her more work? She might just be bored.








If you really want to spy on your own employee, then get a screengrabber + keylogger. It will log all keystrokes, and take screenshots every couple minutes. Keep the screenshots folder pruned so she doesn't notice excess disk space.

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Note that you cant install a keylogger and not tell her. Otherwise the evidence used coudlnt be used as a reason to sack her. She would sue for invation of privacy and unfair dismissal.








I would just remove administrator rights to her logon and ininstall the programs not needed.



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Note that you cant install a keylogger and not tell her. Otherwise the evidence used coudlnt be used as a reason to sack her. She would sue for invation of privacy and unfair dismissal.








I would just remove administrator rights to her logon and ininstall the programs not needed.




My moto at work for our computer user's. Lock 'em down and throw away the key :)

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Guest andyizcool

I assume the computer is on the net because you said she surfs the net and sends emails. So what you do is install a Remote Assistant like LogMeIn (Google it) on the computer and watch what she does from another computer. She wouldn't notice because it's just a tray icon which you can hide by using Windows options and setting it to always hide. This isn't illegal because technicians do it all the time at workplaces and colleges/schools to make sure you're not doing things you shouldn't be.

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if its an NT/XP/2000 SYSTEM , take advantage of the user and group permissions already available within the OS








it IS perfectly legal to install any monitoring software you want on a computer system/network that you solely own








it is NOT legal to use it as a grounds for termination unless the user has signed a legal document stating that they waive their privacy rights on said system/network

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Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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Note that you cant install a keylogger and not tell her. Otherwise the evidence used coudlnt be used as a reason to sack her. She would sue for invation of privacy and unfair dismissal.








I would just remove administrator rights to her logon and ininstall the programs not needed.








Thats why you uninstall the keylogger once you suspision is confirmed and then sack her.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Note that you cant install a keylogger and not tell her. Otherwise the evidence used coudlnt be used as a reason to sack her. She would sue for invation of privacy and unfair dismissal.








I would just remove administrator rights to her logon and ininstall the programs not needed.








Thats why you uninstall the keylogger once you suspision is confirmed and then sack her.




Whats the point of putting a keylogger in place if your just going to sack them? Which could come to bite you on the butt later on. If an employer had concerns about their employee's then they should talk to them. Or get someone in to help you sit down and talk to them.

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If you were to install a keylogger on a computer you own for the very purpose of monitoring an employee without their consent and in secret in Sweden, you would be facing serious legal charges. I would talk to a lawyer before attempting this, and I don't mean a hobby-lawyer online.

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