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True :D








TPUM is a radioactive mutant penguin bent on Antarctic domination with his army of demonic toothbrushes and hedgehogs

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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No, I'm from... I mean... Of course I'm not from the Andromedan Galaxy and plan on destroying the world... Yeah... Hahaha... No way...












TPUM is half-way-sorta-not-really-but-yes-truly freaked out by me

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Will TPUM please read all this? I know it's long but I really wanna know if this movie is worth adding. I thought of this movie long time ago, and still haven't found someone that could tell me if the movie is worth adding:








Edmond And The Dragon








The movie starts with a man waking up, getting breakfast, wash hands, takes shower and then goes into his car. He drives throught New York City, and goes to "Kevin's Car Lessons" and then goes to his office. He works in his computer and then he hears from the radio in his office, "Edmond Termy, Edmond Termy. Tommy wants to drive a car. Please make sure he knows the rules first." Edmond said, "Yes sir" in the microphone. He goes to a stadium and then some guy says, "I've learnt everything. I know how to drive. Man, you gotta believe me. Allow me to prove myself." Edmond said, "Well, you will get a car pass eventually. First show me what you got."








They go on with plastic stuff. Then a robot girl walks and Tommy stopped. Then he goes on and followed all the rules. Edmond said, "Well, sir. You passed. Your pass will be ready on Monday." Tommy said, "Aw, too bad."








Then on lunchtime everyone is talking and eating, and Edmond is eating pizza. Kevin comes, sitted down near Edmond and said, "Well, mr Termy, you did a wonderful job. I'm proud of you. I will pay you well. Since the month will end tomorrow, I will give you $750,000 at the end of the day. You deserve it, you did a very good job." Edmond said, "Thanks boss."








At the end of the day Kevin said, "Well everyone have a nice day. Happy weekend."








On his way to his car he said, "Yes, yahoo! I'm so happy. I'm a millioner. I've gotten $15,000,000 dollors so far. I will keep on the good work."








Edmond didn't drive home yet. He went to a musseum and saw something he hasn't seen before. It looked like a dragon scale. He asked a man that works here, "Can you tell me what this is? I can't find info anywhere." the musseum guy said, "Interesting isn't it? This is a scale of a rare dragon. The legend says that there is an island there this dragon lies. Of course it's only a legend. But I believe in that legend. I even have the map of the island." Edmond asked, "Can I buy it?" the musseum guy said, "Yes of course. It costs $7,500, it costs so much since this dragon is only 1 of a kind. At least that's what the sailor told me." Edmond said, "I don't care, I want this dragon. Can I buy it now? I have nothing but my card on me." the musseum guy said, "I take cards. Ok it's a deal." he bought the map and then the musseum guy said, "And take this, this is exact location of this sailor." he read it was written "New York Rettery Boatyard." he went to see that sailor, and he spoke to the sailor, "Hello, are you the one that gave a dragon scale to the musseum?" the sailor said, "Yarr, that be me. I have searched for the map and did never find it. I have no clue where to find it. You have the map. That's great. Give it to me. It will take 23 days to sail there. If you have a job ask for a vocation. Meet you at 6pm tomorrow." Edmond said, "Ok, see you then."








The next morning Edmond went to his boss's mansion the boss asked, "What's your business?" Edmond said, "I want to ask for vocation." the boss said, "Please come in." and the gate opened.








Inside his home Kevin asked, "Do you want pepsi?" Edmond said, "Yes please." Kevin then said, "Well Mr. Termy you work fine job. You do deserve a vocation. How many days will you be busy?" Edmond said, "Well boss, I won't be in New York for 23 days. I'm searching for a dragon. It may take me more to get home." Kevin said, "Dragon, there is no such thing. Of course I can't fire you for believing in dragons. You can believe in anything you want. But if you end up finding no dragon don't say I didn't warn you." Edmond said, "I just saw a dragon scale on a musseum." Kevin said, "Mr. Termy. Don't be silly. Every artists can make a dragon scale and make it look real. It's called art, Mr. Termy. Even if you have a map, it can lead to nowhere. Well, I highly doubt it you will find dragons. Dragons don't exists. You obviously have seen many movies, people can fake everything with computer. Well, I will give you all the time you need. Well, I don't care what you believe in, good luck. You may go now. Leave Mr. Termy. I will tell your friends at your job that you're going to hunt a dragon." Edmond say, "Well boss. I am going to find the dragon. While I'm on it, could you keep my car in your mansion?" Kevin said, "Yes, I will keep it for you. It will be safe at my home. Bye. And have fun." Edmond leaves.








At the shipyard at 6pm Edmond comes abord, this is conversation:








The Sailor: Welcome aboard matey. Arr! I've everything needed. I tried to save the dragon myself but the wolves got me. All I got was scale of another dragon that has long been dead. I must tell you something, I've everything you need. In my car is a gun, and other weapons. And of course matey a rope to get to the hill the dragon is. There is an armour in there as well.








Edmond: Thank you, so will I be able to see the island?








The Sailor: Not without the amulet you won't. I got magic amulet. The island is invisible so I needed an amulet to access the island.








The Sailor gives Edmond Amulet








Edmond: Oh gosh. I will be bored and won't have anything to eat in 23 days.








The Sailor: Don't worry on the way you can do things. Yarr! I have a lots of coca colas that lasts for 23 days. And yer can go on internet. Of course ye can plays games on board. Yarr! Me ship be made out of pure steel.








Edmond: Doesn't that means it will sink?








The Sailor: Nar! Nar! This be special steel, protecting my ship from sharks and unlike others steel it can fload. It won't sink.








Edmond: Thank you. Let's go.








The Sailor: Yarr! Let's.








*NOTE: Don't correct me if I've grammer error on what the sailor says. Like most other sailors he doesn't talk good English.








He plays card with the sailor, also goes to the internet, and many more things. Eventually they arrive. The sailor says, "Here we are." Edmond thanks him and says, "Is your car for sale?" the sailor says "I don't need it no more. You can own it. I be gone by now. Bye arr, arr. I going to Austarlia and have a great life."








Edmond drives to the island and a brown horse comes and says, "We don't often get humans around here. Welcome to Ytremyt's Island. Ytremyt he is the dragon. Do you need a ride? I can ride you." Edmond says, "No thanks. I have a map and know exactly where to go." the horse says, "Al right, but remember you don't have to call me. If your life is in risk I will be there."








In the background is a shark saying, "Oh that awful man, he isn't coming back. I want a bite."








He goes in the forest and sees a road. He drives the sailor's car until it stops. Some swords come out of nowhere and then he hears voice and sees wolves, they have sword in their month. Conversation:








Wolf1: Well, well, well, what have we got here? A human. But a human isn't welcome to life.








Wolf2: Yes, they only kill animals like us.








Wolf1: Say I'm hungry.








Edmond: I'm looking for a dragon.








Wolf1: Did you hear that, he is looking for a dragon.








Wolf2: Stupid human don't know he cannot reach the dragon from here.








An owl in tree: Could you please keep it down? I'm trying to sleep.








A wolf shoots a sword on the owl.








Wolf1: There is nobody to safe you now.








Edmond(angry): Look what you did to my car.








Wolf1: Well, it serves you right.








Wolf2: We are here to kill you.








Then Edmond takes out gun and shoots them.








Wolf1 and 2: Help me.








A big brown bear appears and says, "I know one of the wolf fled from ur shot, but they also fled from someone else's" The horse shoots with a gun with his teeth and said, "Well, I'm that someone else. My name is Redgeyr by the way. And I'm more than ready to...."he spins and changes into horse that is ridable and says "....Offer you a ride. I saw your car crash by the wolves. Well, partner, you don't need rope. I will get you there."








The horse walks up the hill. There was a lot of smoke. A very big wolf came out of smoke and said,








The Big Wolf: What have you done to my sons? You traitors!!!








Edmond: I'm sorry but your sons attacked me.








The Big Wolf: Of course they attacked you. You........Hey, if it isn't Redgeyr. Redgeyr the horse. How are you donig?








Redgeyr: I'm doing fine. He wants to rescue the dragon.








The Big Wolf: Well, he is stuck in steel chains. At the top of the mountain. But watch out there is evil shadow up there. Of course you're a brave horse.








Edmond: I'm also brave. I'm not afraid of anything.








The Big Wolf: Good, but I must apologise about my brothers. They were just afraid of you. I think you're a good human. I mean safe a dragon. That's great. Well I wish you best of luck.








Surrently the bear appears.








The Bear: I believe you forgot this.








He delievered a box.








The Bear: I can climb trees, and mountains. I will have the box on me. You will need it. I will be following you.








Edmond: The sailor told me about an armour.








The Bear opened the box and said: An armour, yes please take it. It will protect you from the shadows.








Edmond was wearing it. Then they went on to the mountain. The mountain got darker and darker. Surrently a shadow came.








The Shadow: I will kill you.








It tried to attack Redgeyr but the armour protected Redgeyr also Edmond also the bear. After some dark road they arrived to the dragon. The bear found a magic axe and gave it to Edmond.








The Bear: I believe this works against the chains.








Edmond tried. With help from the bear and Redgeyr the dragon was free.








Ytremyt(The Dragon): Thanks for saving me. From now on you may ride me. You can go anywhere for free. Fly anywhere.








Edmond: Yes, I will fly to New York City.








Ytremyt: Al right let's go there.








They flied and in no time Edmond was back. There was a crowd of people waiting for him, Kevin said, "I can't believe my own eyes." the musseum guy said, "Wow, that's very great. So the legend is true." Kevin came to Edmond and said, "Well, I was wrong. You proved me wrong. The dragon really does exists. Of course since you worked so hard I will give you 15 more weeks. I've seen movies and I know raising a dragon isn't easy." Ytremyt said, "That's ok, I know how to behave.








The dragon arrived home and Edmond noticed a horsehouse he has never seen. Inside it was Redgeyr saying "Welcome home." Edmond said, "Thanks!"








Edmond went to sleep. Then he wake up the dragon was gone. Edmond wondered where he was. He went back and said, "I'm home. Wanna fly?" Edmond said, "No, not now. It's Saturday now. I want to go bowling with my boss."








On the bowling place:








Kevin: Well, Mr. Termy, I'm start believing in dragons. By the way, do you really have a horse that talks?








Edmond: Yes, his name is Redgeyr and he is great as well.








Kevin: Well, I can't be prouder. When do you want to work again?








Edmond: When I've spent some time with my dragon.








Kevin: Well, Mr. Termy you got the money you deserve. By the way do you want your car back?








Edmond: Yes please.








Kevin: Al right, in tomorrow morning you will get it back.








Later that night the dragon flyed around NYC and it fire breathed the empire states. Knocked down the indepententence statue. One house was burning. The fire departmennt almost got rid of the fire, until the dragon used firebreath and things there got bad to worse. In a cinema a dragon broke in and a woman screamed and said, "Oh no. The dragon came out of the movie." And a cinema was destoryed. And in one house a woman said, "And this musseum has been alive for 15 years. It's...." And the dragon came and destoryed the house and another woman said, "...not here anymore." He did a lot of things.








In the morning a phone ringed. Edmond answered and heard Kevin's voice "You moron, your dragon destoryed my company. You're fired!" and the phone conversation ended.








Edmond was surpriced and went down and a cop said angrily, "Your dragon knocked out the indepentence statue, a cinema, very good companies, made fire on houses much worse. You owe the city $370,000,000. Either pay that or go to jail." Edmond said he didn't have enough money and went to jail.








He was so sad and was sorry to ever have got that dragon. Then a horse came to visit:








Redgeyr: I know you're innocent. I will tell you what happend. A stranger came and shot your dragon until he was very angry. Then dragons get angry they can't control themself and destory everything they see.








Edmond: Wait if he destoryed everything why isn't this jail destoryed?








Redgeyr: Well, the wild bear from the island you were on helped to rebuild the city in no time. I tried to explain to the cops what happend but they said that horses are away too stupid to know stuff like that. I'm not giving up I will get you out of jail. And I will hurry. The crook is the one that caught the dragon you must hurry before your dragon dies. Even dragons can't life forever.








The jail guard said, "Sorry, the visiting time is over."








At Kevin's home, Kevin said, "I knew it wasn't good idea to search for dragons. They can destoroy everything. I want to give him his job back but I don't even have the building anymore. And one thing confuses me. How could that jungle bear talk? There sure are weird stuff going on here. Well, I hope the dragon will be dead."








In the judge room:








Judge: Mr. Termy, your horse says you're innocent, yet he has provmennts. Listen up. We will let you go out of jail if you promise to prove that the guy that caught the dragon is responsible. You have 4 days. After that you're back to jail. You're free.








Outside the police station Kevin said, "I'll help you arrest the man. I knew you wouldn't do such a thing. I will help you arrest the guy that made your dragon angry. Mr. Termy, don't worry about a thing we will arrest the man. And you will get your job back. By the way, I drove here on your car. I spoke to the police chief and he says it was ok for this time only to break the law, since this is emerengy"








Then they drived and in the crook's house was a water that Ytremyt was forced in. Kevin turned off the water and said, "No dragon of an employee of mine is going to die because of you. I will prove that you're guilty."








The crook said, "Oh yeah? You and what army?"








A lot of army tanks came and shot fortuntely Redgeyr said, "This one." A lot of bulls came and said together "Let's roll!!!" It was a big war. Gorillas threw rocks at the tanks. Kevin turned off the water and saved the dragon. A lot of animals attacked the tank.








This was a big fight. Eventually FBI came and said, "You are under arrest" to the crook. There were a lot of army tanks from the FBI.








Kevin said, "Well, you've done a good job. You're rehired Mr. Termy I'm surpriced how well you can raise a dragon. But you have to get back to work tomorrow. And I will get your horse this job too.








4 weeks later.








A man said, "Wow, this is interesting. So horse can talk." This is the end of the movie.

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