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PvP Worlds

The Observer

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I know many players wouldn't mind having this back again. Perhaps have 2-3 worlds dedicated to everywhere being PvP with the exception of banks and respawn locations. No, I'm not talking about the old drop system. This would employ the same drop system.


I remember I had a bit of fun on those.




Example above shown in the video.


Was fun for many skillers as well who found it to be more enjoyable avoiding danger from other players while training their skills (would also have greater risk=greater reward because most locations would be empty compared to non-PvP)



Apologies if there's already another topic. I searched but didn't find anything related in a formal suggestion.


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Two words: Yes please.


PvP worlds were an excellent installment and I would love to see them back again. One thing I would want removed though is automatic skulling, creates too much unnecessary danger. They should make high-risk PvP worlds for that.




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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Agreed 100%, when my bro told me they were bringing back free trade I was so excited to start PKing on the worlds. Then I read the would remove them?? Why?


I personally think they should have 1 world with perhaps a 1.5exp increase in certain areas, obviously not the really out of way ones. Perhaps 1.1 exp boost?? Would make it hella fun!

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I think you make a good, better reasoned case for PVP worlds than most I've seen of late. Most people just berate the PVP Wildy, which 91% of people voted For, without considering the possibility of PVP Wildy and, as you say, a few PVP worlds, co-existing. I think that, if there arises the need, Jagex should certainly consider it sometime in the future.

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