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Number of Bot Guesstimate


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Here is my attempt to unscientifically estimate the number of bots playing rs at this time.


I regularly log on around 9:00 est (US) and always take note of the number of players out of curiosity. Since the free trade update, the totals seem to run pretty consistantly in the 120k to 130k range, weekends excluded. There obviously are more players on the weekend so I don't count them. Yesterday as we well know there was the server crash, which essentially logged out all players for an extended period. When I logged back on late yesterday, there were only about 60k users. Allowing time for those to come back to their respective workstations, I discounted that figure.


This morning at log in there was around 80k online. So by my excellent math skills, I infer that there may be in the vicinity of 40k or so bots playing rs at any one time! I did notice that there were far fewer yew cutters at Seers, and the unicorn bot was not there. It will take some time for the members to restart their bot programs, just thought this may be an interesting guess at their numbers. Any thoughts?

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40k botters on at a time still seems pretty incredible to me. I say 20k bots is more accurate.


I doubt the total number of bots break the 120k figure either.


There are bots, yes, but not THAT many.




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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Never hop onto f2p so I can't address that. Ran by flax field for daily ration, NO bots there. Quick run past Seers yew's NO bots there.


So how did I take advantage of this?


Geared up for green drags in lvl 18 wildy, woot, empty. Killed 160 of them in 1 hour banking all hides and bones. Quick 1+ mill.

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Well, from Jagex's mouth alone - in the past month, they've managed to "gather", whatever that means, 16,453 bots names.

Given Jagex's infamously bad catch rate, esp. on more sophisticated bots, you can guess how many bots are out there - 120K total is not overestimating it at all, in fact, it lowballs it.

Of their 16K bot catches, I wonder how many alone just came from Aubury, a place where we have long complained and it would appear it take something very simple to at least slow the bot army. But why aren't they doing sometihng to sorc garden or mining guild? Change the code for the door/ladder and you can catch just about that many. If only ess bots were the only bots in RS! - when're they gonna start doing something and cleaning it all up? It's their negligence and cover-up of the problem that made the infestation SO BAD - to everything you possibly do on RS.

I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating - Sophocles


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