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i've haven't been playing runescape in a while but now i started playing again




imy games seem to lag when i'm walking and running. its like you walk 2 squares then stop and start that again. is it lag or is this a weird update. i can post an avi file of my walking if you like

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meh, if u look at the number of people playing when its the highest, theres like 1500 people on EACH world, including members worlds. Jagex is running out of servers lol








Yeah, they should change one of every locations f2p server to p2p one since members actually pay for the service.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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i've haven't been playing runescape in a while but now i started playing again




imy games seem to lag when i'm walking and running. its like you walk 2 squares then stop and start that again. is it lag or is this a weird update. i can post an avi file of my walking if you like








well when i formated my computer and installed sun java.. then i tryed play "WDF?!?" what a lag... if i run its just 2 squares LAG 2 squares LAG etc.. and when fighting some npc its going like 2x faster than normal :D








but when open winamp or something else (music or video program) and put play.. it wont lag then.. so i need listen music all time im playing or it lags :(

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i've haven't been playing runescape in a while but now i started playing again




imy games seem to lag when i'm walking and running. its like you walk 2 squares then stop and start that again. is it lag or is this a weird update. i can post an avi file of my walking if you like








well when i formated my computer and installed sun java.. then i tryed play "*?!?" what a lag... if i run its just 2 squares LAG 2 squares LAG etc.. and when fighting some npc its going like 2x faster than normal :D








but when open winamp or something else (music or video program) and put play.. it wont lag then.. so i need listen music all time im playing or it lags :(








Since i know you're finnish have u noticed any differences on which server you use?








I've seen that the american servers run the best for me, holland... terrible, i lag out before i can even click the "wellcome screen". St. Louis or philly are the best for me.








Funny that you lag less when you have winamp on... oh and i just formatted and installed sun jave JRE and i don't lag much with it, not even with running.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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i find that i respond slowly, yet after i get walking i walk faster then normal, that is when i have yahoo messenger not running on my computer at all








but when its loaded and im signed in/out it works fine, like yahoo messenger creates lag that stabilizes the client

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